Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 186 Finally able to sleep well

Speaking of this, Sherlock's frown suddenly became clear.

He looked at the woman in front of him in surprise, and then realized that he had been surprised by her too many times that night.

"Dr. Franklin, were you the one who provided the initial funding for the trial?"

"Of course, I spent money to build his entire laboratory." Irene said with a smile: "Since you have invested, there must be some return. If Mr. Franklin can really sit on that chair this time, then I will It’s not too much of a loss.”

Sherlock felt that his concept of money still needed to be deepened.

Becoming the emperor of the empire, in Eileen's words, is just 'not too compensating'. So how much did she invest in the other party?

Fortunately, Irene did not continue to refresh Sherlock's understanding of money with those terrifying figures, but finally showed some worries:

"But now that I'm here, there's not much I can do to help. I've actually been searching for the old professor's death, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to find the name [Duncan].

However, until now, I haven't made any new progress. "

Sherlock nodded, and at the same time couldn't help but sigh. If even Irene couldn't find more clues, it meant that Experimenter No. 37 was deliberately hidden, and it was very deep. .In this era where information is only saved in writing and audio transmission is only through phonographs, if someone really wants to bury a past through professional means, it will only take a year. What he hides may very well be In a true sense, he will never see the light of day again.

Sherlock and Irene obviously understood this, so they were silent for a while in the small villa.



A phone rang, and Erin looked at the phone hanging on the wall in confusion, then stood up and walked over, putting the receiver in front of her ear: "."

She didn't make a sound, just listened quietly, not knowing what was said on the other side of the phone. Her beautiful lips pursed slightly, and her expression seemed to show some heaviness. After a few seconds, She hung up the phone again without saying a word.

Then, he looked at Sherlock who was slightly drunk:

"There is finally some news from Vice President Holk. Speaking of which, the old guy is not too stupid after all. One piece of bad news and one piece of worse news. Which one do you want to hear first?"

"It's bad."

"The group of people who are chasing you today should have been regarded as cannon fodder by him a long time ago. Anyway, from the beginning, he did not expect those people to come back. So not long after the group of guys set off, the administrative state The Supreme Court received an anonymous call saying that an extremely vicious murder would occur near the No. 11 Academy of Sciences Bridge today."

Sherlock nodded, and didn't seem to have much reaction. There are generally two ways to use cannon fodder. First, let them fight for their lives; second, let them fight for their own lives, and then use these in turn. One threatens the other with one's own death.

This measurement used by London's underground gangs was very shameless, but it was easy to use. Sherlock was not surprised by this.

"What's worse?"

"Deputy Dean Holk doesn't know what method he used. He has convinced 11 newspapers except the Holy Journal. He wants to bypass the immediate family members of the deceased and directly force the death of the old dean to the public.

If I guess correctly, a large number of journalists will soon be invited to the Academy of Life Sciences.

This old guy seemed to be suddenly anxious. Such a reckless declaration of death would not be officially recognized, but it would be difficult to take it back after the public opinion was spilled.

By then, if there is still no way to prove that the old dean died of murder.

That's everything we just said.

It's probably impossible to get it back. "

Hearing this, Sherlock finally showed a hint of caution on his face. He thought for a while and asked lightly:

"How long do I have?"

Erin looked at the clock on the wall: "If I'm not wrong, there are still five hours at most."

The empire is very strict about the death determination of the upper class of society.

Because it involves the distribution of various inheritances, the inheritance of noble status, and even the continuation of certain glory in the Holy See, etc.

In short, it is impossible for an outsider to shout about someone's death, then everyone really thinks that this person is dead, so Holk's behavior is very unruly.

It stands to reason that it is impossible for any newspaper to really comply with his request and publish the news of the old dean's death. There must be a pair of big hands behind this situation that is adding fuel to the flames.

In short, the collective reports of 11 publications will definitely cause an uproar on that day. The people of the empire are blind. They can't even take care of their own one-third of an acre of land all day long. How can they find the time to dig out the connections between these words? Conspiracy and calculation.

So whatever you write is what you write.

On the top floor of the main experimental area of ​​the School of Life Sciences, Vice President Holk put down his tea cup with satisfaction.

Looking at the factory area below and the intertwined shining street lights, he finally let out a calm smile.

Tomorrow morning, a large number of reporters will pour in. At that time, as long as I announce this information, under the overwhelming public opinion, the living will be said to be dead, and the dead will be forever. It is impossible to turn over.

It was a certainty that Darwin died as a result of a failed experiment.

Vice President Holker is very confident in this!

Because a few years ago, he personally invited a young man named [Duncan] into his operating room.

Only three people knew about this matter from beginning to end.

One is himself, the other is Duncan himself, and the last one is his assistant who has been with him for 20 years!

And when he thought of the beautiful assistant who was not yet 40 years old, his heart became slightly gloomy.

I have to say that she is a good girl who has been by her side since graduation. Her extreme admiration for science also made her naturally obsessed with herself.

Even, regardless of the age gap, she was ready to marry herself resolutely. No, she didn't even need to get married, she just wanted to stay by her side.

However, he had to kill her in the end.

As I said just now, only three people know about Duncan.

Of course, Duncan will never speak, so as long as she dies, this matter will be buried forever.

What's that girl's name?

Well, the busyness of the past few years has made him forget the name that he has called for 20 years, but it is not important. Think about how many people are unknown in this world, and how many people die every minute and every second. Therefore, a young life His death will promote the changes in the empire in a few years, so this person's death will have value.

Thinking of this, the smile on Deputy Dean Holk's face reappeared again. He turned around and turned off the light in the office, and then walked out.

No one can find Duncan, then no one can find the method and evidence of how he killed the old dean.

It will be bright in a few hours and everything will be over, so take advantage of this time to take a short rest.

How many days has it been?

Finally, I can sleep well.

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