Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 188 I want to see it myself

Sherlock was still in that golden, white light.

But this is what he sees, and in the eyes of others, he is just standing in a daze. The landslides and tsunamis in his mind, as well as the soft conversations towards the beam of light, all exist only in himself. mind.

He was surprised and novel. It seemed that after being promoted to the second stage, the ability brought to him by the contact with the twisted sun in the sky had not yet been fully demonstrated.

However, he didn't have time to think about much else now.

"Duncan. Do you know Duncan?" he asked.

In fact, this question sounds a bit ridiculous. To an inexplicable voice in your head, you say a name that you don't even know whose name it is, and then you want to get an old memory that has been erased long ago.

This looks like the self-deception of a delusional person.

However, Sherlock asked anyway.

And, his mind palace also responded.

"I know." And then: "You want to see him?"


"He is 7.41 kilometers away from you. Do you need me to show you the way?"

The soft voice spoke unhurriedly, causing Sherlock's mind to start buzzing.

7.41 kilometers

With his memory, he had already drawn the map of the Academy of Life Sciences in his mind, so he could quickly guess where the location was.

At the same time, an idea that made him tense his muscles also received some kind of crazy verification.

However, this was not enough. Sherlock's mind immediately flashed back to the test schedule that Hopkins had given to the detectives at the gathering, which was written more than two years ago.

"I want to know where Duncan was on November 24th two years ago? And what happened to him after that?"

"Of course, do you want me to retell it to you, or do you want to see it yourself?"

Go and see for yourself? ? ?

Sherlock didn't understand what this sentence meant at the first time, so curiosity drove him: "I want to see it myself."

The next second.

"As you wish."

Before he finished speaking, Sherlock felt like he had been blasted, as if he had fallen tens of millions of kilometers in an instant. This feeling was exactly the same as when he was pulled into the universe by the twisted sun. When he came to his senses, Catherine was in front of him. Gone are the surrounding yards, lawns, and the servants who built the flowerbeds, all gone.

He was already in a corridor.

And less than three meters away from where he was, there was a closed door.

Sherlock looked around, and then saw a clock hanging on the wall. The time displayed on it was two o'clock. Looking at the night outside the window, it should be early morning.

So he walked towards the door, stretched out his hand, and tried to push it open.

Then he was surprised to find that he couldn't reach out his hand at all, and he even had no body.

He became a perspective again, just like when he was just promoted to the second stage.

Sherlock didn't know what this state meant, but he recalled that at that time, like a drop of rain, he fell to the roof of the hospital, passed through the gap between the ceiling and the ground of several floors, and saw the maid Mo Mo who was undergoing rescue. orchid.

So what about now.

Sherlock took a few steps forward, or rather floated a distance.

Then, his sight passed through the closed door without any obstruction. At the same time, he also saw the scene behind the door.

This is an operating room. Twelve high-exposure gas lamps above the head are intertwined with each other. The strong light engulfs the shadows below. Sherlock has no body, but he can see and naturally smell. He can clearly smell the air around him. He could also hear the smell of disinfectant that filled the air.

"Teacher's lobotomy operation has been completed."

This was a woman's voice. She sounded young. Looking along the voice, she could see a woman wearing surgical clothes and a mask standing next to the operating table. It could be seen from the leaking eyes and skin. , not pretty, but definitely not ugly, but the long iron drill in her hand made her look a little scary, and there was some sticky brain tissue on the iron drill.

Lobotomy is a very simple operation, but it is a common clinical method for treating schizophrenia, depression and some anxiety disorders. The specific operation is to take a large iron drill and insert it into the patient's eye socket. He kept going deep into his mind, and then mixed it all up, completely destroying the patient's prefrontal lobe.

In this way, the patient's mental illness was cured. Not only was he no longer manic and crazy, he was even as well-behaved as a doll. He would never do anything else except eat and sleep.

"Very good, the next step is the key. Remember to avoid the main blood vessels." Another voice came.

Immediately, a man also wearing surgical clothes walked out from behind one wall. Even with a mask and hat on, he could still identify him as Vice President Holk.

The woman looked at the vice president with unabashed admiration in her eyes, but she restrained herself in an instant and seriously picked up a medical record: "Experimenter, Duncan Tim Burton, 25 years old, in good health and in good spirits. He is in good condition and has no history of disease. According to preliminary assessment, he can continue to undergo limb removal surgery and skin peeling surgery after suffering damage to the prefrontal lobe of the brain."

Some cruel words were gently spat out from the woman's mouth, and a young man was lying on the operating table in front of him.

He was naked at this time, and the restraint belts could be seen on his hands and feet, which tightly trapped him on the operating table. His head was fixed by a steel plate. On the left eye socket, there was a small hole with a diameter of less than half a centimeter. There was blood flowing out from the edge of the hole.

The young man was twitching, his eyes were whitening upward, and he looked like he was in pain, but he didn't make a single sound.

"I'm responsible for the upper limbs, and you're responsible for the lower limbs. Do it at the same time. Pay attention to stopping the bleeding!" Vice President Holk said, and then took out an oxygen mask and put it on Duncan's face.

Then, he took out two more saws.

He took one in his hand and handed the other to the female assistant on the other side.

It can be seen that there is a trace of unbearability in the eyes of the female assistant, but her admiration for Vice Dean Holker made her ignore the kindness in her heart. She is probably telling herself that everything she does at this time is... It's for science.

So, she placed the saw in her hand at the junction of Duncan's femur.


Waves of teeth-searing sounds began to echo in the operating room, along with the sound of blood spurting out. In order to avoid excessive bleeding, some wounds that could not be stopped with medicine simply used hot metal pipes. The surrounding flesh and blood were roasted to a crisp.

Although rough, this kind of surgery is considered to be the most advanced in the entire empire.

Sherlock just watched from the side, taking in the extremely rigorous and extremely bloody scene. At the same time, he watched Duncan stare at bloodshot eyes during the entire process, and his mouth was already open to the limit. The corners of his lips were torn, but he couldn't make any sound.

His throat and glottis should have been treated, and the reason why he was not injected with anesthetic drugs was probably to observe his reaction. After all, this level of surgery can easily lead to death.

In this way, this pain lasted for a long time.

I have to admit that Vice President Holk can become the second person in power in the Life Science Park. In fact, he has talent and strength that ordinary people dare not match. Such an operation usually requires at least an entire medical team. Attempt, and he, with only one assistant, accomplished it.

Moreover, Duncan also survived tenaciously, although he may not have wanted to do this.

Because immediately after

"The experimenter's stimulant injection has been completed and he is preparing to perform skin tissue and partial muscle stripping surgery."

The female assistant's cold voice came again.

No one knows whether Duncan, who had his frontal lobe cut off, can understand this sentence, let alone what kind of despair and pain he will experience in his heart after hearing this sentence, but he can do nothing now .

Vice Dean Holk didn't even look at him.

He just turned around and walked to the other side of the operating room. Then, he took out a small demon.

This demon may be sleeping deeply under the influence of demon sedatives. It has a furry body, not too long limbs, and the overall length looks only about half a meter.

In fact, to be honest, this is not so much a devil as it is a cute little domestic pet.

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