Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 189 The court will begin immediately!

No one can stop the passage of time, and no one can stop the sun from rising. When the sun gradually covers the earth, carriages appear one after another on the long street in the early morning, and at the same time bursts of steam are heard in the distance. The roar of the locomotive.

These people came from all over the empire. They arrived here overnight on the fastest means of transportation they could think of. They were enemies. So when some carriages crossed each other, the news crew in the car window saw each other. , with bright and friendly smiles on their faces, but they were cursing in their hearts, wishing that all the carriages around them would fall over together and crush the thighs of all the annoying guys except themselves.

At 9:30 in the morning, the auditorium on the first floor of the administrative building of the School of Life Sciences was already packed. For these newspaper reporters, first-hand reports are their own lives, and [the death of Professor Charles Darwin] is so important. Sex is as close to the ancestral graves of eighteen generations of his ancestors as possible.

This group of people didn't know why such important information was released by the vice president of the School of Life Sciences. This was obviously a bit unreasonable.

But since the editors-in-chief of newspapers and the leaders of major news industries have nodded in acquiescence, then naturally these reporters are like mice seeing carrion and ants smelling honey. Even if they are having a rough time with their wives on their honeymoon, they will immediately pull up their pants. Got on the train heading here.

Time passed by, and the venue was as quiet as before the war. Finally, an old man with a straight back stepped onto the high platform in front of the venue.

And when he sat down behind the table, there was also the sound of some nervous chairs moving.

"Hello everyone, I am the current deputy dean of the School of Life Sciences, Joseph Holker. I have called you here to announce the death of the old dean, Professor Darwin."

There was no preamble. The vice-dean followed the extremely concise style of conduct of scientific researchers. He went straight to the topic without even naming the old dean.

The rustling sound of the pen tip scratching the page in the audience gathered together and was louder than expected. It may be because except for the old man on the stage, no one dared to make any unnecessary noise for fear of disturbing the other party's conversation. Rhythm.

“The cause of his death is something that no one in the scientific research community wants to see, but it is an indisputable fact.

To put it simply, Professor Darwin has been concentrating on the research of an emerging technology for the past 30 years. This technology has not yet been named. Professor Darwin seems to want to change the contractual relationship between humans and demons through this experiment.

This was a good theoretical direction, but unfortunately, he failed in the end, and he himself died due to the failure of the experiment."

Finally, some originally suppressed but somewhat irrepressible exclamations rang out from the crowd.

The old dean died in the end due to the failure of his own experiment! ! !

Although the specific details are not yet known, writing such a headline is enough to sell the day's newspaper to the extent of printing three or even four pages in a row.

However, no one thought that this explosive news was actually just a small opening to today's press conference.

Because immediately after

"Bang~bang bang bang~"

Just outside the venue, there were strange muffled sounds, as if someone was banging their head against the wall.

A few seconds later, with a creak, the door of the conference room was slowly pushed open, and then a man wearing a thick windbreaker walked in. This man's face was too three-dimensional, so he didn't look that pleasing. , with a cigarette in his mouth, which made the non-smokers frown, seeming to be even more annoyed, and most importantly, this person was also holding the collar of a security guard. The security guard had obviously passed out. Anyway, Just dragging and dragging, he walked towards the front desk of the venue.

A trace of anger flashed across Vice Dean Holk's eyes, but the detective's arrival was already expected, so he didn't panic at all. He knew that the detective had a certain level of force and those security personnel should not be able to stop him. But so what, the empire has never been a place that relies on force to speak. Except for the old man who has long since retired from glory and is living in old age, there has never been a person in history who can control the right to speak by relying on force.

Moreover, with so many reporters watching, his behavior of forcing his way into the venue would only make it appear that he was at his wits' end, like a joke waiting to be embarrassing.

"This is the press conference venue. Please get out." The vice-president said in an extremely calm and cold voice, as if he was too lazy to explain to the reporters who this guy was.

That's right. During this period, the detective in front of him did do some disturbing things. This made Vice Dean Holk almost forget that he never regarded this private detective as an opponent in the beginning. treat.

"Oh?" Sherlock's tone seemed to be asking back: "Do you really want me to go out?"

"I repeat, this is a press conference venue. Your behavior now is very bad. I hope you can do it before the military police arrive."

"Okay~" Sherlock spread his hands helplessly, causing the back of the security guard's head he was carrying to hit the ground with a bang: "I just think that the old Dean Darwin died of murder. It shouldn't be covered up like this, but it's ridiculous for you, as the main messenger, to openly hold a press conference here.

However, I have always been a stickler for rules and know the principle of first come, first served, so I will tell you your story first, and I will wait for you to finish and then state the truth. "

After saying that, Sherlock felt quite embarrassed, cast an apologetic look at the people around him, and then turned around to leave.

It was quiet all around.

Vice President Holk seemed to be stunned by the other party's words, and the reporters present seemed to be confused. They opened their mouths slightly, and their minds echoed with the words of the man who suddenly broke in. For a moment, There was no reaction between them.

It wasn't until Sherlock was about to walk to the door of the venue that a reporter suddenly came to his senses. He stood up as if out of consciousness: "This gentleman, did you just say murder?"

"Oh, yes." Sherlock turned back calmly: "The dean died of murder."

The very next moment this sentence was spoken!

With a bang, everyone in the venue suddenly stood up, and then like a group of wild wolves that had been hungry for seven or eight days, they howled and rushed towards Sherlock, some even trying to get a little ahead. He actually grabbed the neck of his colleague in front of him, knocked him down with a chokehold, stepped on his back and pushed forward.

Even Sherlock couldn't help but be startled by this posture, and sighed: The professionalism of these reporters is a bit too much.

At this moment, Deputy Dean Holk's face on the stage showed a wave of irritability. It's not that he was afraid of the so-called truth in Sherlock's mouth. He was very confident in his own methods. The insiders are all dead, who can find out the truth?

He just felt that as long as the death of the old dean was announced at this time, his control of the School of Life Sciences would be a certainty. But at this time, a bastard came to mess with him.

So, he slammed the table several times angrily, and shouted loudly like he usually did during meetings with subordinates of the Academy of Sciences: "Quiet! That's just a liar!"

Of course, in this atmosphere, he also knew that no one would listen to him.

After several angry shouts to no avail, the vice president immediately ordered the staff on the side to contact the guards of the Academy of Sciences. And this move made everything that followed fall into an even more chaotic situation.

The guards and gendarmes arrived soon, and they were ready to chase away the crowd and take Sherlock away.

But who could have imagined that at this time, the group of reporters suddenly showed an incredible unity, surrounded Sherlock, and began to push and yell at each other with the guards, with a look of 'If you dare Take this person away, and I will risk my life with you.

This is difficult to do.

Although the empire is still in a centralized environment, and the media may be given a bias, a vice president of the Academy of Life Sciences certainly does not have the ability to control public opinion. Therefore, no one dares to have problems with so many reporters. Conflict, and if the bastard detective is forcibly captured, all these actions will have a sense of concealment.

For a moment, these security personnel were also confused.

We can't really use electric batons to beat down all the people in the newspaper office.

Fortunately, after half an hour, the chaos finally stopped.

But the nature of this conference seemed to have changed.

Another chair was added to the high platform of the venue, and the detective who suddenly broke in was sitting on the chair, about two meters away from Deputy Dean Holk, looking at each other face to face. A group of reporters from various newspapers and magazines were all present. He stared, holding the pen tip tightly against the notebook, ready to go, as if he was afraid of missing a word.

"I'm so sorry. It's probably the last thing you want to see happen." Sherlock crossed his legs and said with a smile.

Vice President Holk's face was gloomy, but there was only anger and no trace of panic: "If I were you, I would immediately apologize to everyone and then go to the Legal Department to surrender. Otherwise, what you have done today will This behavior will become the most ridiculous farce in the history of the Academy of Life Sciences."

"Really? I don't think so." Sherlock said as if nothing was wrong: "You are the highest-level murderer I have caught in my career. To tell you the truth, I am quite excited right now."

The two of them just said a few words to each other.

However, the reporters below were already buzzing with the atmosphere of this explosive news, and finally one person stood up impatiently:

"Excuse me, could you introduce yourself?"

"Of course, this is Sherlock Holmes, a private detective from London."

Swish, swish, swish, some sounds of writing furiously, mixed with some whispers.

Wait, this guy is a private detective?

These whispers are understandable, because in the general concept, the profession of [private detective] has never been officially recognized as law enforcement personnel. These people have no business license and no industry rules. They can take any job, and even never To a certain extent, private investigators are paid to do things for people.

Therefore, some people can't help but have some doubts in their hearts - can what the person in front of them say can be regarded as fact?

Well, actually, regardless of whether what the detective said is true or not, the photo of him and the deputy dean of the School of Life Sciences sitting and looking at each other was enough to make the headlines of the newspaper.

"Huh, private detective?" Vice President Holker shook his head coldly: "I really don't know where you came from. You don't even have the position of a police officer. What reference does your words have? Is it possible that a random person on the street gets crazy and shouts that the sun will set tomorrow, and a group of reporters will immediately surround him, hoping that his speech will make the headlines tomorrow?"

What he said was not only talking about Sherlock in front of him, but also expressing his dissatisfaction with the reporters in the audience. He didn't even understand the identity of the other party, so he pounced on them like crazy. Do you want to make headlines? Are you crazy?

Not to mention, the deputy dean is really right, these people are just crazy about headlines!

The vice dean of the School of Life Sciences murdered the old dean

This kind of news is enough to turn any journalist into a madman instantly!

But then again, it would be better if this guy wasn't a private eye.

Just when I thought of this, I heard a "squeak".

The door to the venue was pushed open again.

As the door was pushed open, a group of people walked in.

The leader was a woman, wearing an ordinary dress, but she walked quickly, with a cold chill between her brows and eyes. From the moment she came in, her eyes never left Vice President Holk on the stage.

"Mr. Holmes is indeed just a private detective, but he is a professional case consultant hired by me to investigate the cause of Professor Darwin's death. I recognize all the conclusions he said. From now on, what he says is equivalent to what I say."

The woman walked and talked until she reached the seat closest to the high platform, and then looked at a reporter on the seat.

The reporter felt uncomfortable being stared at: "Excuse me, who are you?"

"Catherine Charles Darwin, the daughter of the Dean of the Academy of Life Sciences, is the only living relative of the deceased; from a legal perspective, the news of the deceased's death should be released by me to have a social effect, but Mr. Holker does not seem to know This, his death announcement meeting today, was not notified to me at all.”

The reporter had been covering news for more than ten years. When he heard this, the hair on his body stood up. He captured the meaning of the other party's words extremely keenly, and at the same time, he also imagined several versions of the annual drama! He didn't dare to hesitate at all, and quickly stood up and gave his seat to the woman in front of him.

Catherine sat dignifiedly on the chair, and then continued: "Actually, my father died three months ago, but I have never announced the death. The reason is just as the detective I hired, Mr. Holmes, said, Because my father was murdered!

In fact, I want to wait until everything is settled and the murderer is brought to justice before announcing this information. But since everyone is here, let me take this opportunity to announce something today.

Now, as the daughter of Professor Charles Darwin, Dean of the School of Life Sciences, I want to formally accuse Joseph Holker of murdering my father.

As it happened, Mr. Holker was also present.

Then there's no need to bother with being summoned by the court.


Regarding the murder case of Professor Darwin, the trial will begin immediately! "

A thunderous thunder fell from the sky!

There were more than one gasping hiss in the entire venue, and several pens fell to the ground one after another, making crackling sounds.

No one expected this sudden development. Didn't they say just now that Professor Darwin died from the failure of his experiment?

Why did it suddenly turn into murder?

Isn't the announcer the vice president? Why did he suddenly become a murderer?

To be honest, this series of changes has caused some people to lose track of their thinking.

At the same time, no one understood what Miss Catherine meant by 'opening a court'.

Under imperial law, if a person is really to be prosecuted or tried, many people have to go through many steps.

For example, whether the prosecution is recognized, whether the prosecutor has corresponding rights, a judge, a notary, a recorder of information in the court, etc., etc., and even the investigator of the case needs to have a certain legal status. Maybe a random person goes outside the court and yells that someone has killed someone, and the police will rush over and arrest that person regardless.

In short, it is impossible for this woman to just casually shout that the court will begin and then have the court begin.

But as the daughter of the president of the Academy of Sciences, and she has been investigating the cause of her father's death for three months, would she not even know this basic knowledge?

Some people looked towards Catherine.

Then, she saw the few people who walked into the venue with her.

There are five in total, all standing around him at this time

A knowledgeable reporter saw a handsome man in his thirties among those people, wearing a robe with an obvious Vatican style.

He seemed to suddenly think of something, and couldn't help but open his mouth slightly.

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