Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 198 Death is the obligation of every human being

life extension experiment

What is the purpose of this experiment? As soon as you hear it, you will know that it can make a person live a few more years.

It might be 10 years, it might be 20 years. Anyway, compared with [Wild Demon Control], it doesn’t seem that attractive.

Because if humans can really control wild demons, there is hope that the gate to hell can be closed. The biggest and most urgent goal of mankind today is this.

However, this experiment became a little scary because of the existence of Emperor Augustine.

Who knows where the limits of this experiment are?

No one dares to predict what direction human technological development will take. If the life extension experiment is improved for several decades, people may be able to live to 150 years old, or even 200 years old.

And in such a long time, technology will definitely have some unimaginable breakthroughs. Turbine prosthetics are already available now. What if a few decades later, a machine that can replace internal organs is really developed?

What if living organs could be transplanted into an aging body?

Or even directly transfer a person's brain into a young and healthy body?

Will anyone really get eternal life?

And if a being who stands at the top of human power, a terrifying emperor who has controlled the empire for sixty years, has the bargaining chip of immortality in his hand, what will happen?

No one dares to think about it, because at that time, whatever the eternal emperor wants to happen, the world will happen. Whether the gate of hell is closed or not is no longer important by then, and even the devil will become a constraint in his hands. With the power of other forces, he will slowly control all areas in this world. Time will make him the master of everything, and he will become a true god.

These things sound like the plot of a myth and legend, but if the [Life Extension Experiment] is really successful, then everything in the appeal may really happen.

Even after Augustine the Great regained his seat as emperor, it was almost certain to happen.

"Death is a duty that humans must fulfill. Professor Darwin must have realized this a long time ago, so he gave up the life extension experiment and devoted all his energy to [Wild Demon Control], and we cannot let Augustine do that. The old guy succeeded, let alone restart the life extension experiment," Moriarty said.

at this time

"Sorry, I need to interrupt you." Watson put down the newspaper in his hand: "I came relatively late, and I don't know much about the wild demon control experiment. As far as I know, the experiment has been successful, and the experimental equipment It itself was not damaged, it was just left there. Why are you so afraid of Emperor Augustine’s public opinion offensive?

If he dares to say that it is false, just prove it to be true. "

Hearing Watson's question, Moriarty was silent for a moment, and then replied: "Theoretically, this is possible, but the problem is... we have no way to prove it yet."


"Because there is not enough time." Eileen continued: "If you want to control a wild demon, you need to get a human's brainwaves close to the demon's brainwaves."

"Brain waves?"

"It's [Soul Line]. I privately gave it a name that's easier to understand." Eileen explained: "And this process requires a long period of training. Dean Darwin is the founder of this theory. He He also possesses extremely strong brain power and contract talent. Even so, it took him about two years before he finally dared to show his achievements to the world.

And now there are only two months until the empire's inheritance ceremony.

Where can we find a person with extremely strong brain power, sufficient mental strength, and excellent contracting ability who can show the results of this experiment within two months? "

Erin said, and when she said the last paragraph, she intentionally or unintentionally emphasized the syllables.

Therefore, the three people in the room looked at Sherlock in unison.

"." Sherlock looked at the three guys who were staring directly at him: "Well, I'm going to take the liberty to ask, could the person you are talking about be me?"

"Although I don't want to admit it, you should be the most suitable candidate I can imagine." Moriarty raised his head slightly, seeming to be a little unwilling to admit defeat. He probably wanted to express, 'If I weren't incapable of contracting , I have already done it myself. ’

Sherlock hesitated for a moment: "Well, it seems that I am indeed the most suitable candidate. But actually I am not that sure. What Professor Darwin took two years to complete, I took two months to complete." .It should be a little difficult.”

"It's really rare to hear you say the word 'difficult'." Moriarty said lightly.

In fact, he knew clearly that most people's evaluation of this matter should be 'absolutely impossible', but when it came to Sherlock's words, it turned out to be just 'difficult'.

It's really hard to imagine what a terrifying opponent this guy would be if he became his enemy in the future.

"But again, you are the most suitable candidate. If even you can't do it, then maybe this is the fate of the whole world." Moriarty, who never believed in fate, finally said this In one sentence, it can be seen that in his heart, Emperor Augustine was an unshakable existence.

"And it's not just for Professor Darwin's efforts, or Dr. Franklin's translocation, or the future of the entire human race." Irene looked at Sherlock and said softly: "Actually, it's just because of the airship in London. The souls of the fallen incident, we should also try our best.

After all, the murderer will always be punished, whether it is by law or something else. It would be ridiculous if a murderer sat in a high position and was respected by all people. "

"Every high-ranking person has to have some blood on his hands. Isn't this common sense?" Sherlock smiled, and even glanced at Moriarty without any scruples.

"Of course." Irene nodded and admitted: "But this case involves you. Great detective, Mr. Holmes, you can really watch the mastermind of the case you handled, spend the rest of his life with no end in sight. , enjoying the worship of all citizens of the empire? Can you feel at ease?"

Sherlock turned to look at Irene: "Is this what you know about me?"

"I'm so sorry, my dear, but I just can't get enough of you." When she said this, Irene's eyes slowly moved across Sherlock's face, as if she was afraid of missing him even a little bit. expression.

"Okay." Sherlock showed no expression. He just nodded naturally: "This old guy really doesn't look pleasing to the eye."

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