Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 199 Just adapt to it and it will be fine

Shylock's opinion of the emperor was not favorable

Emperor Augustine is undoubtedly one of the greatest emperors in the entire sacred calendar, and even in the entire human history. During his more than 60 years of reign, he rarely received this evaluation.

And to be honest, it really doesn't matter whether a detective likes or dislikes an emperor.

But just such a comment inexplicably made several people present feel a little more at ease.

The airship gradually took off, flying through the thin clouds towards London.

Sherlock had never been on an airship. Looking at the wisps of clouds outside the window and the tiny mountains and rivers on the ground, his curiosity was satisfied to a certain extent, and at the same time he truly felt that the world was really big.

So it would be too boring if such a big world was always held in the hands of the same person.

If you want to bring down Emperor Augustine, the simplest and most direct way is to prevent him from succeeding to the position of emperor. And if you want to remove him, the most direct way is to prove to the world that Professor Darwin's experiment is real and feasible. But it is not a simple matter to prove that the experiment is real and feasible.

This not only requires a brain genius like Sherlock, who can sit on the machine and prove that he can form a contract with a wild demon, and that's it; it also requires the expertise of countless demonology scholars. Support requires the joint efforts of countless scientific researchers and the back support of countless academic resources. It requires space, a team, and money.

There are too many things needed, because this is a completely new road, it can even be said to be a revolution. Although Professor Darwin has laid the initial stage of this road quite perfectly, he has finally left. This world. Everything he left behind needs to be picked up again by someone. The manufacturing of the soul visual device, the theoretical basis, the production process, energy replacement, whether it can be mass-produced, whether the training method can be tolerated by normal people, whether it needs to be improved, the empire How much financial expenditure is needed to carry out this revolution, and how much time will it take to truly transform this technology into war power? Many links need to be re-planned. The retained machine does not represent The end of this experiment is not even a development process, it is just the beginning of everything.

Fortunately, Sherlock doesn't need to think about this. He only needs to show these results to the world. As for other complicated factors, Moriarty has full power. As for the issue of money, Irene said, Just leave it to her.

Yes, Erin said, she was responsible for all the money.

For a moment, Sherlock even felt that he had misheard him saying such words in front of the Holy Son of the Vatican. How much money does this woman Eileen have?

What bothered him even more was that Moriarty, a guy who was too ambitious, didn't even dare to talk back.

Of course, this includes many trade-offs in interests, financial expenditures, the flow of funds from the Holy See, and many other factors, but Sherlock seems to be able to sense that the dignified Holy Son of the Holy See faces Ai on the issue of [money]. Ms. Lin Adler is a little timid.

The driving power of the airship comes from the huge steam turbine behind the air bag, so there is no huge sound or obvious bumps in the cabin. When the clouds and fog outside the airship window begin to thicken, looking down, those giant steam turbines The thick smoke rising from the object shot straight into the sky, and when it hit his face, Sherlock knew that he was back.

London is the birthplace of steam technology, one of the most industrially developed places in the world, one of the places with the most frequent foggy weather, and one of the places with the highest incidence of tuberculosis.

The airship slowly landed at a lift area under the jurisdiction of the Holy See. Sherlock and Watson got off the airship. When the staff around them saw His Royal Highness the Son coming to the cockpit door, they all knelt down and paid him the most pious prayers. etiquette.

Immediately afterwards, the airship took off again

The inheritance ceremony is coming soon, and Moriarty is so busy that it is difficult for a commoner in the lower city to imagine, but there is no need to imagine. The greater the power, the greater the responsibility, of course he will be busier, although most people in high positions will be busier. Everyone ignores this truth, but Moriarty is the more conscientious one.

A carriage had been waiting at the exit for a long time. Sherlock and Watson got on the carriage and gradually disappeared into the mist amid the respectful and frightened eyes behind them.

In fact, these staff members were all surprised. What kind of person could let His Royal Highness see him off in an airship in person? However, looking at the extremely handsome and elegant man, they must have been from a certain noble family. The young master, or a confidant of a certain archbishop in the Holy See. As for the guy wearing a long windbreaker and not looking very good, he might be the bodyguard of that young master.

Although I don't see how powerful he is, but being able to work beside such a noble person, I think he is quite capable.

The carriage moved forward like this and gradually entered the city of London. Walking on the familiar streets, watching the flying snow passing through the cracks of the alleys, the branches melting with the snow, the distant bells and the light white color of the church roof. , Sherlock seemed to feel that his trip to the Academy of Life Sciences more than a month ago was like a dream.

When it comes to dreams, in fact, after the Academy of Life Sciences and the fields of London bordered each other, the expansion of the Kuroshio was just aimless. But just now on the airship, Sherlock directly let all the tentacles of the Kuroshio move towards the ancient world. Start heading towards the Roman city.

He himself was not sure why he did this. The ancient Roman city of France was far away from London. Even at the current expansion rate of Kuroshio, it might take more than two months to get there.

But with Emperor Augustine there, Shylock naturally felt that it would not be wrong to let his domain surround the administrative center of the empire first.

What if it comes in handy later?

At dusk, in front of a church at the end of a long street, Sherlock and Watson stepped out of the carriage.

This church is not well-known. It was only built for nearby residents to worship, so during this period, basically no one comes to pray.

And here is where Moriarty arranged for Sherlock to meet with the connector.

As I said before, it is not a simple matter to prove the feasibility of the wild demon control experiment. Just analyzing and understanding that incredibly sophisticated machine is already very difficult. The equipment and manpower required There are so many, and Shylock, a civilian, naturally cannot mobilize so many manpower and material resources. It will take a long time to give him a reasonable identity and complex permissions, so at this stage, find him a The quickest way is to have a contact person who already has a certain say in the Holy See.

Walking into the door, several rows of wooden benches are neatly placed on both sides of the hall, and huge mirrors made of stained glass dye the remaining sunlight with different colors. On the bulletin board in front of the picture mirror, there was a copy of the "Gospel of the Holy Light". At this time, a man in a winter coat was kneeling on one knee, with his head slightly lowered, praying devoutly to the gospel.

And when he heard the sound of the church door being pushed open, the man turned his head and stood up slowly at the same time. He looked at the two people who walked in with a smile and said:

"I left early from the School of Life Sciences yesterday afternoon. I took the train for almost a day and a night, but it didn't seem like I arrived much earlier than you."

Sherlock looked at Hopkins and smiled. He couldn't help but feel that Moriarty's operation on certain matters was really reliable. As the presiding judge in the case of the vice president of the Academy of Life Sciences, During his trial, there was a vicious incident of murder in court. This guy was able to walk out of the Academy of Life Sciences without any problems. He was not even temporarily detained or asked to take a transcript. This is really admirable.

"It's quite surprising to say the least. I thought the person contacting me would be a fifty-year-old Pope or something like that, but I didn't expect it to be you."

"I should be the one who is surprised." Hopkins looked at Sherlock and said with a troubled smile: "Originally, I just thought you were a very professional detective, but I didn't expect you to have some relations with the military on the front line. Contact me, and then you tell me that you still know Lord Nightingale, and now... Phew, do you know who gave me the mission to come to London?

The Holy Son of the Holy See personally called the Chief Justice of the Inquisition.

Brother, I admit that my usual humility is all fake. In fact, I am a very conceited person at heart, and I have always thought that I have the qualifications to be conceited.

But now, I even begin to doubt whether I am qualified to hang out with you.

Do you know how big this gap is? "

Sherlock spread his hands helplessly. He would definitely not be humble at this time. It would only make people feel hypocritical:

"The gap is indeed a bit big, but you just have to adapt and get used to it."

This is the truth. Sherlock was really considerate and gave the other party time to adapt, because if he revealed all his messy relationship network, it might be difficult for the other party to adapt.

"Next, where do we start?" He brought the topic back on track.

"I will take you to take over the venue first," Hopkins said. "The personnel needed for the experiment have already been gathered last night. His Royal Highness the Son used some of his reputation to remove a large number of scientific researchers who had mixed with Professor Darwin from life." It was prepared by the Academy of Sciences. Of course, Miss Catherine also played a role in this.

In addition, the Holy See's research department is also working intensively to transport relevant talents to London. Within a week at most, we will have a professional team of more than 800 people.

As for the equipment, it is already on the way to be transported. It is taking the Holy See's special freight route and will arrive the day after tomorrow. "

Sherlock looked at the other party and savored the shocking details contained in these words. How could such a large-scale team be formed in just a few days?

Moriarty's efficiency is really unexpectedly fast.

Immediately afterwards

"Actually, I'm not that worried about the operations here in London. I'm more worried about the School of Life Sciences." Hopkins said with some worry in his tone: "After all, the [Soul Visualization Device] hasn't been shipped here yet. I have never seen that machine, but I imagine it must be very sophisticated, and the transportation process must be extremely careful. The Holy See's transportation team has passed by and should arrive tonight, but I am afraid that it will be in danger."

This kind of worry is very normal. That precision instrument is the core of everything. Although Emperor Augustine seems to have given up destroying that machine and launched a more extensive offensive, if the transportation distance of that thing is known, With time, who knows what that crazy old man can do.

However, Sherlock didn't seem to care about this: "Don't worry, leave the transportation of the machine to me, it will be absolutely safe."

"Huh?" Hopkins was stunned for a moment: "Leave it to you? Do you have your own transportation route?"

"Well, that's right."

The confusion on Hopkins's face deepened, but he was not confused because of Sherlock's words. Instead, he was wondering why he felt more at ease after hearing Sherlock say that he was responsible for transporting the machine?

No matter how fast or concealed a human transportation route is, it cannot be compared to the Holy See!

Could he have a private airship?

Can he build a steam train track himself?

Well, Hopkins also has good reasoning skills. He dared to swear an oath to the "Imperial Code". The private detective in front of him couldn't even afford the meal at the last party. That exchange of clues In the process, he glanced at the menu prices at least 20 times.

However, even so, Hopkins was still relieved.

"Huh, that makes me feel more at ease."

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