Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 200 Different Perspectives

Chapter 200 A different perspective.

I don’t know whether it was fate or the history of mankind. When the evaporated gas drove the wheel to rotate for the first time, London seemed to start flying along the direction of the fog. There was a lot of hope. The tendency to send entire cities into giant furnaces filled with dust.

Anyway, London is like this. The evening wind carries white particles that may be snow or dust, blowing through the wide long streets, through the deep alleys, through the elevated roads and light rails that are as dense as spider webs, and through the sleepy people. The relaxed men and women didn't know where they came out from, they just watched them walk into the vague and absurd night.

Sherlock was sitting on the carriage, which was driving through the snow. The snow irrigated the giant city under the heavy sky. London was shining with dim lights at night. Some people stood under the lights, smoking cigarettes and holding busy books in their hands. One day, before I had time to read the newspaper, I was so shocked by the report that I opened my mouth. I dropped my cigarette on the ground. I quickly picked it up and put it in my mouth again. Little did I know that a carriage passed by and the man in it saw everything. .

Soon, the carriage arrived at the edge of the city, far away from the living area, and street lights became scarce. The huge steam engines and cement buildings in the line of sight were intertwined, standing like demons, giving people real visual pressure. But it can't help but give people a sense of awe.

A few minutes later, the carriage drove into a steel jungle made of steam pipes. After twisting and turning for a long time, a huge building appeared in sight.

"There are a total of 72 factories around London. After screening, this factory is considered suitable. There is a lower space where power supply equipment can be placed. You don't have to worry about the energy problem of the machine. There are dormitories behind the factory area where special supplies can be docked. The transportation channels are enough for the experimenters to stay until two months later, and the most important thing is that it is relatively private."

While listening, Sherlock followed the carriage into the shadow of the factory. The heavy steel gate rose upwards, and the gas lamps on both sides brought about a momentary change of light and darkness, illuminating the road ahead somewhat dazzlingly. Look. Get up, this is the main battlefield between the Holy See and Emperor Augustine in the next two months.

"What, you bought this factory?"

Sitting opposite them was a slightly fat man with an overly tough face, a thick beard, and a slight frown between his brows. His glaring eyes were constantly looking between Sherlock and Hopkins. , quite majestic, but it can be seen from his bloodshot cheeks that this guy just drank a lot of wine.

"Yes, the entire factory has been purchased, the London Municipal Government has approved it, and the money has been paid. The severance package for factory workers is also the highest standard." Hopkins said.

Of course, they cannot directly use their status as the Holy See to take over the factory. At this time, no matter what they do, they should pay attention to some confidentiality.

But this also caused the time to be too hasty. The approval and confidentiality measures of the London Municipal Government took time to operate, and many written documents were not issued. Naturally, such a big event as buying an entire factory cannot be solved with just a phone call. It can be solved.

In short, the person in charge of the factory in front of him looked at the collection note that didn't even have a government seal, with a suspicious look on his face.

"If I'm not mistaken, the written documents will be delivered early tomorrow morning." Sherlock looked at the expression of the person in charge in front of him and said politely: "I know I'm asking you to move out overnight. It's true. It’s a little difficult, but my request is very simple. I just want a factory tonight. It needs to be clean and dust-free, away from drafts, production lines and fire sources. That’s enough.”

In fact, as I said just now, in just a few hours, this factory area can be taken over naturally, but the time limit is so tight. The team escorting the [Soul Detection Device] should already be in place. If not, According to the information, maybe an hour later, the School of Life Sciences would pick up the goods and board the car, so Sherlock wanted to transfer the machine as soon as possible through the distortion of the sun. After all, if the group of escorts were allowed to go out of their own territory, then But it’s hard to do.

However, the person in charge of the factory in front of him is obviously an overly stubborn and tough old-school radical. I don’t know what he has endured in his nearly 50-year career. Anyway, he just refuses to listen to anything he says now. Also, relying on his drunkenness, he looked like he wanted to live and die with this factory.

"Oh, I have been in this factory for decades, and my parents are also employees of the factory. I have never heard of rumors that the factory is being sold out. Now that you young people have come here so openly, you are going to Taken away by the factory?

Nothing will work until the written document comes down. "

He leaned his somewhat fat body on the chair and began to fiddle with the ashtray on the table.

"I said, we just want a factory." Sherlock said again.

"There's no free factory building anymore. Can you guys leave? If you don't leave, I'll call the security guard!"

The person in charge of the factory still had a condescending tone.

Sherlock looked at the other person quietly, then turned to Hopkins next to him and said, "Can't you reveal your identity and let this guy kneel down in front of you, and then be obedient?"

Hopkins was also a little embarrassed: "Sorry, I told you to keep it secret."

In fact, Sherlock knew that confidentiality was a very important part. After all, the factory area would not move. If the location was really exposed, who would be able to bear it if another airship fell from the sky one day.

And just the next second.

"Why don't you leave yet?"

The fat person in charge shouted, and then burped, as if he suddenly remembered some old past events, and the expression on his face became even more angry:

"Haha, it's really interesting to talk about.

I'm almost 50, so I'm somewhat discerning. Judging from the tone of your words, I guess you have some background in the Holy See.

Oh, stop pretending, you are actually the servants of a certain clergy, right?

Otherwise, how could it be possible to buy such a big factory suddenly? "

He looked like he had seen through everything:

"I say you high-ranking old men are really interesting. When the devil invaded, our factory worked for a day and a night, just hoping that a priest would suddenly appear with dozens of servants. When my parents died, they were still alive. Tell me, if I wait a little longer, someone will come to save me, but in the end, more than a hundred people were eaten alive, and no one came in the end.

Now, I let you go, but you refuse to leave.

So, the offerings given by the common people below us are not enough?

Not going to church enough times every day? "

I don’t know the name of this old person in charge, nor do I know what he has experienced in his life. He is like a civilian who can be seen on the streets everywhere. He may feel that most civilians in the eyes of the Holy See staff are surrounded by people. He stepped forward to worship devoutly, but his figure, who was watching with a cold eye, would be tightly blocked and rarely noticed.

In fact, it is indeed like this

Today, it seems that in his nearly 50 years of life, he has finally waited for a chance to complain, so as he talked, he found a channel to vent, and this venting came so suddenly that Hopkins couldn't help but feel Silence fell.

I saw him standing up, and he seemed to see a newspaper on the table out of the corner of his eye, and he copied it:

"Look, someone of the School of Life Sciences killed the vice president in a temporary court yesterday!

This has reached the point of lawlessness.

The vice president of the School of Life Sciences was killed in court after he provoked whomever he provoked!

Absolutely ridiculous! "

After speaking, he swallowed:

"Also, there was the airship crash three months ago.

Can an airship land directly into the crowd? !

Didn't anyone notice such a big guy when he fell from the sky? Didn't anyone evacuate the crowd?

What about our security management agency in London? What about the White Thorn security company that claims to protect people's safety day and night?

Everyone inside must be sleeping soundly! "

Just said this

"Sir, I understand that you have some resentment towards the Holy See. I actually feel that the Holy See has done very poorly in many things, but there are also some things that are not necessarily what you see."

A voice interrupted the other party's words. However, this sentence was not spoken by Hopkins, but by Watson. He had been standing quietly by the wall of this room just now, but he suddenly walked over without knowing when.

The person in charge in front of him looked Watson up and down, and finally his eyes stopped on the other person's face. He probably subconsciously thought that the owner of this face should be a young man from a noble family, so his tone also revealed Some disdain.

"Isn't it what I saw?

Hahaha, I can see clearly, so many people have died, am I blind? Don’t those guys who keep talking about maintaining law and order feel guilty? In the dead of night every day, can they sleep peacefully with the huge salary they receive each month? ! ! "

Watson's eyes narrowed slightly:

"Perhaps I shouldn't stand in the opposite position to you, but I feel that those people probably had their own troubles at the time. It's not that they didn't want to help, but they couldn't do it, so I kindly ask you to take back what you just said."

"Trouble? Haha, what trouble can they have? A bunch of idiots who only talk but don't do anything."

There was a crisp sound of "click-".

The shouting voice of the factory manager in front of him suddenly stopped, and was replaced by an extremely weird scream.

Because the ashtray on the table had been firmly inserted into the other party's mouth.

Watson still looked gentle and elegant, but there was no hesitation in the movements of his hands. Of course he didn't care about the people of the empire's evaluation of the Holy See. Even if someone cursed at the Holy Light, it had nothing to do with him, but the words of the man in front of him made him He thought of some old friends and the slightly coagulated blood inside the door:

"Sorry, I'm just a little angry."

After reading it again, the last sentence is indeed a bit pretentious, but so be it. I just followed my mind and wrote this. I don’t want to whitewash the Holy See, let alone discredit the government. I think every force is doing what it should do. The only person who has selfish desires is Emperor Augustine. But then again, after having power, how can I not have selfish desires? When I become powerful, I will spend more time playing than anyone else.

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