Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 23 The Possibility of Genius

His tone was very light, even a little depressed that he couldn't light a cigarette.

But it inexplicably reveals a huge arrogance and self-confidence. In this era when contractors have gradually become the mainstay of the empire, the Holy See and faith maintain the social structure, and the Holy Light and believers are everywhere in every corner of the world.

He is a mortal who has not been canonized by the contractor, a commoner in Lower London, and a private detective whose faith is not that strong. To be like this, the old priest in front of him was slightly stunned.

Later, the admiration in the old man's eyes did not weaken at all, and even became stronger: "I will make a call to arrange your canonization ceremony in a moment."

"Well, isn't it a little quick? I've been quite busy recently."

This careless tone caused the admiration in the old priest's eyes to disappear instantly, and he slapped the edge of the bed hard: "Can you please pay attention to your fucking attitude? I am a high priest, a clergy member of the Holy See! Is this possible? You want me to bow to you and discuss it with you?!"

"Okay, okay." Sherlock nodded awkwardly.

The old priest glanced at him, then restored the demeanor that a clergy should have, and said slowly: "Also, I am going to give you a very good job, as a thank you for saving my life. London." The Public Security Management Association needs a detective. This is an agency jointly established by the Holy See and the government. It usually handles some demonic invasions or strange incidents. The church sometimes assigns some tasks, and "

Before he could finish speaking, Sherlock interrupted with a fake smile:

"Well. I've been really busy recently."

"This agency has a much stronger status than your private detective. During the mission, you can directly get the full cooperation of the city's sheriff and police station."

Sherlock scratched the tip of his nose and looked at a piece of broken stone at his feet.

“It’s £15 a month, or £16 without accommodation.”

"Oh." Sherlock still looked unconcerned.

"Furthermore, you have the right to view all case files in the entire city. If the Holy See has any difficult cases, they will also contact you for cooperation."

Sherlock finally raised his head: "Can I also participate in cases involving the Holy See?"

"Of course, if your ability is valued enough, there will even be some very difficult, tricky, and incredible cases. If you are just an ordinary private detective in the lower city, you will never be exposed to such cases in your life."

The old priest didn't even try to hide it anymore, he just put on a rogue expression like "I knew you were going to do this".

Sherlock hesitated for a moment, then laughed, shamelessly pretending to be flattered.

"Oh my God. Praise the Holy Light!"

But then, as if he suddenly remembered something, he added with a smile in his eyes:

"But first let's talk, I'm only interested in the case, I don't care about the rest."

Sherlock walked out of the tent, and the rain gradually cleared on the long street. After a while, the door curtain was opened again, and Catherine walked in.

This Sister of Judgment never seemed to like having a waiter around her, let alone holding an umbrella, so her hair and body were wet when she came in.

However, the rainwater flowing on the surface of her skin seemed to be quickly absorbed, just like the dry vegetation was nourished, and her mental state at this time seemed much better than before.

"Why do you admire him so much?" she said directly.

"A civilian killed a second-level contractor. Isn't this worthy of admiration?"

"Deacon Bader died as a sacrifice." Catherine said, but after a moment of hesitation, she reluctantly put down her attitude: "Okay, this detective is indeed very skilled, but is it just because of this?"

The old priest lay back on the bed tiredly, but still had a smile on his lips:

"Of course it's not just because of this. If I'm not mistaken, this detective is undoubtedly a genius."

"Genius? Hasn't he never even had a dream of awakening?"

"Haha, I'm not talking about talent, but his personal talent. You were far away at the time, so you probably didn't see clearly the shots he fired." The old priest closed his eyes slightly, seeming to begin to recall the incredible scene before. : "When that guy fired, he made a calculated decision."

Catherine was suddenly startled: "Calculate?!"

"That's right, the position, the speed of the bullet, and even the route of Badr's movement are all taken into account.

Moreover, in the first shot, he must have discovered in advance that Deacon Bader was not dead;

He is not a contractor yet, and he certainly cannot sense the changes in the power of the abyss in the smoke, so this young man can only judge it through his own way, maybe reasoning, or some other way, in short, better than you, better than me , all quickly! "

As the old priest explained, Catherine's expression became more solemn. He couldn't help but remember the scene when he was standing on the top of the bell tower, watching the strange figure running below.

It's so weird, it seems that all the mud and obstacles have no way to affect his speed. Every step and landing is so strange, like a waterfall falling horizontally, stacking power with strength, pushing the body forward turbulently. Push it out.

Could it be said that this is also the result of advance calculation and reasoning?

With her thoughts at this point, she finally looked at the old priest in surprise: "You mean, he is a manipulative contractor?"

"Yes, just like me, he is the type who can control demons from a distance, so as long as his contracted creatures are not so bad, over time, he will definitely achieve higher achievements than me."

Catherine listened to the old priest's evaluation and finally nodded for the first time.

Contractors of the control system are very rare, because this requires them to have extremely strong reactions, reasoning, calculations, imagination, memory, willpower, etc. Their frontal combat effectiveness may not be that strong, but their functionality is undoubtedly There is no way to reproduce it, but just by being able to control a demon from a distance of tens or even hundreds of meters, it has an advantage that others cannot match.

But Catherine also knows that the disadvantage of this kind of contractor is that it consumes a lot of brain. The specific reasons will be discussed later;

In short, the brain must be like an overclocked steam turbine when performing extremely powerful deductions like the one used in Sherlock's battle. If it is overloaded for a long time, the brain may be burned directly.

Therefore, it is almost impossible for a manipulative contractor to evolve to the third stage. After all, controlling a large demon must exceed the upper limit of the human brain.

At this moment, beside a ruins outside the tent;

Sherlock didn't smoke, which made him feel a little unhappy, so he could only sit casually on a collapsed stone, looking up at the rain falling from the sky.

Dense raindrops came into his sight.

Among them, a drop of rain will fall on the tip of his nose 0.7 seconds later, and then flow down his cheek from the right side, converging with the previous rainwater and sinking into the edge of his collar.

The wind gradually thinned in the night, and the temperature remained at 5 degrees Celsius. Footsteps could be heard sporadically in the distance, and these sounds naturally condensed into some kind of picture in his thinking:

Two battlefield recovery personnel were carrying a scrapped armor as they passed by. One of them was over 190 centimeters tall, and the other had just sprained his left foot. Farther away, an injured soldier was already wailing. It had been more than five minutes, and his ankle was completely shattered. The medical staff there should be reminded not to bandage it hard, otherwise the broken bones would be displaced.

There are further ones

Further and further.

Sound, rain curtain, breeze, light, wailing————

This countless information merged into a river in Sherlock's mind, flowing silently.

If Catherine or the old priest knew, his calculation and reasoning ability was not an explosive brain overload, but just a subconscious normal state.

I don't know how shocked they will be.

The next chapter is being reviewed. I don’t know what went wrong. It should be released soon. Please be patient. During the waiting period, you can vote, give rewards, leave messages, and praise me.

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