Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 24 Canonization Ceremony (Part 1)

The rain gradually stopped.

The processing of the battlefield was also coming to an end. Half an hour later, the distant roar came closer and closer, and Sherlock saw two steam locomotives that were not very common in daily life driving into the neighborhood.

This kind of steam locomotive is very bulky and huge in size. It is made of brass and synthetic metal. The twelve thick exhaust pipes in the back are almost constantly spraying out hot airflow. During the second demonic invasion, During this period, this thing was responsible for the transportation of personnel and ammunition over short distances. Because it was strong enough, it was sometimes even directly merged into several rows to serve as temporary steel trenches.

However, after the demon tide recedes, these big guys have much less use.

As the locomotive slowed down, the rear gate also opened. It could be seen that the medical facilities inside were much better than those in the tent. More than a dozen medical staff rushed down and surrounded Catherine and the well-trained ones. The high priest got into one.

Sadly, the more seriously injured Holy See guards were all crowded into several other vehicles, and the interior seemed empty, like a large container. Sherlock even thought that it would be better to hire a few horses. Horses and a raft were used to drag the wounded away comfortably, at least with some ventilation.

But it doesn't matter. The guards are consumables. Maybe their value is not as high as the steam armor they wear.

What happened next was all expected.

The door slowly closed, and with the noisy noise of the steam turbine, the transport vehicle gradually moved away. During the whole process, only some sharp-eyed people noticed Sherlock sitting on the edge of the battlefield, but they only dared to cast some unfinished thoughts. His eyes were filled with astonishment, but he didn't dare to say anything.

A very deserted ending:

A relatively outstanding civilian helped the Holy See solve a case. For others, this should be regarded as an opportunity. At least they can gain a lot of wealth from it. If they are smart enough, they can even start a beautiful enough life. His route of serving the Holy See started as a low-level monk and gradually climbed up to a priest and even a priest. From then on, he had no worries about food and clothing and was respected by others.

But this was not what Sherlock expected. So he did not follow the heavy steam locomotive, but still sat on the ruins of the long street, waiting for the morning light to fill the sky little by little.

Due to a night of rain, the fog in the morning was not that heavy, but there was still billowing steam coming out of the exhaust vents and underground pipes of those factories.

Sherlock groaned and stretched his muscles, then lowered his head and looked at the two letters in his hands.

One of the letters was given to a monastery in the suburbs of London, where Shylock was supposed to conduct a covenant canonization ceremony.

As for the second letter, it was a recommendation letter from the [Public Security Duty Department].

The noise gradually grew, and the huge separation walls on both sides of the long street were removed. The evacuated people gathered back one after another. They looked at the blood on the ground that had not had time to be cleaned, and the destroyed buildings. With expressions ranging from frightened to excited, the government security personnel were busy comforting them, explaining that the Holy See would make up for these losses as soon as possible, and perhaps within a week or two, all the damaged buildings would be restored.

But a week or two!

Sherlock looked at his hard-earned cheap apartment and rubbed his brows in pain. If the landlord finds out that it all started in the house rented to him, he will definitely not be able to live there again and will probably have to pay some compensation for the damage.

Therefore, the safest thing to do now is to take the opportunity to change your residence as soon as possible.

But Sherlock is lazy. He is familiar with Baker Street and has no intention of moving to another neighborhood. He turned his head slightly and moved his gaze to the other side of the long street——further away, there were several standing apartment buildings. It seemed that that side was not affected.

"I'll go to the monastery later and see what the canonization ceremony is like. When I come back, find a new place to live."

With this thought in mind, he stood up and walked out of the long street.

A carriage drove across the meadow, and the morning light did not last long before it was defeated by the billowing smoke from the factory and retreated into the clouds again.

People always have to live. Since those thick smoke represent wages and jobs, then the comfortable sunshine and breeze are nothing.

At 7:30 in the morning, in the suburbs of London, a monastery with a not-so-important name stands among a patch of green grass. The walls should be made of gray mountain rocks. It does not look as grand and bright as the churches in the city, but it occupies a very large area. It is large, and it must have been used as a temporary garrison for the Crusaders during the war.

Because you can see a statue in the courtyard in front of it.

A warrior wearing old-fashioned steam armor was stabbing a demon in the throat with a heavy long knife.

Although the details of the carving are not that exquisite, everyone knows the identity of this statue.

General Dante Alighieri————

It is hard to imagine that one person can carry the respect and love of hundreds of millions of people throughout the empire, and that the existence of one person can give humans a sense of security like a god. It is like as long as this old general is still alive, Then it would be impossible for humans to be defeated by demons, and the world would continue to function as before.

Sherlock still clearly remembered that when the Holy See conferred a gift to the Emperor a few years ago, Lord Dante appeared on the front pages of all newspapers as a witness. It was rumored that the Pope was feeling unwell that day, so he stood When he was next to the old man, his body was a little stooped.

The carriage gradually stopped, and Sherlock got out of the car. After paying, he and the coachman slightly saluted the statue.

This is a habit that almost every citizen of the empire has developed long ago

After that, he turned and walked towards the door of the monastery; and from a distance, he could see a nun standing in front of the wooden round arch, seemingly waiting for a long time.

"Name?" As she approached, the nun asked with a gentle smile.

"Sherlock Holmes."

After hearing the name, the nun bowed slightly and made a common etiquette among devout believers in the Holy See:

"Then Mr. Holmes, please come with me."

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