Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 25 Canonization Ceremony (Part 2)

This monastery should not have been established for more than 100 years, but when you walk through the blue-black porch, you can still feel a strong sense of history.

Unlike a church, a monastery is more like a school with a religious meaning. Almost all believers who want to join the Holy See must start in this monastery, chant scriptures, pray, and listen to the enlightenment of the Holy Light every day.

In fact, if it weren't for such cumbersome rules, Sherlock would really not be over thirty years old and still not have the slightest piety towards the Holy See.

The courtyard is full of flowers, plants and trees, and occasionally you can see some low-level monks wearing linen robes. When you pass through several wooden doors, you can faintly hear the sound of reciting inside. Finally, you pass through several corridors made of blue bricks and stone slabs. Shylock is taken into the deepest tower of a monastery.

This surprised him a little bit.

The canonization ceremony is the only way for a mortal to become a contractor. Even if it is not as grand as the canonization of a knight, it still has to be solemn or mysterious. Is it possible that it can be done in this small tower?

In fact, as early as half a century ago, the canonization of contractors was really a solemn and mysterious ceremony, and even required a priest-level clergy to preside over it;

However, during the second demonic invasion, both the Holy See and the government needed a lot of combat power, so the canonization ceremony was decentralized to almost all monasteries. Sometimes it was performed seven or eight times a day. Regardless of whether you had talent or not, you just came first. Try it; and at that time, there were many people who wanted to undergo the experiment. After all, becoming a contractor has a higher chance of surviving than a mortal. This has led to the ritual becoming more and more normalized, which is why the number of contractors in the world has exceeded one million so far.

Pushing open the wooden door, the unique smell of incense hits your face. The sun cannot shine in the tower, and you can only rely on the circles of candles surrounding the walls to provide light.

In the middle of the candles was a huge notice table, with a giant book over 30 centimeters thick and some tools that Sherlock couldn't understand placed on it.

The nun strolled behind the notice board and motioned for Sherlock to come too.

"Is the ceremony about to begin?" Sherlock asked doubtfully, "Just the two of us?"

The nun smiled and nodded: "Yes, Mr. Holmes, the basic canonization ceremony operation of the Holy See is now quite mature, and there is no need for cumbersome procedures. If you cooperate, it can actually be completed in just ten minutes."

As she spoke, she opened the heavy book and held a disc in her hands.

The disc was sunken in the middle and made entirely of brass, like a large pot lid, but it was engraved with complex words and symbols. Then, the nun took out another needle.

"Give me your finger, please," she said.

Sherlock probably played this kind of game with criminals all the time. He subconsciously thought that he was going to chop off a finger and give it to the other party, but he soon realized that all he had to do was hold out his finger.

So he stretched out the index finger of his right hand and hung it on the copper plate, and the nun pricked his fingertip with a needle.

A drop of blood slowly fell into the complicated scripture.

This seems to be the end of it————

Because the nun no longer made any other movements, she just stared at the drop of blood in the plate with great concentration.

Sherlock naturally followed suit.

After about a minute like this, suddenly, the drop of blood seeped into the container and turned into a trace of bright red, and this trace began to move slowly along the complicated lines, and finally, it stopped at a Above the symbol like '亅'.

The nun immediately put down the copper plate and flipped the book to a certain page, seemingly searching for a matching symbol.


"Found it." The nun called softly.

However, Sherlock noticed that her expression was complicated for a moment.

"What's wrong?"

"No." The nun hesitated for a moment, then gave this answer, and then said: "Well, Mr. Sherlock, we have found the contract creature corresponding to you. Please follow me and recite the following pronunciations silently, and add the following pronunciations. During the process, focus on a certain position in your sight, try to get as close to you as possible, and open the void crack for the first time. If the distance is too far, it may cause some damage to your consciousness."

As he said that, he directly read out a few pronunciations that were not too difficult.

Sherlock thought there might be something wrong, but now was obviously not the time to get entangled, so he quickly followed the chant while staring at a location at hand.

And while he was retelling it, a very strange feeling emerged from his mind. It was as if part of his mind had been pulled away and transferred to the place he was looking at. As long as he controlled it a little, there would be a kind of power grabbing the empty space and tearing it to both sides.

This feeling made Sherlock very novel. So he followed this idea and slowly exerted force.


A space crack appeared!

"So easy?!"

Sherlock was shocked. This was much easier than tearing a person's throat open. After all, people can still struggle. So, following this force, Sherlock tried to tear the crack wider.

But when the crack was torn to a length of 30 centimeters, it could no longer expand.

It is probably because his ability can only reach this level, or because he is affected by the Holy Light.

And just when he was speculating on the reason, suddenly, something crawled out from the crack in the space.

A worm.

Um. Although it's a bit strange, it's really just a bug. Its body is blue-gray and its length is about seven or eight centimeters. It's like a banana that has been stripped of its skin and left to oxidize in the air for three days.

This little bug slowly crawled out of the crack, first stuck its head out, and then tremblingly tried to move back as if it was afraid of a strange environment, but it was too stupid, and when it turned around, its flesh Huhu's body didn't pay attention and slipped out of the crack. It happened that the void crack opened about half a meter away from the ground, so it chirped and fell to the ground, making a pitiful "chichichi" sound. Voice.

"." There was silence for a while.

Sherlock opened his mouth slightly and looked at the caterpillar in shock. Then he turned his head and looked at the nun beside him, and found that the other party was looking at him with an expression of pity and embarrassment.

"What is this?"

"Ahem. According to the Holy See's records of abyssal creatures, it should be a worm that lives in hell."

"Worm?" Sherlock repeated subconsciously: "So, this thing is my contracted devil?"

"Yes." The nun stopped looking at Sherlock and even lowered her head to look at her long-running hem.

He seemed to finally understand what the strange expression on the other person's face just now meant.

Is this what my contracted devil is?

Looking at the caterpillar again, it finally turned over with great effort, but it didn't dare to move, so it just lay on the ground and pretended to be dead.

"Does this thing have any abilities?" Sherlock seemed to still want to struggle.

The nun turned around and walked to the book, flipped through it again, and finally said with a little embarrassment: "I'm really sorry. Judging from the records of the Holy See over the centuries, your kind of contract demon is the lowest kind, and it is also that is

It has no capabilities. "

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