Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 296 Three People

The next day, heavy rain

It's not pattering, but rain falling from the sky and lightning and thunder. It seems that some kind of extraterrestrial will is also watching the unfolding of this drama, and snickers from time to time. The sound is hidden among the clouds, and with the laughter They hit each other loudly, emitting bursts of buzzing.

A carriage drove along the long streets of London, with the streetlights on both sides turned on, like uniform bright petals blooming in a shower, enchanting and strange.

Today, Sherlock and Watson were going to visit three people, so they directly chartered a carriage and shuttled between the buildings in the upper city under the heavy rain.

At nine o'clock in the morning, he stopped in front of a church.

During this visit, there will be no miscommunication like yesterday. The people from the Tribunal have already been notified and have been waiting at the door of the church for a long time.

So, under the leadership of a judge, the two people walked into the church smoothly, passed through long corridors and courtyards, and finally came to a room.

Along the way, Sherlock saw people guarding every corner, every corridor, and every door. The scarlet notice on the chest of the deacon of the Judgment Department was particularly eye-catching. In the courtyards, monks from the church were constantly patrolling. Meanwhile, people from the Tribunal are supervising security procedures in various areas, and almost everyone has a portable buzzer in their hand. Just pinch it and it will make a loud sound to notify people nearby that there is something wrong. situation occurs.

Thinking back to the assassination in the ancient Roman city a few months ago, Shylock also had to infiltrate layers of guards, but the venue at that time was an entire city, and he would always find someone at some moment. Sneaking in through the gap, this is just a church. With so many people crammed in, there are almost no blind spots. Walking down the road, Sherlock felt that even he could not quietly break through this defense.

Opening the door, they saw the target of their visit

Pope Nadine Bellew, head of the entire Diocese of Anglia.

He is over fifty and has a slightly stout figure, but he is extremely careful in dressing and grooming his appearance. His carefully trimmed beard makes him look energetic. Shylock was no stranger to the Pope. After all, he had always lived in London. Although he never attended large-scale liturgical celebrations or blessing ceremonies, he was sure that the person in charge of his diocese in front of him I took a few glances from afar on the periphery of the crowd.

At this time, Pope Nadine Bellew was praying silently to a copy of the Holy Light Gospel. Hearing the sound of the door opening, he slowly opened his eyes, then stood up, and walked towards Sherlock and Hua with a smile. student, and shook hands with the two men very solemnly.

"The people from the Tribunal informed me yesterday, so I have been waiting for you two." The Pope smiled heartily, then looked at the two people opposite him up and down, and then said with great admiration and pride: "I never thought about it. , for such an outstanding person to appear in London, in fact, we should have gotten to know him a long time ago."

Listening to these words, Sherlock couldn't help but feel a little sad. He could feel that the Pope must know some rumors about himself, such as the old man walking out of the seaside town, such as the unexplained visit in the blood prison. , in short, Sherlock suddenly discovered that the once unattainable Pope was now coming to shake hands with him.

Oh, it seems that there is no need to feel too sad, because a year ago, I seemed to have killed a pope.

"It's an honor." Sherlock briefly responded to the Pope's overtures, and then immediately shifted the topic to the case itself: "When is the Ripper's murder notice?"

He asked this question directly in front of the people on the list. Although it was also stated in the case report, Sherlock still wanted to hear it from the person involved.

Moreover, Pope Nadine Bellew did not care about this taboo issue at all, and said with a smile: "There are still five days."

Sherlock nodded and looked at the layout around the room: "So, are you going to wait here?"

"Hahaha——" The Pope laughed heartily: "Of course, and I am extremely confident in everything here!

My parents were priests in this church, I grew up here as a child, and as an adult I served as a monk here, and then worked my way up to a lay minister, and finally to the pope.

On the day I officially took over the Diocese of Anglia, I established this church as my main missionary node. I work here, live here, and every inch of the ground here has my footprints.

For me, this is the safest place. In fact, I don’t even need those from the Tribunal to be responsible for the arrangement, because I am the person who knows this church best in the world. "

When speaking these words, Pope Nadine Bellew’s tone was full of absolute confidence.

In fact, on the way here, Sherlock did find that the guards here were extremely tight to an outrageous degree.

The location of the room in front of me is even more subtle. There is almost no possibility of sneaking closer. Moreover, the entire church is filled with demon sedatives. There is no possibility that a contractor can suddenly summon a demon from several kilometers away in the room. The possibility of stabbing the Pope to death.

Just as he was thinking about it, the Pope in front of him proudly took out a key.

"Not only the patrols around, but maybe you haven't noticed that this room itself is the strongest place in this church.

The walls here are embedded with this kind of material that I can’t name that was developed by the Imperial Mechanical Institute. It was built by me during the renovation five years ago. Even if you bring in a steam chariot for battlefield use, it’s impossible. After destroying it, the window has a button that can only be opened from the inside. After the shield is lowered, there is only a small hole of less than one centimeter to maintain air circulation. Even the bottom of the door seam is tightly connected to the ground, with only a gap of less than half a millimeter. The gap is used to open and close the door.

Moreover, there is only one key to this room.

It cannot be copied or recreated. "

Sherlock lowered his gaze to the key and found that the key was like a triangular pyramid, with complex protrusions on each side. It was also quite big, and the thinnest part was as thick as a thumb. It looked like it was indeed It's a look that can't be imitated.

In this way, it seems that this place can really be described as ‘impregnable’.

So, it would be very interesting if the Ripper could kill the Pope under such circumstances.

Sherlock still has a little expectation in his heart, but he will definitely not show it. After some high-sounding praise and humility, Sherlock and Watson visited the remaining two people who were about to be murdered.

But they said they were visiting two people, but in fact they only met one.

Because the very popular drama actor didn't want to meet anyone at all. To put it bluntly, she didn't trust anyone.

This drama actress is about 30 years old, unmarried, very beautiful, and has very solid acting skills. It is said that many people in the aristocratic circle want to get close to her.

Of course, none of this matters.

About three days ago, people from the Royal Bureau of Investigation visited this person for the last time. During the visit, the person firmly stated that he did not want to be protected by anyone, whether it was the Holy See or the government.

Because she feels that murders will occur wherever there are people. After all, people can be bribed. The more people around you, the greater the chance of this happening. In fact, the safest way is to go to a place by yourself. In a place where no one knew, he hid alone until his murder date passed.

There is no one around, so naturally it is impossible for someone to murder him.

Well, actually from a certain perspective, this idea is not wrong.

Moreover, this beautiful actor did not give anyone any chance to refute him. That night, he left the apartment alone and went to an unknown place. Even though the Tribunal searched for three days, he could not find it. His location.

After that, the Tribunal ended its investigation into her and simply allowed her to hide, because on the plus side, if the Tribunal struggled to find her, then the chances of others finding her would naturally be smaller, so they had to wait until she was murdered. After the date, she comes out on her own. Maybe this desperate approach can really make her the first person to survive the Ripper's murder.

Oh. If it comes to all-or-nothing.

The third murder target Sherlock and the two visited was truly a desperate move.

When I saw him, I even thought that this guy's safety measures... well... might kill him.

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