Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 297 Cooking

The third person is the rich banker.

There is an old saying in the Empire: Anyone who is successful must be a vicious person.

Although this may be a bit absolute, it also shows in disguise that only ruthless people can more easily go further in their career and obtain more resources.

So this banker is the best among this kind of people, because he is cruel to others and even more cruel to himself.

The place where Sherlock met him was the underground vault of a branch of a London bank.

That's right, this guy wants to use an empty underground vault to protect himself.

It's the kind of vault that's made of 70 centimeters thick steel. There's a code wheel as tall as a person on the door. It's impossible for anyone to get in!

As long as the door is closed, it is considered a closed space, with only a small transport port in the corner barely connected to the outside world.

This transfer port is of course used to inject sedatives into the vault. After all, a large amount of money is stored in a place like the vault for a long time. If a void crack appears here, a few little devils will chirp all the money. It would be embarrassing if all the banknotes were torn to pieces.

However, this kind of transport port is only 5 centimeters wide, so it is definitely impossible for anyone to get in, and the mesh structure guardrail on its surface can also ensure that no one will throw a bomb into the vault. Also, if Someone wants to replace the demon sedative into some kind of lethal poison gas, but that is also impossible, because the container containing the demon sedative is very huge, and each replacement requires professional equipment, which takes a lot of effort to remove. The noise produced by the whole process can be called a nuisance to residents.

In short, this is a very pure safe house on the physical level.

The banker moved some comfortable bedding into the vault. There was no bed. In his words, he did not want anything that could cause harm to him to appear in the vault. Hitting the foot of the bed] There should be no such situation, just some books, a large box of food and water. Of course, they are purchased directly from the manufacturer and have been strictly inspected. There is no possibility of being poisoned by someone's hands or feet along the way. Originally, he wanted to invite two young girls into the vault, but after careful consideration, he gave up. What if the Ripper was a woman, pretending to be a beautiful woman?

Anyway, he decided to stay in the vault until his murder date passed, otherwise he would never come out.

And I said before that he was even more cruel to himself because this guy set the password for this vault himself.

After setting it up, he told no one, just wrote it on a piece of paper, and stored the note in an underground vault in London.

Yes, this underground vault in London is the place where Watson took away the gun left by the old beggar six months ago.

It is considered one of the safest places in London, and even in the entire empire.

The date of the banker's murder is eight days later, but the vault will not be unlocked until 10 days later, and the password inside will not be made public until then.

In other words, unless the Ripper could predict the password in advance on the eighth day.

Or he could break into the most secure vault in the empire and steal the piece of paper with the password written on it.

Otherwise, no one would be able to enter the vault no matter what.

Even if no one opens the vault by then, he won't be able to get out.

Surrender to death. Only by being so ruthless can you fight the Ripper.

At night, when Sherlock stood in front of the banker, he could feel that this guy was the kind of successful person who loved challenges.

He even said with a smile: 'If the Ripper can still kill me in this situation, then I will be willing to die. ’

After saying that, he walked into the vault in front of Sherlock, and then the heavy door slowly closed. With the rotation of the huge wheel, the vault was completely sealed unless the vault password was reset after ten days. In this world, otherwise no one would be able to enter.

No one can even think of it.

When Sherlock and Watson left the underground vault, it was already late at night, and the carriage was walking slowly in the pouring rain.

Sherlock leaned on his cheek and looked at the rain outside the car window. It could be seen that he was thinking.

After a while, he finally said:

"Watson, do you think these three people will be murdered?"

Watson didn't think much, or in other words, he had been thinking today. In short, he quickly shook his head: "If it goes by common sense, no."


"Because I can't kill him, I think others can't kill him either."

Sherlock smiled: "It turns out that you have been putting yourself into the role of killing people."

Watson did not explain at all, but directly admitted: "Yes, since we went to see the Pope in the morning, I have been thinking about it, what would I do if I were asked to commit murder?"

"First, the Pope of our diocese. I think there is only one way to kill him, and that is to have the key in his hand and get past the tight guards.

But it is impossible for the deceased to give the key to others, and at the same time, it is impossible for the murderer to penetrate such a tight defense. Anyway, I can't, and I guess you can't either.

Then the first murder is not established! "

“Second, the actor who disappeared alone.

In fact, this person should be considered the most dangerous and safest person.

After all, there are no guards around her, so as long as I can find her, she will definitely die. But it’s impossible for me to find her, because even the Inquisition has trouble finding her, and I believe that if someone is really investigating her hiding place, then the Inquisition will definitely find her, and follow the clues to catch her directly. Not a fool. "

"As for the third one," Watson thought in silence for a long time, and finally shook his head: "I still can't think of how to start with the third one.

His vault should be the strongest defense among the three. Even he himself cannot open it. The only password is kept in the underground vault in London.

So if you want to kill him, you either have to break through the London underground vault.

Or use military weapons to blast the vault for half an hour.

I think the feasibility of both of these is zero.”

After listening to Watson's understanding of the case, Sherlock did not rebut in an understatement and then tell a set of jaw-dropping reasoning like he usually did, but nodded along.

Obviously, he had no idea how to complete the murder under such circumstances.

So. What would the Ripper do?

In his more than twenty years of detective career, it was the first time that Sherlock was so curious about a murderer.

In this way, the carriage gradually drove out of the city, and finally arrived in front of the villa in the suburbs.

During this period, as Nightingale's head of security, of course he couldn't go back to live in Baker Street.

At this time, the heavy rain still continued, but instead of reducing the number of sentries around the villa, there were several more posts.

The two of them opened their umbrellas and walked towards a barracks set up in the courtyard on the side of the villa.

According to what Hopkins informed yesterday, all security personnel rest here when they are not on shift, so Sherlock and Watson do the same.

Lifting the curtain of the tent, Sherlock and Watson walked into the barracks and shook off the water from their umbrellas. They were eating in the barracks at this time. It was so late for these people who were on guard duty to finally have someone take over and they could finally rest. Last a while.

Seeing the two people walking in at the door, countless eyes turned towards them.

It seems that during this day, the reputation of the new security chief and his partner has spread among the crowd. Everyone wants to know how to get the Inquisition to come forward and invite them to take charge of the South. What kind of powerful character is Dingle's safe man?

And according to legend, this guy was called a monster by a legendary captain of the Royal Investigation Corps!

No matter where they are, men always have a common mentality, which is to worship the strong, because almost all men have a dream of becoming a strong man.

But Sherlock and Watson are both low-key people, so when they entered the room, they were stared at by so many pairs of eyes, which was a bit uncomfortable.

"Why do you think we two are like some kind of animals in the zoo?" Watson muttered awkwardly.

"They probably think you look too much like a woman." Sherlock also murmured in a low voice: "These big and fat men hang out together all day long, and now they are near Miss Nightingale, but they don't even look at her. No, I must feel aggrieved. When I see your face at this time, I will inevitably stare at you for a while, so I should just stay away from you, and you should take care of yourself."

Sherlock reasoned rationally, and then abandoned Watson directly in a very loyal manner, preparing to find a quiet corner to squat down and have some dinner.

But at this moment.

Suddenly, the door of the barracks was opened again, and then a teenage girl holding a flower umbrella walked into the barracks.

Everyone knew that this little girl with freckles on her face was Nightingale's servant, so she focused all her eyes on Sherlock with just one sentence:

"Come out and look for me, Miss."

For a moment, he could almost hear the uniform turning of heads around him. Sherlock looked at Nopa at the door, and he didn't know how many times he had scolded this little girl. Didn't she know that among these big-headed soldiers? In front of everyone, how much trouble can the words 'Miss is looking for you' cause?

He quickly stood up and pushed Nopa out of the barracks.

"What?" he asked with a frown.

But suddenly, I noticed that the other person's expression seemed to be very bad.

"What happened?" Sherlock subconsciously became cautious.

Nopa raised his head and looked at Sherlock in front of him, with a sad expression on his face: "Miss is cooking."


"You may not know what this means." Nopa's face was gloomier than the sky on this rainy night: "Anyway, Miss, she is cooking."

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