Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 298 Please have a taste

"Cooking?" Sherlock still didn't understand the meaning of the little girl in front of him, and just asked doubtfully: "Is this some kind of code word?"

"No, the cooking lady said that she was very grateful to these people for taking the trouble to protect her. She wanted to do something in return, but she had nothing, not even much savings, so she could only choose to do something for everyone. Food to show gratitude." Nopa explained, but Sherlock could clearly hear that when she said the words "make something to eat", there were some subtle changes in her tone:

"But the lady can't really invite these people into the villa. She can't make so much food for the time being, and to be honest, letting so many people in would also be a violation of the security measures.

So she just wants to invite you in for now, since she knows you after all.

Let you taste the snacks she made. If you think they taste good, then she will make more and share them with the guards tomorrow morning. "

Sherlock nodded. Nightingale was naturally one of the few people in the world who truly knew how to be grateful. Otherwise, she would not have carried a simple package on her back and boarded the train leaving her hometown. This kind of Quality is undoubtedly a virtue in this era.

"Isn't this a good thing? Those big-headed soldiers can eat the snacks made by Miss Nightingale. It is estimated that in a few days, the Ripper will really drive over in an armored vehicle. They will feel like fighting to the death. Don’t waste your life in vain, why are you looking so sad?”

Just as he was asking, he saw a moment of panic flashing in Nota's eyes, and then he took a few deep breaths: "Because, the lady's cooking skills are not that good."

"Not so good?"

"It's just, well, you haven't eaten it anyway, so that's why I just said it, you can't understand it."

Sherlock really couldn't understand that no matter how bad his cooking skills were, how could he be so bad?

But he saw the fear flashing in Nopa's eyes, and as a detective, his keen sixth sense told him that everything didn't seem that simple.

In this way, the two people walked towards the villa, and in the barracks, countless heads emerged from the barracks, and they stuck their heads out of the door one after another. Regardless of the wind and rain, they just stared at the backs of the two people and opened the door. There was a "click" from the door of the villa not far away.

That was the sound of the door being closed. Under such a curtain of rain, it should have been covered up by the pattering sound.

But, like a morning bell in the mountains, it roared into everyone's ears!

"Going in?"

"Damn it! It's really going in!"

These people were a little confused, a little panicked, and a little excited. They all looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

If this guy was called in yesterday morning, it was because he was indeed an extremely powerful person. As the person in charge of Miss Nightingale's safety, it was normal for him to go in and talk about some precautions.

But what does today mean?

It's night now!

Moreover, that man was covered in rain. Did he not think of bathing and changing clothes when he saw Lord Nightingale?


Shower and change? !

As mentioned before, this group of security personnel are all men, while the female security personnel are in another tent. This means that as long as they look at each other, they will know those things that only men would think about.

Everyone's mouths opened in shock, and one person even waved his hands excitedly and shouted:

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

Of course it's impossible. Shylock only came into the villa to try Nightingale's craftsmanship.

Now he just feels that Nopa's expression is really making a fuss out of a molehill.

Different from yesterday, the two people did not go up the steps, but went directly to the restaurant on the first floor. On the other side of the restaurant was the kitchen. At this time, the kitchen door was open. If you looked over slightly, you could see inside from time to time. The flickering flames reflected the red light on the walls, and bursts of explosions could be faintly heard.

Nopa motioned for Sherlock to sit down, and then he sat down on the other side of the dining table very calmly.

It is indeed a bit strange to say that she is calm at this moment, but she who was still panic-stricken just now seems to be finally relieved, leaving only the silence that looks like death.

Sherlock hesitated for a moment and asked tentatively: "Miss Nightingale. Is she in the kitchen?"

"Yes." Nopa's face turned pale, but he nodded seriously.

"what is she doing?"

"According to her previous plan, she should be cooking something called a 'snack'."

Sherlock blinked, feeling that Nopa's choice of words was very subtle: "But when making snacks, why is there a popping sound?"

"I solemnly repeat it again, Miss's cooking skills are really not that good." Nopa stared at Sherlock, looking very serious: "But no matter what happens, don't show too much resistance. , you can act less delicious, but you can’t vomit, cry, curse, or rush out of the door! Do you understand?”

These words made Sherlock even more confused. He even felt that his reasoning ability was not very useful at this moment. He could only ask in a low voice: "Why?"

"Because we want to ensure the lady's state of mind."


"Because the young lady's ability is actually affected by her mood." Nopa said: "Although this is not a secret, not many people know it. Anyway, if the young lady develops unconfidence, self-doubt, and denial because of something, If she is in a state of self-blame and so on, her healing ability will also be affected.

For example, when she was a child, when she first awakened her abilities, her parents were firmly against her healing others' injuries, probably because they were afraid that she would get into trouble. However, after being repeatedly scolded and grounded, her abilities began to gradually fade. Declined.

Afterwards, she finally followed her heart and after leaving home, this ability gradually returned. Even as she treated more and more people, she continued to recognize this sense of mission, and the young lady's ability also continued to improve. growing up.

Just a few years ago, when I ate the meal cooked by the lady for the first time, I expressed my feelings very sincerely. Maybe it was because I was too venomous, which caused a big blow to her.

For half a month, she couldn't heal other people's injuries well. "

After listening to this, Sherlock also nodded. In fact, contract ability is affected by the state of mind, which is easy to understand. Therefore, as long as he doesn't behave too badly when eating for a while, and can even praise the other party's cooking skills, then Maybe it can also increase Miss Nightingale's self-confidence and enhance her abilities.

As the most beautiful and kind-hearted woman in the whole world, it is definitely deserved to be praised.

Just as I was thinking about it, the explosion in the kitchen finally stopped.

Sherlock could clearly tell from the sound that an oven was turned on, and then some plates and cutlery clinked. It might be that the baked snacks were a little hot when they were taken out, and bumps would inevitably occur. This is normal.

But what's going on with this smell?

Sherlock frowned, and then he saw Nopa's ashen face and the look of death, and the bad premonition in his heart became stronger and stronger.

But the reality did not give him any chance to think too much or regret. He only heard a clear voice like falling water from a mountain spring:

"It's out of the oven"

Immediately afterwards, Miss Nightingale came out of the kitchen.

She was wearing a thick apron, holding an exquisite dinner plate in her hand, and had the most sincere smile on her face. That smile seemed to have a faint holy silver glow, caressing her cheeks, hair, clothes, and body. Every curve on the road is so ordinary, but it can bring such a beautiful visual impact.

However, the billowing smoke from the kitchen and the so-called 'snack' on the dinner plate made Sherlock tremble suddenly in his heart.

Until Miss Nightingale brought the dinner plate to Sherlock and placed it on the table, he looked at the charred surface of the object on the plate, the outlines entangled like twisted tentacles, and the slight particles rising in the black. It makes people feel a faint feeling of goosebumps on their body. The most incredible thing is that in the swirling whirlpool, there is a pool of green viscous juice. With the action of putting down the dinner plate just now, , rippling slightly.

Sherlock tried his best to suppress the changes in his expression, and actually began to think silently in his heart.

"Damn it! I came out of the blood prison!"

"There is nothing in this world that can make me feel afraid!"


Just when I thought of this, Nightingale's voice suddenly came to mind. The gentle voice seemed to have a terrible lethality:

"Mr. Sherlock, please have a taste."

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