Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 35 Debt Problem

The time came to 5 o'clock in the afternoon, and the wind on the river began to feel cold. During this time, Sherlock had been thinking about his dreams and the shocking look at the window.

After a few hours, I don’t know how my little worm is doing.

People are always realistic. When they are useless, they call them trash. When they are useful, they start calling them cute.

Anyway, he finally stopped a carriage and drove towards Baker Street;

At ten o'clock in the night, when the sunlight had been completely diluted by water vapor, Sherlock finally returned to his new home.

He paid the money and stepped out of the carriage. He was just about to look up at the window of his house;

But his eyes were drawn to the two people in front of the apartment door.

One of them was dressed fairly decently. A suit jacket could be seen under the open layer-to-layer windbreaker, and he also wore a pair of Pantaloon pants. He looked like one of those successful people in the bank who are proficient in calculations or can also be called the lackeys of capitalists. .

As for the other one, it’s easy to identify the nature of his job, because this guy is tall and thick-set, has rotten teeth, and one eye is sunken. He should have had his eyeball blown out in a street fight. He is dressed in linen clothes. In such a cold season, three buttons were already open, deliberately revealing a hideous scar on the chest that was poorly stitched.

This staffing made Sherlock instantly know what they were here for.

Ask for debt.

The well-dressed man is an accountant, who is responsible for requesting funds and interest from debtors in a more elegant way in terms of law, finance, contracts, etc.

If the opponent doesn't cooperate, replace him with another one.

This kind of debt collection situation is very popular in Xiacheng District.

So, Sherlock walked up and said, "Hello, who are you two at my door?"

"Your home?" The accountant frowned and looked Sherlock up and down: "As far as I know, this place should belong to a lady named 'Joan of Arc Letitia Hudson'."

"Oh, she is my landlord." Sherlock said.

The man in front of him nodded suddenly: "I see. In fact, we have been knocking on the door for a long time, but no one opened it. So, have you seen her recently?"

"I haven't seen her in what seems like a week."

"." There was a somewhat depressed silence. The debtor in front of him shrugged his shoulders, and then reluctantly took out an envelope from the lining of his windbreaker: "Sir, since you live here, if you meet Zhen Miss De, could you please hand over this debt list to her?"

"Of course." Sherlock said, taking the envelope.

The accountant winked at the thug next to him and turned around to leave.

"Please wait a moment." Sherlock said suddenly.

"Well?" The two people in front of them turned around and asked, "Is there anything else?"

"Oh, I just want to ask, if you two die suddenly, will this debt still count?!" Sherlock asked extremely politely.


This question ushered in another five seconds of silence; the ferocious-looking strong man seemed to hear a hint of threat or provocation in this sentence, and subconsciously wanted to go over and give this thin man a hand. The guy slapped him a few times and asked him to learn how to speak.

However, the other party's very polite and easy-going attitude made him a little unsure whether the other party was provoking trouble?

"Haha, sir, we are a very formal debt company. We are not the kind of private loan sharks on the streets. We are guaranteed by the bank."

The accountant probably felt that Sherlock really didn't understand, so he explained with a smile and took out a business card: "If you need some financial support, you can contact us."

The name "Crawford Capital Circulation Company" was written on the business card.

Sherlock nodded: "Okay, I will help you transfer this to Mrs. Hudson."

After saying that, he watched the two of them leave.

And those two people didn't feel lucky at all. In fact, if they were not affiliated with a loan company, but worked alone, there might be two more floating corpses in the Thames tonight.

After the two of them disappeared from sight, Sherlock turned around and knocked on the landlord's door on the first floor.

This time, the door opened quickly.

I saw Mrs. Hudson yawning as if she had just woken up. When she saw Sherlock outside the door, she seemed stunned: "Oh, it's you. Haha, you must have been knocking on the door for a long time, uh, I This person is a bit of a heavy sleeper and may not be able to hear sometimes.”

She looked very apologetic, but when she saw the letter in Sherlock's hand and the business card of the debt company on the letter, she finally sighed helplessly:

"Okay. But these days, everyone is likely to encounter difficulties, right?"

"Of course, I actually hate these debt companies. Although they can solve your immediate difficulties, they will pay you back even harder in the future."

After hearing Sherlock's words, Mrs. Hudson smiled from the bottom of her heart: "You seem to be more lovable than the previous tenants."

"Really? Then the rent."

"Not a penny less." Mrs. Hudson took the envelope, but hesitated: "But if I make too much for lunch one day, I don't mind sharing it with you."

"It's a great honor."

Sherlock did not continue chatting with the landlady. He just exchanged a few polite greetings and walked towards the second floor.

He was going to sleep quickly. There were still many puzzles in his dream that attracted him to solve.

Oh, speaking of the landlord.

In fact, when he opened the door just now, Sherlock could clearly smell the smell of disinfectant emanating from the other party's body.

This kind of smell cannot be acquired in a short time.

So, does my landlord work in a hospital?

Never mind her.

He pushed open the apartment door and turned on the gas lamp.

The lights here are brighter than where Sherlock lived before, so it can be clearly seen that after a whole day, there is nothing strange about the small room in reality.

Sherlock packed up his only 'formal suit', patted the damp water stains on his round hat, hung it on the coat rack, and then returned to the sofa to lie down.

He was a little excited now. Although he tried his best to suppress this exploration of the unknown world from the bottom of his heart, it still took Sherlock 15 minutes to fall asleep this time.

Finally, with the familiar drowsiness and falling

In that white room, he opened his eyes.

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