Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 36 Welcome back

As soon as he opened his eyes, Sherlock could no longer control his desire to explore unknown things that he had suppressed all day, and he immediately sat up from the sofa.

At this moment, the room already showed two completely different visual states.

The areas that have not been crawled by worms are still that unshakable pure white color, while in other areas, they already show the texture that things in the room should have.

A large piece of the white seal on the floor next to my feet was wiped away. When I stepped on it, I could clearly hear the soft sound of the soles of the shoes touching the wooden board. The hanging cabinets were also full of traces of crawling. I touched the armrest of the sofa at hand, and there were also traces of people crawling on it. There came the soft and familiar feeling that had been lying there for many years.

The entire room presented an illusion that it was gradually peeled off from a dream and merged into reality bit by bit.

Just when he hasn't gotten used to this feeling of separation.


Suddenly, a voice came from behind.

Sherlock was startled. This was the first time in his dream that he heard a sound from outside the room.

Subconsciously, he turned his head.

Then, he saw the window behind him!

The window was bright and clear, and the magnificent scene of boiling London outside passed through the glass at this moment, and caught Sherlock's sight. It was precisely because the seal on the window had been erased that the sounds from outside could be transmitted normally.

He took a few deep breaths, stood up slowly, walked to the window, and looked out.

Different from the last time he peeked through the gap, this time, he observed the dream world from a completely open perspective.

Bloody, boiling, burning, filled with the aura of chaos and madness everywhere.

Sherlock has actually had a glimpse of these before.

But at this moment, he was still uncontrollably excited, trembling all over, trying hard to accept everything in front of him.

Because he saw it

demon! ! ! ! ! !

In this blink of an eye, he really saw a carrion dog wandering on the blood-red street outside the window; in the shadow of the building nearby, a huge centipede covered with spike-like insect limbs was crawling and twisting; A disgusting creature like an anteater emerged from under the ruins, curled its mouthparts full of barbs, and brutally inserted it into the head of another demon next to it. The latter slowly sucked the brain and let out a Awww, a pitiful cry.

The devil appeared in my dream? ? !

Last time, due to the limited viewing angle, Sherlock could only see distant scenery, but this time, he clearly saw the long street close at hand.

Except for those demons, a bloody Baker Street appeared in front of us without any disguise, with the same architectural style, the same facilities, the same carriage stops on both sides of the road, the trash cans, fences, road signs, and gas street lamps in the alleys. Everything is what Baker Street should be in reality, just like a mirror image.

However, all of this has been soaked in substantial decay for hundreds of millions of years.

It is stained with old traces, dripping with blood, twisted, decayed, and chaotic; even the mist falling from the sky is like corpse ashes burned into dregs, and the sunlight, like penetrating the blood all over the sky, is stained with a strange crimson. .

Sherlock raised his head.

The huge and twisted sun is still suspended over London like an evil spirit, with billions of tentacles squirming. It seems that as long as you stare at it for one second longer, you will fall into a madness that you can never get rid of.

That's right, just one second!

In this second, Sherlock's sight passed through the blood-colored fog of London, passed through the sky between the clouds, penetrated through the billions of kilometers of void outside the sky, and touched the sun that had long been separated from its normal form.

This time, there was no white seal around Sherlock, and his whole body was exposed in front of the window!

Exposed to the crazy sunshine!

So, the sun finally noticed him.

It was at this moment that Sherlock witnessed a scene that he would never forget in his life!

In the middle of the sun, a gap slowly opened. In the gap, there were countless bloody tentacles intertwined with each other. The gap opened wider and wider, until a scarlet eyeball opened under the crowd of thousands of squirming creatures. The pupil was like countless nebulae exploding in an instant, only converting all the light and heat into the purest Chaos, shot directly into Sherlock's sight!

This is a staredown! An evil celestial body, or an existence that Sherlock still cannot understand, is the first contact with a tiny human being.

At least that's what Sherlock thought;

At this moment, he only felt that his brain was almost boiling, and was about to burn without fire, just like the boiling city outside the window.

If it were someone else, in fact, at this moment, he must have fallen into absolute collapse. Because he was unable to understand, let alone think, he could only let the sight from the outside erode his reason.

But Sherlock is different. As he has said countless times, he is a detective.

He likes the unknown and puzzles. His brain needs to be filled with things that are incomprehensible. He is eager to tear through the fog and peep into the things hidden by the fog.

The less you understand, the more excited you are!

So at this moment, his mind started to work involuntarily. He was overestimating his capabilities, like a mayfly shaking a tree, but he was extremely tough! arrogant! Even arrogant and conceited! It wants to analyze, it wants to decipher, it wants to understand what is wanted to express behind this moment of madness!

The next second!

A "bang" sound!

He fainted.

Sherlock's body fell heavily against the window, motionless like a dead corpse.

However, his mind was still restless, digesting, and deciphering.

I don’t know how long it took, maybe he was crazy or stupid, and he collapsed! But it could also be that his mind literally transformed all the madness into a message he could understand.

In short, in this coma, a voice slowly emerged in his mind.

The voice was unexpectedly respectful and humble, as if he was bowing slightly to Sherlock and saying:

"Welcome back."

"Welcome back"

"Have you figured out a way this time?"

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