Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 363 I want you to accompany me

There are three kinds of emotions in the world that can make people blind.

Hate, worship, and love.

Watson's feelings for Nightingale are certainly not hatred, and there is nothing easy to explain about this.

It’s not even about love. Beings like Nightingale, who surpass Watson’s aesthetics from the inside out, so casual love for him is simply a kind of blasphemy.

Therefore, he had the purest admiration for Miss Nightingale, so much that he could not bear the slightest stain on this perfection.

But Sherlock has no such idea. He has always felt that a person should do something at any time. And this girl is in her 20s. If she has not had the idea of ​​falling in love, it only means that this person has hormones. There is a problem with secretion, or the brain is not working properly.

So it is normal for her to like someone.

Turning his head, he looked at Watson with an extremely serious expression.

"Okay, okay, but the jobs I took before were all about catching mistresses. They were all actions that involved entering a hotel, taking a shower, going to bed, and having tangible evidence. And 'like' only exists in I'm not sure whether I can detect the emotions in my heart." Sherlock continued to respond nonchalantly: "Moreover, we are on the front line. If the person she likes is in the hinterland of the empire, for example, someone in the rational process If I accidentally meet a passerby, then I really have no choice."

"No move? You are the strongest detective in the world!"

"Detectives are all about logic!" Sherlock explained: "Women themselves are not logical, and love is even less logical. Besides, I don't understand love either, so if I don't have any idea, I don't have any idea."

In fact, Sherlock was just perfunctory with Watson. How could he find out the girl's love partner? Even if he really found out, Watson found that the other person was not worthy of his admiration at all, and then secretly assassinated the other person. What to do.

No, no matter who the other person is, Watson will definitely feel that that person is not worthy of Nightingale.

So, just let this matter go.

In the empire, life and death have always been regarded as a very ordinary thing. Although when a baby is born, the family will indeed be joyful from the heart, and when someone passes away, it will indeed be extremely sad. , but as time goes by, all emotions will eventually subside, and even the new Pope will change his throne, and the Imperial Emperor will ascend the throne. These things caused a huge storm of public opinion at the time, but after nearly a year, , everything finally became a habit, and now even Emperor Augustine, who had not heard from him for a long time, seemed to think of it only occasionally, and then stopped paying attention to it.

The only thing that always exists in people's hearts is the eternally revered Holy Light.

The highest place on the planet, the top of Mount Elbes, in the temple of the Holy Light that was built at an unknown time, the silent busyness has never stopped, because the will of the Holy Light is not something that humans at this stage can directly Things to understand, so those servants of God who serve the Holy Light are always interpreting pictures, words, or sounds that they cannot understand day and night.

This place is far away from the ground. There are no plants and flowers, no seasonal changes, and no worldly customs. Therefore, compared with the front line, this place is truly far away from the world. The servants of the gods never care about the citizens of the empire and the various things in society. This sense of detachment makes this place This temple is more mysterious, and it also makes it more respected or feared. After all, the most primitive fear of human beings comes from the unknown.

But the servants of God in the Holy Light Temple have never cared about this kind of respect. In their view, their body and mind are all serving the Holy Light, so these respects are natural and do not need to be maintained, let alone Need to be proud of it.

In the Holy Light Hall, the extremely old 'God Envoy' was still huddled in the blanket woven from golden silk and satin. His whole body was hunched like a sphere made of dry bones, and the muscles on his limbs seemed to have grown old. It can no longer keep his life running, but he is still alive

At this moment, in front of him was a scroll also made of golden fabric, with a string of unknown numbers written on it.


In fact, in the past three hundred years, similar numbers have appeared more than once, and they are not just numbers, but pictures, words, lines without any meaning, and even a sound.

These things are rarely successfully cracked, and people cannot understand what the Holy Light wants to express. Fortunately, three centuries have passed, and human beings have finally survived one disaster after another and are still thriving.

However, the number before us is different from the previous three centuries, because it does not just appear this time.

It had appeared two months ago.

A month ago, this number appeared again, and a week ago, and three days ago, it appeared. Today, it is the fifth time.

The Holy Light has never issued decrees so repeatedly and frequently. If you think about it with the humble logic of a human being, this text must be extremely important.

"Still have no clue?" A voice came from the golden robe. Because it was not covered by muscles, the voice resonated with the bones in the chest, sounding like the hum of an old machine.

A divine servant is kneeling on the ground in front of the main hall. In fact, people in the Holy Light Temple do not need to kneel when meeting the divine envoy. After all, compared with the Holy Light, these people feel that they are the most humble existences and no one is better than anyone else. No matter how noble it is, the servant of God's emotion towards the messenger of God is more of respect. After all, he is the person who has spent the longest time with the Holy Light.

The reason why this servant of God knelt down was because his legs were extremely slender, and because of the blocked blood flow, his feet had long since become necrotic, making him unable to stand at all.

The people in this temple have more or less physical problems. Although they don't know why, everyone is used to it.

"The analysts of the Book of Revelation have been trying for a month continuously. It's not that they have no clue at all. They got a term from a divine revelation that the Holy Light accidentally dropped 33 years ago. However, they don't know the term yet. What exactly does that mean."

The servant of God said

"A noun?" On the high platform, the envoy whose face could not be seen clearly was slightly confused: "What noun?"

"Preset, positioning, light, coordinates."

The servant uttered some words that didn't sound relevant.

The three words "preset, positioning, and light" can actually be understood, but when combined together, it seems very difficult to understand, and there seems to be no connection with the string of numbers.

As for [coordinates], this word is a word that has never been used in the empire. In fact, the servant of God only told the spelling of this word and guessed its pronunciation based on reading habits.

Therefore, it seems that it still takes time to decipher the meaning of this number.

Fortunately, the people in the Temple of Holy Light have become accustomed to this kind of anxiety coming from unknown information. They also know that no matter how much they worry about it, their interpretation of the revelation of the Holy Light will not be even half a minute faster, even if it really happens one day. Even if humans make big mistakes because of some unread warnings, or encounter some huge crises, these servants of God will not feel regret or self-blame, because they have never relaxed, and even feel that , I can't interpret this matter itself. In fact, it has been expected by the Holy Light. After all, the Holy Light is omniscient and omnipotent.

Of course, these servants of God did not know that while they were racking their brains for this number, the same number actually appeared in front of a civilian detective in Lower London in the extreme south of the planet. .

At this time, several days had passed since Nightingale visited this military base. Sherlock could clearly feel that the soldiers around him were very concerned about his life attitude, routine, and even his appearance, neatness and other details. There have been tremendous changes. A few days ago, he even saw a soldier shaving with a field steel knife.

On the front line, who can shave?

Well, these are not what he should care about. Now Sherlock is lying on a not too narrow bed, staring at the numbers in front of him, and can't help but ask:

"what is this?"

And his palace of thought quickly condensed another word in front of his eyes: [Coordinates].

"Coordinates? What are the coordinates?"

In front of me, [62.5709866/-78.8327524] appeared again.

"The coordinates are numbers?"

"." There was no reflection in his mind palace.

"Maybe I didn't express myself clearly. I'm not asking what 'coordinates' is, but what the word 'coordinates' means. What do these letters mean when put together?"

Sherlock seemed a little helpless. Although he had not gone to school for a few years, he knew that the empire had never had this vocabulary.

However, the Palace of Thought seems to have fallen into a blind spot, as if in its logic, it seems that people who can communicate with it cannot not know the meaning of [coordinates], so it can only continue helplessly. The string of numbers was presented over and over in front of Sherlock's eyes.

In the end, Sherlock could only sigh. Sometimes he really didn't know whether his mind was smart or stupid, so he had to change the question with some disgust:

"Okay, okay, then what exactly do you want me to do by telling me these 'coordinates'?"

Soon, the answer appeared before his eyes:

[Stay away from the coordinates, please stay away from this coordinate.]

Sherlock rubbed his face. He seemed to suddenly have the feeling of communicating with a newborn baby in the hospital. The other person was trying desperately to express something, but he couldn't speak and could only cry. Although he wanted to I understand what the other person means, but I can't understand the cry.

During this awkward exchange, suddenly, there was a knock on the door of the barracks.

Immediately afterwards, Watson walked in.

These days, this military doctor with a very distinct aristocratic temperament has been following the frontline medical team to heal the wounded on the battlefield. Fortunately, he has rich battlefield experience, so he is not like other doctors who are constantly running around and fighting. Half of his life was wasted in the harsh environment, but it also made him feel tired from a long journey under his handsome and calm appearance.

"Huh?" Sherlock was slightly startled when he saw Watson, who hadn't seen him for a few days, and seemed a little guilty. He thought he wanted to ask him whether he had found out who the person who dared to tarnish Nightingale's pure feelings was. Just wanted to find a reason to refuse.

"Come with me for a moment," Watson said.

"Where to go?"

Watson looked around secretly to make sure no one was paying attention, then he came over and whispered, "Your Excellency Nightingale wants to talk to you."

After passing several relatively quiet camps, Sherlock and Watson arrived at the quietest barracks in the entire military base.

In fact, it is said to be a barracks, but it is better to say that this is a fairly good apartment that has been renovated. It has two floors, an independent hot water supply, and the insulated walls are also fully enclosed. Although it looks like a mountain from the outside, it is A boxy black building without any decoration, but in a place like the front line, it is very rare to build such a place for people to live in. Usually, only generals with the rank of commander or above are eligible. Stay here for the night.

The door behind him slowly closed, and Sherlock looked at the beautifully carved girl in front of him. His heart was only slightly shocked, but there were not many ripples at all.

In fact, the two of them have not been together for long, but they have a strange feeling that they have known each other for a long time. They have also experienced life and death adversities. Rounding it off, they can be regarded as pretentious about passing a life. Therefore, in Sherlock's view, the other person has The overly dazzling sacred aura no longer has a sense of mystery. Instead, every time we meet, I just sigh with emotion that the creatures in the world have such perfect looks, nothing more.

At this time, Nightingale was wearing a knitted linen sweater that looked very loose and casual, covering her perfect body. She was sitting at a table, closed the case in her hand, and rubbed her sore eyebrows. The faint golden light of dusk filtered in from the window, carefully leaving curves on her hair, clothes and youthful body.

During this period of time, Watson has become a figure similar to a 'guard'. After all, the two have interacted before and even lived in Watson's apartment, not to mention Sherlock, so the girl in front of him used There was no need to be polite in front of the two people, he just yawned lazily and stood up:

"Healing the injuries and illnesses of frontline soldiers is something that a medical worker cannot refuse, but the workload is indeed quite heavy."

She said apologetically.

But no one in the entire frontline theater would blame the girl for feeling a little tired.

During this period, she led her frontline medical team to three war zones and rescued countless wounded people. Just yesterday, she just conducted a large-scale rescue operation for 150 people at a temporary base 40 kilometers away. The injury healed, she slept for a few hours on the way back, and then returned to the next work. This girl worked even harder than the rest of the medical team.

Sherlock smiled. In fact, he said a long time ago that if there is anyone in this world who is worthy of respect, then this girl must be one of them. At this moment, he is more and more convinced of this.

"What's up?"

"Yes." Nightingale nodded: "In a few days, I am going to the 421 War Zone. There is going to be a medium-sized demon wave blocking battle there, and there will be a lot of casualties.


Do you want to go with me? "

The girl tried her best to tell this passage in the calmest tone possible.

However, Sherlock was still slightly startled.

Watson, on the other hand, tensed up and stared at Sherlock, narrowing his eyes suspiciously.

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