Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 364 I’m staring at you

Nightingale's tone seemed to be talking about an extremely everyday thing, such as I am going shopping this afternoon, do you want to go with me, or have you found a restaurant, do you want to go with me to try it?

It seems a bit strange to use this tone to invite someone to go to the front line of a medium-sized demon tide blocking battle with you.

Of course, if she really used this tone to invite Sherlock to go shopping with her in the afternoon, it would be even more unacceptable.

I don’t know whether the girl in front of her realized this belatedly, or whether she had a guilty conscience. Her face, which was slightly pale due to fatigue and low temperature, suddenly became rosy for unknown reasons. , but she completely ignored her changes, or in other words, she deliberately made herself look very calm and calm, reached out and picked up a piece of compressed biscuit from the side, stuffed it into her mouth, and started chewing vigorously, and the cheek next to her lips was stretched It has to be slightly puffed up. This is a way of eating that does not take into account the image at all, but it wonderfully makes the tired face look a bit more beautiful.

Because Nightingale often felt hungry due to her ordinary use of her healing power during this period, the military specially found a lot of very filling compressed biscuits and sent them to her, and she would always chew a few mouthfuls of them after work.

But Watson always felt that chewing biscuits at this time would give him a hidden feeling, so his eyes became more and more sharp.

"Do you want me to go with you?" Sherlock thought for a moment and asked, "Won't the military send personnel to escort you?"

"Of course there is an escort team, but I think those soldiers respect me a little too much. They are obviously on the front line, but they have to spend a lot of energy and try their best to make me live more comfortably. Can you imagine, I When I came back from the temporary station the day before yesterday, these people actually made a bed for me in the train carriage."

The girl in front of her smiled bitterly and measured it with her hands: "It's the kind of soft bed that is placed in the bedroom, 1.5 meters x 2 meters.

On a front-line military transport train.

In their words, they think I am too tired these days and need to rest."

Sherlock thought about the scene in his mind, and seemed to feel a little uncomfortable. At the same time, he could also feel the distress in Nightingale's heart. Although he could understand the respect that the frontline soldiers had for this girl, this was too much. a little.

"Hey, in short, they completely treat me like a fragile vase. In fact, I really want to tell them that although I am just a woman, I am also a very extraordinary woman. To give a cruel example, if If the ammunition storage depot in this military base suddenly exploded, my chance of survival would be higher than anyone else's.

Therefore, I want to find a few people to take charge of my schedule, time, safety, etc.

It's better than letting the military worry about everything.

Mr. Watson has been contacting and communicating with the military for me these days. He will receive battle reports from the front line for me, and he has arranged most of the itinerary.

So, I want you to join in and find one or two people to accompany you, and that will be enough. "

Speaking of this, it may be to give Sherlock no reason to refuse, so Miss Nightingale smiled and said: "Aren't you a detective? Don't worry, this job won't be done for free. I will pay you a commission."

Sherlock smiled bitterly and wondered, are you still paying me a commission when you don't quite understand what your status is in the hearts of frontline soldiers?

Even if you don't pay, if I dare to say 'no', I will probably be blocked in the barracks by a company of soldiers tonight.

However, it is better to earn commission than nothing, so Sherlock happily accepted the business.

Next, Nightingale did not retain the other party. Her work was related to the lives of countless people, so it was naturally impossible to spend her time on courtesy. After getting Shylock's consent, she immediately threw herself into the world again. Among the almost endless injury cases.

The door to the room was closed, and the surroundings were quiet. The setting sun outside the window crossed the snow-capped mountains in the distance and brushed against the wall of the building. The dim color passed through the glass. Occasionally, reports or shouts from soldiers outside the window came. Or there was a hint of naughty cold wind that squeezed into the seam of the bed and brushed against the girl's neck and shoulders, causing her to tighten her clothes involuntarily.

Nightingale's glasses were a little sour, so she closed her eyes and rubbed them. Perhaps it was due to some long-term habitual consciousness remaining. At the moment she closed her eyes, she subconsciously thought of Sherlock's picture just now. The extremely ordinary face, the unkempt stubble, the eyes that showed no energy for anything, and then thought of all the experiences between them, and what the court official said about him on the streets of London. Those rumors.

Lazy and confused, he can give people a great sense of security, but in some invisible places, he seems to be an extremely terrifying anti-social element. In fact, in the days after leaving Baker Street, she has always been I'm thinking, if Sherlock has really done so many unforgivable things, how come he is safe and sound and has not been punished by law, and even the military is now asking him for help?

The girl in front of the window tilted her head, lost in thought.

And this thought made me a little bit unbearable. In the extremely short time they spent together, too many things happened between the two of them, and in the years of traveling, these embellishments seemed so... of vividness.

Just like Sherlock once said, Nightingale was a woman in her early 20s. She had no mental illness, and her special constitution could not cause her to have hormone secretion problems. Therefore, as a A healthy human being is destined to be curious about certain members of the opposite sex due to certain information contained in her species' genes. Of course, today's girls don't know what this curiosity means.

Similarly, she didn't know that she always showed some dazed expressions from time to time these days, and this scene was all seen by John Watson, who admired her to the extreme, and she became even more... Who would have known that as soon as Watson walked out of the room, he immediately turned his head and stared at Sherlock unblinkingly, as if looking at an extremely dangerous bastard.

"What are you doing?" Sherlock asked inexplicably.

Watson's narrowed eyes were filled with sharp eyes. After a while, he said in a questioning tone: "Do you have any clues about the person I entrusted you to find these days?"

When Sherlock heard this, he immediately prevaricated: "Oh, I've been looking for it, but you can't rush this kind of thing, so don't rush it."

There was another long silence, and Watson suddenly asked an impossible question:

"Tell me, among the many cases you have experienced, has there ever been a situation where the murderer didn't know he was the murderer?"

"Um" Sherlock thought for a while: "I think so, I can't remember clearly."

Watson approached Sherlock and said word for word in an extremely serious tone: "Anyway, I'm keeping an eye on you."

After saying that, he arranged his clothes, warned Sherlock to pack his things quickly in the next few days, and don't let Miss Nightingale wait for you, and then left without looking back.

Only a lonely figure, slightly disheveled in the wind, was left.

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