Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 368 Pay attention to safety

The recruit's eyes were full of disbelief, and his mouth could not help but open wide. However, the cracked frostbite at the corner of his mouth due to the cold did not cause any pain. He subconsciously touched the corner of his mouth with his hand and found that it had also healed.

At this moment, his breathing began to quicken, and the hand holding the flagpole couldn't help shaking. Few people could understand the recruit's mood at this moment. He had been completely desperate a second ago, but he suddenly discovered that a real miracle was just around the corner. It happened to him. He subconsciously raised his head, wanting to find the invisible but ubiquitous Holy Light. He wanted to kneel down and be grateful. He felt that the Holy Light had really given him a gift at this moment. .

However, in the next second, a sudden gust of wind rushed through the smoke with a roar. At the edge of his vision, he only saw a momentary afterimage of a huge thing. The flames pushed away brought heat from his own body. Whistling by, the golden sunflower flags above our heads whistled.

The recruit was so frightened by this sudden moment that his head pounded. He quickly turned his head and saw a huge demon rushing into the flames of war at an outrageous speed. And during this moment of eye contact, he found even more unbelievably that this demon was actually on his side, because there was a huge container tied behind it.

A demon emerging from hell would not have this thing tied to his body.

At this time, the battle situation in the trenches was already in chaos, with blood, minced meat, roars, sulfur, and the unique smell of rust emitted by the scorching heat of steel, plus the death that might befall you in the next second. Everything is enough to drive anyone crazy.

However, with a burst of intense roaring that was extremely fast-paced, a humanoid demon suddenly rushed into the crowd from behind at high speed!

This sudden huge figure made the already crazy Imperial soldiers stunned for half a second. The few soldiers who were close were just about to attack him with their chainsaws, but they suddenly discovered that there was someone behind this guy. Carrying a large container.

And in this moment of confusion, I saw the demon tightly holding the load-bearing iron chain tied to his chest with both hands, and then struggling to break free, the chain that was enough to lift an armored vehicle made a 'bang' sound. It collapsed, and the inertia brought by the running caused the huge container behind it to break free from its restraints, fall with a crash, and roll far away on the ground. The moment the box just stopped, the demon held on to the metal outside the door. Baffle, tear it open directly with brute force.


Tons of ammunition suddenly flowed all over the ground like a stream of steel mud!

Everyone was dumbfounded.

From the sudden appearance of this demon to the appearance of the supply ammunition, it actually only took a second. No one knew where this demon came from, but the real ammunition was This moment once again brought hope of survival to this group of soldiers fighting in despair.

Especially the artillerymen behind the trenches, when they saw the boxes of shells rolling down, just like the porters on the dock seeing the free women, they all had greedy eyes in their eyes, almost with a kind of " He rushed forward with hands and feet, picked up the artillery shells, and ran towards the rear level artillery position.

They didn't have time to think about who was controlling this demon, how it was so fast just now, and how it suddenly lost its inertia while moving at high speed and stopped lightly. They didn't even have time to look around. Find out where this contractor is and say thank you, because every second now can determine life or death for them.

The armored soldiers at the front who were engaged in hand-to-hand combat with the demons did not have any unnecessary nonsense. After seeing the ammunition supplies, they quickly organized a dense formation and collectively retreated towards the ammunition supply position. No one needed to be commanded. This kind of They only need to look at each other's eyes to understand the basic coping strategies.

After fighting and retreating like this for more than ten seconds, finally, another roar of explosive bombs rang in my ears. Among the demons not far away, a blazing fire exploded instantly, and then the flat-firing shells whizzed. The air was cut open, screams, explosions, snow and chicken blood were blown away, the crackling shrapnel and the splashing and impacting sounds of flesh and blood became the main theme of this battlefield again.

At this moment, the soldiers who had been waiting desperately for death suddenly discovered that the annoying roar that usually made their heads hurt sounded so kind at this time.

Being able to persist for an hour in isolation and without help, this lost team undoubtedly possesses extremely strong military qualities. From being on the verge of death to regaining hope, these people completed it in a short period of more than ten seconds. He made a huge change in mentality, and used these support ammunition to quickly re-establish a fire blockade. Only then did someone finally turn their gaze and glance at the demon that had just descended from the sky like a divine weapon.

Offering help in times of need, these ammunition undoubtedly saved the lives of everyone in the trapped team!

An officer drove the steam armor to the front of the contract demon. He didn't care about the blood on his body, let alone the uncomfortable heat emanating from the turbine in the steam armor, and gave an extremely solemn military salute to the top of his head.

"421 Theater Pioneer Battalion, thank you for your assistance."

An extremely simple sentence, but it contained too much gratitude. He looked at the man standing on the devil's shoulder in front of him, and suddenly thought, could this guy just run away with a whole container of ammunition on his back? Came here?

But the closest war zone to here is War Zone No. 421, which is more than 80 kilometers away. Now calculate the time it takes for your battalion’s call for help to arrive at the base, and then subtract the assembly of ammunition and the organization of a rescue team. Waiting for a long time, this guy came all the way, at what a terrifying speed.

And is this guy standing directly on the shoulders of his contracted devil along the way?

Because he was so angry just now, the officer couldn't think about these problems at all. Now he had a little chance to breathe. These doubts appeared in his mind one after another, and as he thought about it, he became more and more worried. The more confused and surprised I became, I couldn't help but wonder where this guy was deployed from, and why I had never heard of such a strong person coming out of the front line.

However, all these surprises and doubts were actually just the beginning, because he soon saw the stranger who he admired turn sideways slightly, and then hugged a female soldier.

Because of the angle he was looking up from below, he didn't realize that there were two people standing on the demon's shoulders. At this time, the man had jumped and landed directly on the ground, and then slowly lifted the female soldier in his arms. lay down.

The officer still didn't understand, because looking at the panting look of the female soldier in front of him, it was obvious that she was panicked after seeing such a battle situation. Therefore, this person should not have any front-line combat experience, so he should not be familiar with the battle situation. What impact would it have? In this emergency rescue situation, why should such a person be brought here?

However, just when the officer's sight came to the other person's only unwrapped chin, he was suddenly startled, and for some unknown reason, he felt unable to look away.

Immediately afterwards, the female soldier in front of her took off her goggles, and her face, which looked extremely pale due to cold and panic, finally bloomed in the wind and snow.

"Hello, I am the leader of the frontline medical team, Florence Nightingale. Where are the seriously injured people?"

The girl in front of her didn't mince words and went straight to the point.

The voice was clear, gentle, and a little urgent, but in the commander's ears, there was only a sound of thunder falling from the sky.

Fortunately, he was sitting in the steam armor and had the support of the seat, so he didn't fall down as soon as his legs gave out. However, he no longer knew what he was doing now, and he didn't know what expression he should make or what he said. What to say, I could only answer the other party's question based on instinct, then turned around like a puppet and pointed to the other side of the trench:

"There are wounded people over there."

Nightingale nodded: "Take me there."

"Okay." The commander responded, and then walked towards the location of the wounded. The buzzing in his head has not dissipated yet, so the pace of controlling the steam armor was a bit chaotic. He even felt that he had just He is already dead, and according to legend, when a person is about to die, he will have an extremely beautiful dream.

Just took a few steps.

The girl beside him seemed to suddenly remember something.

"Sherlock!" She turned around and looked at the contractor standing at the devil's feet not far away: "If you want to participate in the battle later, remember to be careful, I can't follow you. "

"Oh, don't worry." The man known as Sherlock responded casually: "I can handle this kind of situation."

After saying that, he turned around and looked at the other side of the smoke.

The large demon next to him also turned around, took steps forward, jumped several times lightly, stepped over the huge container next to him, crossed the makeshift trenches, and ran towards the place where the fire was most dense. .

The commander's mind was still buzzing with shock from the name [Nightingale].

Seeing the scene in front of him, he seemed to suddenly realize that the man who shocked him the most was probably the man called Sherlock not far away.

Who is this guy? Why did the military dare to let him carry such important ammunition supplies alone? Why did the military dare to let him bring Miss Nightingale to such a dangerous place alone? Well, none of this important.

The important thing is, why does Miss Nightingale care so much about this guy?

There is an old saying in the Empire: The less practical experience a person has, the stronger the theoretical knowledge.

Although this frontline commander is almost 40 years old, he has never had a girlfriend or been in a relationship, so his theoretical knowledge is extremely strong. From the few words the girl just said to the other party, , he could clearly see that it was definitely not just concern for the safety of a frontline soldier.

Miss Nightingale was worried about the other person's safety from the bottom of her heart. In fact, if it weren't for the injured who needed treatment, she seemed to be more willing to continue to follow the other person.

As soon as he thought about this, the commander's heart became more and more horrified, and he even dared not think too much about the relationship between these two people.

Sherlock didn't know how much of a shock the girl's concern for him would be. In fact, he was too lazy to think about it. Looking at the battle in front of him, he felt for the first time that this pale and cold person In this world, there are countless things that can interest you.

So he walked towards several soldiers who were looking at him in the trench beside him.

When those people saw Sherlock walking towards them, they immediately stood up in the war armor and performed a standard military salute. Sherlock did not stop him, but calmly ordered:

"No need to save ammunition, our support team will be here soon."

"Yes!" A soldier at the front responded loudly, even looking like he was accepting orders from his superior. Of course, he had no idea what his military position was.

Sherlock liked this battlefield atmosphere very much because he could explain things without wasting time.

At this moment, several demons suddenly rushed into the fire coverage area not far away. Since the ammunition was still being transported, it was inevitable that there would be a fire gap for a moment, and in just such a moment, A third-level demon rushed over with its claws and fangs bared.

The several soldiers in front of them had serious expressions and were immediately ready to sit back in the cockpit to fight. However, as soon as they put their hands on the control lever of the steam armor, they saw an extremely shocking scene.

A large red and white demon suddenly rushed into sight from the side. It passed through the dense artillery fire without any damage on its body. In an extremely far place, it kicked heavily on the soft frozen shell that had been bombarded. The soil, carrying countless white ice crystals and snow water, moved forward in parallel like a charging beast. In an instant, it passed a distance of more than thirty meters, and then its body was so wonderful that it was turning in the air with its fingers relaxed. He pressed on the head of the demon that was charging forward crazily.

With a bang, the latter was directly pushed to the ground, causing more snow to rise. Immediately afterwards, several soldiers stared and saw the red and white demon leaning down on the opponent's body. , inserted his hands into the mouth of the demon beneath him, and began to spread it open to both sides in a frantic manner.



Amidst the harsh roar coming from the throat, the demon's mouth was stretched wider and wider until the muscles on both sides of the face began to tear and break, and a large amount of blood spurted out. Its head was divided by the crack in the mouth. It gradually began to assume an extremely twisted posture, and the back of the head was almost touching the neck. However, the tearing did not stop. This kind of wrestling between muscles and bones lasted for more than ten seconds. Suddenly, there was a squeaking sound!

The huge force finally grabbed the demon's upper jaw, tearing the entire face, cervical vertebrae and occipital bones apart. Under the huge force, the muscles on the face were like sticky rubber, easily pulled into strands. The threads of muscle adhesion revealed a grey-white sticky mass that was constantly beating under the bones.

That's the devil's brain.

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