Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 369 What a fool!

In fact, many demonology researchers are very confused about one thing.

That's why there is a species called "Humanoid Demon", and the higher the level, or the closer the demon is to the gate of hell, the more it tends to become closer to the human form.

If you carefully study the "Demon Ecological Notes" drawn by the Holy See, you can see a very subtle differentiation phenomenon:

Often, demons in the first stage are shaped like insects, shapeless accumulations of flesh and blood, wild cats and dogs that can be seen everywhere, or things evolved from the remaining limbs of certain creatures. In short, their attack power is poor, and their defense power is not good either.

As for the second-level demons, they gradually began to show some species with relatively powerful lethality in nature, such as rhinoceros, python, and crocodile. Although there are also insect-like demons like spiders, but in equal proportions After zooming in, spiders are actually at a very high level in the food chain.

As for the third stage, humanoid demons account for about 70% of all large demons. Even Baskerville, whose original devil is a kind of 'canine', gradually evolved after reaching the third stage. Walking upright, running and jumping on two feet, hitting people with fists, etc. are biased toward human behaviors.

It's like the entire devil's ecological environment is actually somehow related to the human world, but in hell, all creatures are desperately trying to evolve in the direction of humans.

But while they continue to evolve, they have lost the most important part of their evolution.

That is wisdom.

The reason why human beings have become the masters of all things on this planet is not because of random factors such as walking upright, body posture, mode of action, habits, etc.

But because of wisdom!

Without wisdom, this species, which does not even have any cold-resistant hair on its body, would have been extinct under the severe cold of several winters.

Therefore, the evolution of the devil looks like a creator who does not understand the situation at all. He blindly pushes the evolutionary direction of all species in the direction of humans, but does not understand how to increase the most important things in the evolutionary process. The important 'wisdom element', therefore, breeds a lot of ignorant, bloody and cruel creatures.

Of course, the evolutionary history of organisms on the other side of the void rift is not what people on this side of the human world should study, at least not what these frontline soldiers should study, let alone these trapped fallen soldiers.

Now, the fire blockade has blocked the demon in a safe place, and there will be no chance of a large number of enemies breaking through the battle line for the time being.

But more than half an hour has passed.

Why hasn't the support team arrived yet?

As time passed by, some soldiers couldn't help but think of a possibility that they didn't want to believe.

The support team wouldn't have encountered a demon on the way and wouldn't have been able to arrive in time.

No way.

Another thought, on this ever-changing battlefield, this kind of thing is really possible, but if that happens

No one wants to think about this kind of thing. These trapped soldiers have experienced a change in mentality between life and death. At the same time, when they were dying, they showed the spirit of fearlessness that a soldier should have, but their mentality This kind of thing is not a switch, not a machine that can be started by pressing a button. If it happens again, no one knows whether these newly reborn soldiers can still hold on.

The machine gun in the commander's hand never ceased firing, but the look on his face became increasingly anxious.

at this time

"If we didn't have those third-level demons, would we be able to hold on for a while longer?"

After hearing this question, the commander looked to the side with some confusion, and then nodded to the rescuer named Sherlock.

It's more than just holding on a little longer.

On the front line, there is actually a very fundamental difference between the third-order demon and the second-order demon. That is, due to the caliber of the hand-held firearm, it is impossible to stop the actions of the third-order demon. In other words, people can ignore the attack and rush directly to the front line. In front of you, and then trample you into mud in half a second.

If you want to stop the actions of the third-level demon, you must use explosive firepower with huge impact. First, stop the opponent from rushing over, and then think about how to kill the opponent.

This feeling is a bit like the difference between tanks and wild dogs. Because even if the number of wild dogs is a hundred times that of tanks, the result is obvious.

There is sometimes an insurmountable gap between quality and quantity.

Therefore, if there are not those dozen third-order big demons, this team is confident that it can support for another half hour or even an hour with only firearms and war armor.

After getting a positive answer from the other party, Sherlock seemed to be relieved: "Then I will lure away all the third-level people, and you can handle the rest by yourselves."


The commander in front of him was startled, not understanding what the other party meant.

What does leading away mean?

Moreover, what does it mean to 'lead away all the third-level people'?

There are a total of 20 third-level demons in the demon group this time. The power of the flat-fire cannon is very small, but under the continuous bombing in more than an hour just now, 7 demons have been killed or blown apart. The legs were removed, which greatly reduced the threat. The contractor just used a shocking method to forcefully open the skull of one of them, so there are still 12 left.

To be honest, the scene just now of ripping off the Tianling Gai was enough to make everyone tremble with fear, make their blood boil, and give rise to immense admiration for this powerful contractor.

But what he just said was to lure away all the remaining third-level demons. Does that mean he wants to face 12 demons alone?

This is no longer a concept of being strong or not, but something out of the normal scope of cognition. This contractor has traveled a long distance, carrying the huge container for more than 80 kilometers, and just quickly killed three people. As a level demon, no matter how powerful his brain power is, it should be exhausted. Even if he still has reservations, how can he survive the chase and siege of 12 demons?

The commander in front of him opened his mouth. The person in front of him was undoubtedly his savior, so he was thinking about how to tell the other person in a more tactful way, please don't have such crazy thoughts.

But before he could think of words,

In the meantime, the person in front of him had lowered his body slightly and trotted forward lightly for two steps. Then his figure suddenly became faster, raising a layer of snow dust that obscured his vision, and ran towards the front of the formation.

This scene made the commander's heart suddenly stop for a moment, and then started beating wildly with revenge.

And in the panic and confusion that arose after realizing it, he suddenly seemed to realize that this scene was so familiar, as if he had seen this scene happen before his eyes countless times not long ago.

But the war situation was urgent at this time, and he couldn't think of it for a while.

Until the demon that had been standing quietly not far away bent its back again, and with a loud bang, it sprang out fiercely, causing the whole ground to tremble. A frightening atmosphere was created because of an unexpected move. When acceleration occurs spontaneously.

The commander finally remembered that it seemed that he had watched the films and newspapers on the screen over and over again more than a dozen times. In those barracks, some soldiers with a mentality of worshiping the strong cut out the pictures from the newspapers. Pasted on the wall. And the person inside seems to have such a hazy outline.

This person is that guy

In the smoke, on the snowfield, the artillery fire stirred up countless snow dust, which looked unusually magnificent. And in the explosion of gun smoke, a blurry figure suddenly appeared in the field of vision of hundreds of soldiers.

This shadow is so familiar, but in the past viewings, the perspective was from the sky looking down. But at this time, this scene suddenly played out in front of you without warning, but you can feel the extremely terrifying oppression. feel.

And the target it was heading towards was a large demon that was crowded among the demons and was knocked to the ground by the gunfire. It just got up and roared angrily.

The artillery fire from behind cannot stop, because as long as it stops, the blockade will be lost, and the ghostly shadow seems to be able to ignore all the bombings, and rushes in front of the first demon in an instant, snap! The sound, although it was a crisp sound, was deafening and resounded over the battlefield!

This scene was an extremely ridiculous scene. Even a veteran who had been on the battlefield for twenty years would never have seen such a scene. I saw the red and white shadow waving his arm, and slapped it on the other side. On the face of a demon, the huge force directly knocked it to the ground. The next second, the opponent's huge foot stepped directly on the opponent's face, and then stomped hard into the snow, kicking half of its head. It fell into the hard frozen soil and instantly swept out dozens of meters with the help of the anti-shock force.

Demons have no intelligence, but they often roar and roar. This shows that they should understand anger, but do they also understand the meaning of humiliation?

No one knew, but when the demon was trying hard to pull its head out of the snow, everyone could feel that the sky-high anger was swallowing up the few sanity it had.

Immediately, there was an unprecedented roar, and the demon began to roll and crawl towards the extremely fast afterimage just now! !

And such strange scenes continued to be staged on the entire battlefield.

A huge sprint that spanned a hundred meters, and then the huge body suddenly jumped sideways. With enough strength, he gave a big flying kick to the lower back of a demon, and in the process of rolling forward, he Go over and make up for it;

Then he passed him very quickly, without stopping, and rushed towards the next victim. He raised his arms, hugged the other person's neck and dragged him cruelly for several hundred meters, and then kneed him directly in front of him. The door opened with a bang, and the demon was thrown upside down by the huge force and fell to the ground with its arms stretched out in all directions!

On the battlefield, there was definitely no time to kill these demons one by one, but no one knew what the contractor was thinking. He used this unique and incomparable method to kill all the third-level demons. All the attention is drawn to myself!

The entire battlefield fell into chaos. More than a dozen large demons began to let out deafening roars. They pushed and collided with each other, running in the same direction regardless of their feet, and stepping on other smaller demons regardless of their feet. , Puff, Puff, blood splashed everywhere, the earth trembled, and smoke filled the sky. As the common goal of these demons, the abominable initiator moved ghostly between the battlefield and the artillery fire. In fact, if it were not for the artillery fire, it might The demon's attraction attracted him again, and Sherlock seemed to be able to lead this group of angry guys across the entire battlefield, trampling all the demons that could be trampled to death.

As for the other side of the battlefield, all the soldiers witnessed this spectacular and tragic scene, but people didn't know how to describe the heroic spectacle. A few minutes later, accompanied by a terrifying roar and trampling sound, a long line of demons came one after another. He rushed out of the battlefield and ran into the wilderness covered by wind and snow.

And the direction in which Sherlock escaped, or was pulled, was exactly the direction in which the rescue team came.

Because the rescue team is equipped with mobile heavy artillery, this kind of large weapon was developed to fight against the third-order big demon. Instead of letting them rush here all the way, it is better to take the enemy directly to find them faster.

At this time, the support troops were still speeding forward in the wind and snow. 10 minutes ago, they had just experienced a sudden encounter. More than a hundred void cracks suddenly appeared on their path, and then a large number of medium-sized demons appeared on their path. They came out with bared teeth and claws.

Although they are all second-level demons, their numbers are enough to cause a lot of trouble to this team. In order to speed up the march, seven of the more than twenty third-level contractors had to step forward and use It took more than ten minutes to quickly deal with these guys blocking the road. For this reason, they all fell into a dizzy stage. They didn't know if they would be able to slow down when they arrived at the destination.

After continuing to advance for another ten minutes, the wind and snow seemed to have stopped, and the vast white wilderness gradually appeared in sight. The sound of artillery fire on the main battlefield on the other side of the mountains was still there, and the person in charge of this rescue operation seemed to have no emotion. , but my heart began to waver.

He didn't know whether the ten minutes his team wasted just now would have any impact on the rescue. He didn't know whether the trapped soldiers could hold on. He didn't even know whether the soldier who broke into the wind and snow alone had no idea. Is the guy lost, is he encountering a demon like himself, is he still alive?

All kinds of thoughts made him more and more restless, and he even wanted to speed up even more despite the excessive heat of the chariot's turbine.

But at this moment

He suddenly felt some bumps in the chariot he was controlling.

And it's getting more and more intense.

"Captain, what's over there?"

A soldier sitting nearby patted him on the shoulder and pointed to the side of the eyepiece.

The leader of the rescue team turned his head in confusion, and then


He cursed subconsciously, because he saw that after the wind and snow cleared, between the flat snowfields in the distance, a huge piece of smoke and dust was flying wildly in the wind. His rich combat experience told him that there are not hundreds of demons. Or a dozen third-level big guys, it is impossible to form such a formation.

And as the flying sand and rocks approached rapidly, he suddenly saw the demon that had separated from the team not long ago and left alone.

With a large group of large demons roaring, they rushed straight in the direction where they were!

While running, he was waving his hands.

It's like he's waiting for praise

'Look, I brought all your goals here, please praise me~'

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