Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 372 Honorable Return

From a microscopic perspective, molecular movement slows down at low temperatures, so the colder the place, the less obvious the flavor diffusion.

In Shylock's era, although this theory had been mentioned by some, it had not yet formed widespread recognition. At this time, the cold wind washed away a lot of the smoke and heat waves around him, but there was still something in the air. It was still filled with a strong smell of blood and burnt food.

Looking at the corpses scattered on the snowfield and the charred and withered flesh piled up like a hill in the distance, these soldiers seemed to finally realize that they had wiped out all the demons without leaving a single one behind.

Looking at the time again, I was shocked to find that only ten minutes had passed since that person lured the devil here.

Everything was like thunder and lightning, smoke passed across the border, and corpses were everywhere. This kind of combat power and efficiency had far exceeded the upper limit that this support team could achieve. What was even more incredible was that not a single person died in them from beginning to end, and What they did didn't have any wonderful tactics or advanced new weapons. They just fired hard at a fixed area.

And it was that person who made all this happen.

In fact, until now, these supporting frontline soldiers still don't know his name.

However, there was no time for them to sigh, because very far away, the man had already jumped on the shoulders of the contracted demon. In the far eyepiece, he could be seen waving towards the team, and then towards the direction he came from. Run in the direction.

Yes, the purpose of this team is here to support the trapped personnel, and their mission has not yet been completed.

As a result, everyone immediately suppressed the shock caused by the scene just now, began to silently rectify the team, put away the ammunition, quickly entered the emergency march mode, and followed the guidance of the devil in front of them.

Everything that follows seems much easier to accept than the heroic chase and fight before.

Without the threat of a dozen third-level demons, the trapped team quickly suppressed the remaining demon groups within a small area with sufficient ammunition. There were no idiots among these soldiers. , they clearly know what they should do in this state, so that the entire front will no longer be threatened by any threat, and it is only a matter of time before all the demon groups are slaughtered.

Therefore, what shocked them at the moment was the girl who was leaning over the ice and snow and touching the forehead of an injured person with her palm.

Beauty is just human beings' pursuit of a certain external form, or a certain sense of expectation and satisfaction in the spiritual world. Compared with life, the latter is naturally more important. After all, there are few people in the world who are as twisted as Watson. aesthetics.

But the girl in front of them is absolutely unusual. These frontline soldiers have heard legends about her countless times, and have simulated her famous beauty in their fantasies countless times.

But at this time, no one paid attention to her face or her beautiful body wrapped in thick military uniform. All eyes were focused on the bodies of the wounded, the lives that were about to disappear, and those shocking wounds. , those miserable moans that cannot be suppressed.

And all of this gradually dissipated under her gentle touch. Wherever she passed, those wailing voices due to pain, twisted faces, flowing blood, and broken bones all seemed to have been touched by the holy light. Favor, that is the most direct miracle, is all displayed in front of these soldiers.

A young soldier watched as his chest, which had been hit by flying shrapnel and became bloody and bloody, gradually healed. The horror in his eyes gradually turned into hot excitement, and then turned into the most sincere trembling and gratitude; a veteran Enduring the severe pain, he straightened the broken thigh, and then the bones began to grow rapidly, and the broken parts were connected. The moment the pain disappeared, he knelt on the ground and put his head in the cold snow; he had fallen into a deep state just now. The unconscious soldier stood up alone at this moment, and his comrades, who were ready to face each other for life and death, hugged each other with tears in their eyes.

These scenes are actually things that people dare not even think about, but the girl who showed off her miracles did not have any time to accept gratitude, let alone appreciate the joy and touching scenes after regaining her life. She Just get up hastily and run to the next wounded person, and then the next, and the next.

There are many kinds of beauty. For these soldiers who live on the frontline of life and death all year round, life is the most beautiful thing in the world. Therefore, the face of the girl in front of me is stained with gunpowder smoke and dust, and her hands are all black. The blood was mixed with red. But she became more and more breathtakingly beautiful. There seemed to be light blooming on her body, which caught everyone's eyes, filled their eyes with tears, and filled their hearts, arousing bursts of sadness.

But no one dared to disturb her, so they watched quietly from a distance, not daring to make a sound or touch her. They could only be grateful that the Holy Light had descended on such a miraculous woman, and grateful that she could come to this place full of smoke. place, thanks to her willingness to save herself, and of course, thanks to the contractor who brought her here.

By the way, that guy took away all the dozen large demons like a lunatic. After such a long time, what happened to him?

Where did he run? Was he overtaken, knocked down, injured, or died tragically somewhere in the wilderness?

Gradually, people began to worry.

And as these doubts gradually emerged in everyone's hearts, it was as if the man could hear people's voices in distant places, and then he dropped from the sky and brought the answers to the soldiers in person.

At this moment, some roaring sounds in the distance gradually became clearer, and I looked towards the direction of the sounds.

He is back!

Not only did he come back, he also brought the support team with him, marching in from afar and rushing into the demonic group that had not yet been exterminated.

For a time, the firepower that continuously compressed the space and resisted the impact was dwarfed by comparison. The battlefield suddenly changed from a guard to a one-sided massacre. The crimson demon at the head was like a giant strangulation machine that was running endlessly. The meat machine was filled with blood wherever it passed, and the guy named Sherlock was also running and tearing wantonly beside it. Without the interference of the third-level demon, these second-level demons or below were completely unable to stop his ferocious momentum. .

In the ancient records, there are some scenes in the wars before the Holy Calendar, which describe a type of warrior called cavalry rushing into the archer camp. In front of them, those archers will be like withered grass burned by a raging fire, burning thousands of meters in an instant. Unless they are burned out, they will not be extinguished.

And now, the guy named Sherlock showed such a shocking momentum alone. He was the first to lead the heavy artillery and machine guns from the rear, charging the car and galloping crazily through the flesh and blood, unrivaled.

In this scene, in fact, both the trapped soldiers and the supporting team had already witnessed the man's powerful lethality beyond normal understanding. Moreover, after a long journey, he was escorted by snowy fields, lured the enemy on the battlefield, and annihilated more than a dozen animals. After the large demon, he turned around and charged in again.

Although Sherlock's body is powerful, he will eventually tire, and strenuous exercise will eventually consume the body's stored strength.

He still felt tired.

With a cry, the body, which seemed insignificant compared to anything else on the battlefield, tore through the smoke and shattered the snow and soil wherever it passed. The tired body moved quickly sideways like a dead branch in the strong wind. , the speed did not slow down at all, banging a second-level demon in front of him, followed by blood and flesh flying all over the sky. The hail of gunfire and bullets around him tore out lines of fire and exploded around him, like a murderous and heart-stopping funeral song.

It's not just Sherlock who is tired. In fact, Nightingale, who has healed dozens of seriously injured soldiers in the back line, is also exhausted. There is an essential difference between life-threatening injuries and diseases: it may be difficult for some people to understand. But regenerating flesh and blood and reconnecting broken bones is much more difficult than treating serious illnesses that are considered terminal.

Because treating a disease is more about restoring body functions and removing lesions, such as severe pneumonia that has been bedridden for decades. In fact, if those stubborn inflammations can be eliminated, the disease will lay the foundation for cure, but you want the incision to heal. , then it is purely out of nothing.

After another person's shattered arm was restored, the girl felt dizzy and almost fell down.

Several soldiers who were nearby immediately helped him up, indicating that the dying wounded had been healed and could actually rest.

The girl raised her head and looked in the direction where the smoke was thickest. In fact, it was the first time that Nightingale had focused her sights on the battlefield until this moment.

She didn't know if it was a real attraction or a simple coincidence. At the first glance, she saw the figure that was too fast to catch, and the bodies of demons fell wherever they passed. Corpses.

Although Nightingale ignored dissuasion many years ago, she resolutely opened her door and began to travel around the empire. She looked like a rebellious adolescent girl. In fact, she was a quiet and traditional girl at heart, who hated war. She hates blood and death, but the devil's door is wide open. War is the prerequisite for human survival. She hates blood, but as a medical worker, she must be accompanied by blood all day long. She hates death, so she came to the deadliest place on the entire planet. Where it happens frequently.

She always seems to have a close relationship with nasty things.

Not long ago, she was surprised to learn that Sherlock was actually a murderer, the most vicious kind who would even be imprisoned in a blood prison.

Nightingale naturally hated murderers

However, due to various fates and encounters, she gradually became familiar with this murderer. When she saw the scene of blood flying in front of her, she should instinctively feel unhappy, but her heartbeat accelerated and she pursed her lips tightly. He closed his mouth and even forgot to breathe.

Then think about all the things between two people.

"Sure enough, the more annoying something is, the closer it is to it. It seems that this phenomenon that happened to me has always been accurate."

So, taking advantage of this moment of respite, she watched the afterimage that could no longer be captured with her eyes make incredible leaps and turns, erratic and harvesting wantonly on the battlefield.

Inexplicably, she smiled at the scene that she should have hated so much, then calmed down again and transferred her energy to the wounded.

This is the purpose of her trip and it is also her obligation.

Finally, after more than ten minutes, the area in the distance that had been shrouded in flames of war gradually calmed down.

In the sudden encounter, a total of 400 people in the frontline troops of the 421 theater were seriously injured, and 77 people were seriously injured. All of them were later cured, and 59 people died.

A temporary rescue team of 330 people was formed, with no casualties among them.

The battle situation of the enemy demon group: all annihilated, leaving no one behind.

This battle is finally over. These soldiers have not returned to the military base yet, but I don't know how many people will be shocked by this kind of battle report.

In this tranquility that came again, some were silent, some suddenly screamed, and some laughed loudly. Some soldiers pushed open the doors of the chariots and looked at the charred ground in front of them, the smoke filling the sky, and the brave men who had just fought so bravely. The Predator, for some reason, suddenly felt a sore nose and started to cry loudly.

In fact, if you ask carefully, you will find that most of these people are just young people in their early 20s.

The war between humans and demons is a war of species, a war at the food chain level, and a war in the living space. Therefore, this war cannot be reconciled, so smoke and lethality are the only languages ​​they use to communicate with each other. .

Sherlock was not a sympathetic person. He was standing on the edge of a cannon pit, looking at the devastation in front of him. He subconsciously calculated how many cannonballs would be needed to turn a snowfield into this state. As for the corpses of those demons, , naturally it is impossible to have any sympathy. Even after a slight comparison, I suddenly felt that those criminals who were sentenced to death for killing a person in London seemed worthy of being depressed for themselves. The law is the cornerstone of maintaining social stability. There is some truth to this, but on the battlefield, people die every second. In those invisible places, thousands of lives and blood are spilled on the ground. The death of one person really seems to be nothing.

From this point of view, if someone opens the door to hell, then he has committed the longest, most deadly, most horrific and most massive murder in history.

This kind of idea comes from the mind of a detective, which naturally makes people feel a little ridiculous and naive, but it is also full of cold conjectures, and can even be said to be a little crazy.

Although there is still no explanation for the reason for the opening of the Gate of Hell, no matter how you think about it, it cannot be caused by a human being.


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