Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 373 Are you going to let people sleep? !

Sherlock smiled self-deprecatingly and gave up the idea. He also understood that no matter from any angle, the opening of the Gate of Hell should not have anything to do with any human being.

So, he took one last look at the real battlefield in the wilderness, confirmed that the battle should be over, then turned around and walked towards the trench not far away.

Some warriors in steam armor were slowly cleaning up among the piles of corpses, trying to find the remaining demons covered by snow, soil or minced meat, and then add the final blow. Suddenly, they raised their heads and saw the man covered in corpses. It was a bright red strange man who was leaving the battlefield, shaking off the scraps of meat from his windbreaker, with an extremely silent and complicated expression.

Naturally, they didn't know that Sherlock felt distressed because he saw the damage and holes in his clothes that were not easy to repair. He thought that the killing just now made him feel a little heavy and he was thinking about things like war, life, etc. Grand issues such as belonging to the world, so everyone is in awe.

In sight, all the people stopped, stood upright in military posture, looked at the man's back with an attitude of great respect, and tapped their chests with their hands, posing in the most standard posture. military salute.

They knew that the reason why they survived was not only because of the appearance of Lord Nightingale. This unknown and powerful man also played a role in at least 50% of it, or even higher.

At the edge of the trench, the field officer who initially blocked Sherlock in every possible way gradually suppressed the excitement and surge in his heart and began to think about some issues that soldiers should think about.

Before this moment, he, like all other soldiers on the battlefield, believed that among the entire Imperial Legion, the person with the most powerful individual combat effectiveness was a frontline soldier named Baskerville. However, due to personality issues, that person seemed to be the most powerful Sometimes, he only accepts single-person missions because he always subconsciously forgets that he needs to take into account the lives of other people during the mission. It is rumored that this frontline officer killed too many people during the mission, which resulted in He was involved in the death and injury of his companions.

And that guy named Sherlock, for the time being, doesn't seem to be the kind of freak who attacks all living creatures around him indiscriminately.

Not only that, his behavior is more rational. For example, when he saw that the battle formation was unsustainable before, he would not blindly rush over and fight all the demons. Instead, he would first attract all the third-order demons away, and then Use the firepower of the support team to defeat the demon groups in batches, let one end stabilize the battle, and finally bring the support team back.

This kind of operation not only reflects his personal strength, but also uses all the military's firepower where it is needed most.

A talent. A rare talent.

Of course, he didn't know that on the support team's side, he was chasing and intercepting all the third-order great demons by himself, concentrating them all in an extremely narrow area, forcing the corpses to pile up into a hill, and chasing and killing four of them. A large demon, slashing all its hands on the vast snowy field.

The person in charge of the support team saw all this, and he didn't know how much incredible shock they would bring to each other when the two people came together to discuss today's battle.

In short, they are all thinking about which war zone this guy is from. If there can be such a powerful guy in the war zone where they are, wouldn't he be invincible and become the ace of the entire Redeker Strait coast! Therefore, if you want this guy to stay in your war zone, what price will you have to pay? Discuss with the commander and sell the iron to keep this guy!

Of course they don't know that Sherlock is not a soldier at all. In fact, this time he came to the front line, he was only dragged by the current emperor Franklin, hired half-way by Nightingale, and morally kidnapped by his roommate Watson. Well, okay, Xia Locke actually doesn't have much of a 'moral' thing. He just doesn't want to owe Watson a favor. In short, for other reasons, he just came to the front line to stay for a while, so when he wanted to leave Redeker Strait, naturally No matter what the price is, it is impossible for him to stay here.

In front of the trench temporarily built with a chariot, Sherlock's tired figure walked over little by little. He had done too many things today, and he was extremely exhausted both mentally and physically. In the process, It is impossible for him not to be injured, but because the entire front line is not his own territory, and even here is not within the control of the Holy Light, this means that he cannot use the demons in hell to repair his body and those wounds. , torn muscles, and slowly flowing blood, all gave him the most real pain.

What made him most uncomfortable was that the remaining half of the box of blues was soaked in blood and couldn't be ignited.

In this way, he returned to the rear of the battle formation. The soldiers who saw him returning immediately stood up straight, as if they were welcoming the inspection of the leader, or a hero returning to camp after losing blood.

Arriving at the rear of the position, he saw Nightingale who was still busy. In such a cold environment, her black hair was still mixed with some sweat and stuck to her too fair face. He heard the sound of footsteps. She raised her head and saw Sherlock returning, and couldn't help but smile.

"I'm back." It's like a pair of old friends who have known each other for a long time, meeting again after a not-so-long separation, the most insipid, but also the most sincere greeting.

"Yes." Sherlock nodded, looking extremely normal.

However, this is certainly not a business trip in everyday life, or a few days apart.

The man was unstoppable on the battlefield and was responsible for the victory of the entire battle.

The woman rescued the wounded in the rear, and forcefully took away the dying lives of dozens of soldiers at the hand of death.

At this time, their extremely relaxed greetings seemed so impressive, yearning, and reassuring. Suddenly, several young soldiers seemed to realize something and looked at Nightingale. , looked at Sherlock again, and then there was a gleam in his eyes, and he suddenly understood, and he quickly cast a meaningful look at the people next to him in an extremely concealed manner.

These soldiers have been working together all year round. Of course, they can understand each other's meaning with just one glance. They couldn't help but immediately thought of that possibility, so they quietly moved their steps and left the simple tent where the wounded were placed.

Even some of the injured who had just been healed quietly chose not to stay here anymore after seeing this scene, or found some seemingly reasonable reasons.

Sherlock was exhausted and had no energy to think at all, so he just rested on a box of ammunition. He felt a little sleepy and his eyes became heavier and heavier.

With her last effort, Nightingale successfully healed the last wounded soldier. She breathed a long sigh of relief and fell down on the cot where the injured soldier had been lying in exhaustion. She looked like a man who had exhausted all his energy. The little cat casually pulled a military coat over himself and fell asleep within a few seconds.

The team began to reorganize, the ammunition was repacked, and the heavy artillery was transported back to the convoy. However, in the tent that was still sheltered from the wind and snow, a man and a woman were sleeping very deeply, snoring slightly, and someone passed by. The curtain was drawn for him so that no one would disturb him.

These two people are so tired.

It's time to take a rest.

And what’s amazing is that if a woman like Nightingale, who is enough to make anyone obsessed with her, is in the same room with a man, then that man should have been pulled out and cut into pieces to satisfy the public’s anger, but If they thought that person was Sherlock, it seemed that these soldiers accepted it somewhat readily.

No one knows how this extremely double-standard idea came to be. In fact, these soldiers themselves have never considered this issue. They just think it is okay and very okay.

The two teams converged. This team of less than a thousand people was actually just a marginal battle in this battle to block the demon tide. But on the other side of the mountain range, the war seemed to be like this battle, and it began to gradually reveal its victory. signs of.

In the sky, fifteen war airships were suspended above the smoke. In the observation room, a circle of field messengers looked into the eyepieces in front of them. Their eyes quickly scanned every inch of the land below, and they recorded the battle situation into the recorder. Continuously transmitted back to the base headquarters in the rear, on the battlefield map, the area with the densest number of demons has shown a trend of collapse. The empire's military technology still showed its due lethality in this battle, but, A brand-new unit also shined in this battle.

The master of wild demons.

Seven months after the Darwin Recovery Plan was successfully launched on the front lines, some frontline soldiers who had undergone more than half a year of arduous training finally had a chance to lead their contracted creatures into a real battlefield.

In fact, according to the military's original plan, this new type of combat arm will need to go through another two years of trials, and after many simulated battles, safety guarantees, and even calculations of economic costs and death losses, it can be gradually developed. Enter the battlefield.

However, due to an unexpected frontline mission half a month ago, a contractor whose name was not disclosed, films taken over the battlefield, and newspapers transported to various war zones, brought wild animals to life. The demon controller has been pushed into a very delicate position.

Soldiers on the front line often have simple and direct personalities, because in this land, only strength is the thing that can truly survive. However, the top military officials cannot all be fanatical war enthusiasts. They know very well that conservative veterans Rejecting fresh fighting ideas, and knowing that this three-hundred-year-old war needs fresh blood, some slightly conspiratorial methods were secretly operated, and the wild demon controllers were put into the battlefield in advance, and those outstanding The soldiers also delivered an answer that satisfied everyone in this battle to block the demonic tide.

At this time, at the 421st Theater Military Base, the heavy metal gate slowly rose upwards. Under the increasingly dim light, a fleet of dusty convoys drove towards this side.

Although they knew that the soldiers from their own war zone had returned, on the surrounding towering defensive walls, the garrison soldiers still cautiously held the heavy machine guns in their hands, slowly turning the muzzles of their guns as the convoy moved forward.

Because, just behind this convoy, it is extremely unusual to see a demon covered in blood and with dried minced meat hanging. Although the pace is steady and very quiet, the terrifying image makes people subconsciously feel that it is... It contains huge dangers, so we have to keep aiming at it, for fear that the next second, it will rush into the base and start killing everywhere.

It's no wonder that these garrison troops were too nervous, because after staying on the battlefield for so many years, they had never seen a contractor walk back all the way without letting the demon lie back in the sedative after the battle.

Ten minutes later, the motorcade drove into the base. Sherlock and Nightingale weakly supported each other and walked into the rest area.

Fatigue will not be noticed when the senses are excited. When everything calms down and the spirit gets a little space to relax, the accumulated fatigue will explode in an instant, so the two people slept together in the car After returning to the base, I only woke up for a moment. I didn't bother to take a shower. I just took off my coat, found a bed in a daze, and fell asleep again.

This glorious return has naturally received the absolute attention of the military. Miss Nightingale went deep into the battlefield for the first time, and saved nearly a hundred lives by herself on the verge of death. This kind of battle report is simply more exciting than the most powerful All agents are useful.

Outside a barracks, a group of war reporters got the information from unknown sources. Like a group of wild wolves that had smelled meat, they all gathered outside the door.

Fortunately, a group of soldiers blocked the door and stopped him.

"I told you, Miss Nightingale is resting!"

The one who roared loudly at the reporters in front of him was the captain of the trapped camp. He had just escaped from life and death and was about to face these annoying reporters when he came back. He really wanted to find the most annoying one in the crowd. First Let’s talk about it after the shot collapses.

"Just now we saw that someone went in with Miss Nightingale. Who is that person?"

"You are wrong, there is only Miss Nightingale in there!" the captain said without thinking.

"Then how do you explain this photo?" A reporter quickly handed over a photo. It showed a man and Miss Nightingale supporting each other and walking into the barracks. It looked like it was taken on October 10. A few minutes ago, it could be seen that this group of reporters had already been followed here.

The captain was also a ruthless person. He tore the photo in his hand into pieces with a tear, then raised it to the sky in front of the reporter, and said disdainfully: "What photo? Why didn't I see it?"

The reporter was stunned for a moment, then blinked: "Sir, you don't think that I can't do anything if I tear up the photo. This thing was developed from film. If I want to, I can do it early tomorrow morning." I can print 500 copies of this photo and distribute it to all my colleagues. I will add it to my own short story, divide it into various versions, and add various sections. I believe that within the next week, I will be able to make the entire front line happy. Everyone knows this!"

"How dare you?!" The captain pulled out a gun, pointed it at the reporter's head, and yelled viciously.

And who is a good war reporter who has been on the front line for so many years? The man in front of him showed no fear. He grabbed the muzzle of the gun and put it against his head:

"If you have the ability, kill me today, or explain everything to me from beginning to end. Otherwise, I will never leave. There are so many fellow brothers around here watching, so if you have the guts, shoot me!"

"You think I don't dare?"

"Then you drive!"

The two men were facing each other tit for tat, with the soldiers behind them and the war reporters in front of them refusing to give in.

And just then.

The door of the barracks behind him was suddenly opened:

"Why are you making so much noise to prevent people from sleeping?!"

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