Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 402 Crossing the Gate of Hell (Part 1)

Baskerville is a genius in the contract field, a rare one seen in a hundred years, and his contract demon is also the most powerful type in the entire demon ecosystem. The two complement each other, making him a hero that even Lord Dante praised. An absolute strong man who never stops talking.

Therefore, no matter how he thought about it, it was impossible for his demon to be disobedient.

But if you look at this situation from the perspective of a bystander, it doesn't seem to be too unacceptable, because even those wild demons can be suddenly deprived of their thoughts, turn around and pounce on their companions in an instant, then It makes sense that a contracted demon gradually begins to lose control.

After all, on that snowy night a year ago, in order to contain the crazy offensive of the Baskerville hounds, Sherlock once let a tentacle penetrate into the body of this huge demon.

It's just that at that time, Sherlock had just reached the peak of the second level and was unable to control the third level demon except Crimson, so he kept that tentacle in the opponent's body. After so long, he himself had forgotten about it.

But today is different from the past. Faced with the endless tide of demons coming towards him, and with his employer Nightingale right in front of him, countless possibilities of death are constantly forcing Shylock into more and more dangerous situations. At that time, his lazy nerves finally got the satisfaction that they had never been able to get.

Maybe it was fate, maybe he really waited for this opportunity. In short, at this moment, Sherlock finally took the step that thousands of contractors could not take, and successfully became a third party. stage contractor.

What makes him even more incredible is that the surging heat erupting from his body seems to be able to replace the realm in hell and summon those black tentacles directly to his side, even to Baskerville. The hound, also under the influence of the surging heat, responded to Sherlock's call for the first time.

Under the huge dark curtain, the tentacles that erupted penetrated into the minds of the surrounding demons, transforming them into Sherlock's combat power, and withstood the crazy offensive of the outer demons. Before dying, the white giant erupted into a fierce scream, the sound pierced the night sky, and then fell to the ground with a crash, scattering large amounts of flying snow.

A crimson hand carefully came to Sherlock's body, and then slowly spread it out

That’s it!

The girl who had been missing for nearly three months finally appeared in front of Sherlock again.

At this time, Miss Nightingale closed her eyes quietly, as if she was asleep. She was still wearing the surgical gown she had worn when she disappeared. For three months, she had not eaten or drank, but she was completely There was no sign of physical exhaustion. The overly perfect face seemed to be crystal clear due to the running around these days and the cold wind. There was some lovely light red on the tip of the nose and cheeks, making it even more charming.

This was all due to her special physique, but also because of the long-term inability to absorb nutrients, the girl entered a state similar to hibernation.

Sherlock glanced at the girl in his arms, and after confirming that she was fine, he seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, but it was just that. His employer had now obtained it, and the next problem was how to get from this endless Break out of the demonic tide.

He was able to drive straight into the center of the demonic tide by accumulating speeds of several thousand meters from the high mountains, piercing the demons along the way in one fell swoop. But now, he was already surrounded by people who could not see the edge at a glance.

Fortunately, in his brain, there were nearly ten thousand demons responding to his orders at the same time.

According to ordinary people's understanding, a contractor can only control one demon. With the blessing of the 'soul visualization device', it may be possible for a powerful person to control two or even three demons.

But Sherlock never seems to be restricted by such conditions. There is never a bottleneck in the number of demons he can control. This may be because of his powerful thinking ability that is beyond what normal people can have, or because of his contract with demons. peculiarity, or for some other reason.

In short, all he can rely on now is

To be more precise, the only people he could rely on for the time being were the demons around him who were constantly being corroded by black tentacles.

The large wave of tentacles spreading toward the outside world with him as the center has not yet shown its decline, but this is in front of the gate of hell. The demons here are almost endless in the true sense. They are densely packed and make the vastness under the cliff The snowfield seemed a bit crowded, and some places where demons were too densely packed could only be stacked one on top of another. The stacks were as tall as hills. Together with the influx of another wave of demons, they formed a swarming ocean.

The number of demons controlled by Sherlock is undoubtedly staggering. If these demons were put into the streets of London, the entire city could be slaughtered in a few days.

But compared with the more demons around him, it still seems a bit weak.

Therefore, as he had expected, the demon possessed by his black tentacles was actually only a temporary support. Gradually, the tentacles control the speed of the demons, and some of them cannot keep up with the speed of being devoured. The demons pouring out from the gate of hell seem to be able to instantly identify which demons are their companions and which demons have become others. In short, it is only a matter of time before the puppets die due to the chaos of biting each other.


At this moment, Sherlock's eyes flashed with an imperceptible light of determination. He no longer tried to let these puppets spread outwards and fight the surrounding demons forcefully, but instead controlled the surrounding demons to converge towards him. They were tightly packed together, forming a wall made of accumulated flesh and blood, and then started to fly in a certain direction!

During this process, Baskerville felt that he was increasingly unable to control his demons, as if something was fighting for control of his demons in his mind.

Moreover, that sub-power is so tyrannical. If he hadn't been training as a contractor for a long time, his demon would have been taken away in an instant.

But even so, after two or three seconds of fighting, the mental link between him and his contracted devil suddenly broke. Baskerville only felt a fatal pain and emptiness in his mind, and a blur in front of his eyes. Black, a mouthful of blood spurted out because of this weird backlash, and his whole body fell directly from a height of 20 meters, and the huge demon under him was suddenly completely taken away from control, and he headed towards the demonic tide regardless of everything. He rushed straight through the depths!

That was the direction Sherlock was flying towards.

There is a story recorded in an ancient legend from the East. Due to the punishment of the gods, a pair of loving men and women can only meet each other on a special day every year, walking on a bridge built by flying birds.

A very simple story, a very simple setting, but after more than ten years of waiting, this kind of overly loyal, even paranoid behavior has been dyed with a touch of extreme romance.

At this moment, just below the gate of hell, in the boundless demonic tide, Crimson and the Hound of the Baskervilles are like two people running towards each other in the myth, but they are just two people in the story. It is because of love that we have traveled thousands of miles to embrace each other, surrounded by the brilliant starry sky, and under our feet is the highly romantic Bird Rainbow Bridge.

But right now, the two demons are engaged in an extremely bloody battle. Surrounded by the extremely terrifying surging demons, they are constantly roaring, roaring with claws and fangs. Wherever they pass, there are only flying fragments. Meat and splashing blood, what surrounded them were not birds, but nearly ten thousand demons whose minds were eroded by black tentacles.

In short, this bloody rush to each other continues like this. During this period, it is impossible to calculate how many demons died, how many demons were invaded and controlled, or were trampled into pulp under the heavy pace of more than 200 tons. Well, In the end, the two finally met in this huge wave of death. Between the demon's minced flesh and stumps, a crimson hand suddenly reached out to the Baskerville hound, and the other party was already ready. As if terrified, he quickly took the girl, then carefully protected it in his hand, and gently hugged it to his chest, just like a person in love receiving a precious and fragile gift.

And the next second after the handover was successful, Sherlock suddenly turned around without any hesitation and headed in the direction he had rushed in after all the hard work...

Ran back!

Not only did he return the same way, but he also caused all the demons controlled by the tentacles to swarm around Baskerville's hound, allowing this behemoth to begin to rush towards the outside of the demonic tide under the escort of nearly 10,000 demons.

In the sky, several military transport airships received the signal just sent out. Regardless of the vision in the sky and the fear of the gate of hell, they rushed over at the fastest speed. They looked down at what was incredible. The picture, looking at the huge pitch black curtain, and further below, the Hui Master who just staged the scene that tore apart the entire demonic tide.

Finally, I saw the emaciated demon resolutely rush back into the demonic tide in the opposite direction, using himself as a bait to create an opportunity for his companions to escape.

On the battlefield, it is not uncommon to abandon one's own life in order to save others, but when such a scene is staged under the gate of hell and the invasion of thousands of demons, it is extremely touching.

After some soldiers realized what had happened, they couldn't help but feel the blood in their chests and their eyes were bloodshot. They subconsciously straightened their backs and saluted the figure below who was gradually being submerged by the demonic tide with a gesture that represented the highest respect.

There is nothing to question, and this behavior must be worthy of respect.

But anyone who knows Shylock a little bit knows that he actually does not have such a noble sentiment of self-sacrifice for others.

There was only one simple reason why he handed Nightingale over to the Hound of the Baskervilles, and that was because the two of them couldn't escape.

During the period just now, Sherlock has discovered a very tragic phenomenon, that is: he seems to be the target of all demons.

As for the reason, I guess it was because of the white demon that he killed.

Just before he died, he let out an extremely miserable roar, and it was this roar that sent a signal to the surrounding demons, that is, they must kill the human in front of them at all costs.

Before, when Sherlock was still soaking in the bottom floor of the blood prison, he was doing experiments on demons in hell to speculate on the habits of these demons. At that time, he had already discovered that there should be some kind of existence among the demons. Something similar to [pheromone] or [hive consciousness].

When a large number of demons gather together, their thoughts are linked to each other, just like the great migration of cattle on the grassland, or the fish, shrimp and turtles during the flood season.

In short, there is a force telling them what to do next.

At this time, what they want to do is to tear Sherlock into pieces!

The thought transmission at this moment was very strong, and the entire demon group understood this idea almost at the same time. Even when the Baskerville hound ran from the outside to the inside, about 70% of the surrounding demons were completely ignored. He let Pingqi trample the small demons along the way into pulp without caring.

Otherwise, relying on its strength, it would not be able to meet Sherlock easily.

This phenomenon of group hunting forced Sherlock to make an extremely simple logical conversion on a rational level:

Obviously, running together with the Baskerville hounds would lead to the entire demon horde chasing after them, so one can imagine their chances of survival. The final result must be that he, Baskerville, and the contracted demons of the two were all dead. The three months of tracking failed, not to mention their lives, and Nightingale could not be saved.

But if he diverts the pursuit of the demonic tide, then Baskerville should have hope of escorting Nightingale back.

Of course, it is possible that all of these demons are not chasing him, and some of them want to take back Miss Nightingale. After all, they have been doing this all along the way.

In this case, Sherlock might as well just let his tentacles protect Miss Nightingale wholeheartedly, because judging from the situation just now, even if he gathers all the tentacles around him, he will actually just let death come. Just a little later.

And the most important thing is.

Sherlock felt that if he didn't have to distract himself from protecting others, he would actually have a high chance of surviving.

With this thought in mind, he raised his head, looked past the terrifying demonic tide in front of him, and looked at the huge gate of hell with great concentration.

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