Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 403 Crossing the Gate of Hell (Part 2)

What's behind that darkness?

Sherlock didn't know, but he wanted to know.

There are actually only two basic emotions of living things. The first is to eat, and the second is to reproduce. The whole process is to use food to ensure that one's physical energy is sufficient, and then to use sufficient physical energy to mate, and so on, and that's it.

But in the evolution of species, there will always be a few outliers.

Just like Sherlock, a guy who magnifies [curiosity] infinitely.

Ever since he read the "Divine Comedy" left by Dante in the British Library, he had endless fantasies about the world on the other side of the gate of hell.

Although he himself has entered hell, it can even be said that he is the person who has entered hell the most and most frequently among the entire human group.

But he only saw a bloody London that was a mirror image of the real world. Apart from the scorching sand, the demons wandering around, and the bloody sky above, hell was just that to him.

However, the hell depicted in "The Divine Comedy" has towering rectangular buildings reaching into the clouds, an altar that emits huge light, a giant whale hundreds of meters long, and many many things that Sherlock cannot analyze from lines. What a wonderful thing it is.

In short, it was a place that Sherlock had never set foot on, and there were countless things there that he had never seen and could not imagine.

It’s hard to imagine how attractive this is to a curious person? !

At this moment, the door to hell was right in front of him. How could Sherlock resist rushing in and taking a look?

The other side of the gate of hell is extremely dangerous, and there is probably no return there. But right now, that darkness seems to have become the best place for him. Sherlock is not afraid of death, he is afraid of his own inactive aging. I am like 90% of the people I meet on the streets of London. When I was a teenager, I have been repeating a fixed time, over and over again, until I was lying on the hospital bed, waiting for the end of my breath.

Days like that are not worthy of being called 'living' at all.

Of course, there is a more important point. Now that he has become the target of the entire demonic tide, he certainly does not think that he can really descend from the gods to earth, stand up to the demonic tide alone, and finally become the one who survives. one.

In this case, it is better to rush into the darkness, maybe there is a glimmer of hope.

As a result, Sherlock and Crimson finally had an extremely simple interaction in their thoughts.

【Through the Gate of Hell】

It's just a thought, a command, a request.

The next second, the huge body, already covered in blood and frozen into blood-colored ice in the cold, started running desperately toward the pitch black!

He jumped up high, crossed a distance of tens of meters in mid-air, and then hit the demon group heavily. His knees hit the head of a demon below, and there was a sound coming from underneath him. There was a clear sound of bones breaking.

Surrounded in such an instant, his thigh was stabbed by a fang that was more than half a meter long. The tip got stuck on the edge of the exoskeleton. Crimson suddenly twisted his body, broke the fang, and immediately stabbed him again. He rushed towards the other demon's throat. Between the lightning and flint, he rushed out a short distance, stretched out his hand and casually pulled an unlucky demon from the side. He held it in front of him like a shield and forced it with brute force. After being knocked down for dozens of meters, before he was knocked down, several small demons hanging on his body jumped forward again. In the process, Sherlock quickly kicked away the demons that were about to climb up, or fucked them. Tear it in half and throw away the minced meat.

This was an extremely dangerous escape. In just a few seconds, there were several bloody wounds on Crimson's body, but it could not slow down even a little bit, because as long as it was knocked down, there would be absolutely no The possibility of standing up again.

Above the sky, more and more airships arrived following the signal. The roaring and chasing below attracted everyone's attention. Through the hanging windows, the soldiers could intuitively see the scene unfolding in front of the Gate of Hell. In the bloody and wild chase, the crimson figure was like an antelope screaming between the rocks. Every time he jumped up and ran around, it was an extremely dangerous near-death test. He fell into it again and again. The demonic tide was submerged again and again. When everyone thought it would never appear again and was just swallowed up, it miraculously burst out of life for a moment, and then moved towards a relatively weak defensive circle. Breaking out, leaving only some blood and corpses along the way.

Crimson ran like this with all its strength. It didn't even know how long it had been running. How many times had it torn the demon off its body, and then used its body to forcefully rush out of the way.

It could feel that its exoskeleton was covered with cracks, and there were two bloody penetrating wounds on its left leg. Large blood stains splattered with every move, and a whole piece of flesh and blood on its back was scratched to pieces. The huge bone spur penetrated his abdomen and penetrated his abdominal cavity diagonally. It just stuck on his body. Fortunately, it did not hurt his spine, so his movement was not affected for the time being.

But it just doesn't affect its actions, because in this situation, it really doesn't know how long it can last.

Maybe next time, I won't be able to break out of the siege.

At the same time, it dared not even imagine how terrifying the backlash its injuries would have on its master, Sherlock.

Can that human being really be able to hold on?

Even now, it doesn't know where Sherlock is or whether he will burp in the next second. It can only sense from the weak connection in its mind that he still seems to be by its side.

Are you running hard among the demons, barely keeping up with your own pace?

Or has a leg been bitten off and is now clinging to his shoulder, looking helplessly and despairing at the bleeding body?

Crimson has no intention to care about this now, and can only continue to move forward, until he successfully passes through the Dark Portal, or until the last trace of energy in his body is squeezed out, he falls to the ground helplessly and becomes a demon. meals.

As for Shylock, he is not yet in despair.

But to be honest, his situation is indeed not very good.

In this demonic tide, his tiny figure was not easily targeted, but the aftermath of the collisions and bites along the way was enough to scar him all over.

One of his hands had been broken long ago, and it was only barely connected with muscles and fascia. After the first collision, the strong windbreaker was torn into pieces by the force of the shock, and the deep red protrusion just now During the siege, in order to catch the opponent's body and prevent him from being thrown away, the tendons on his three fingers broke instantly. In addition, there were countless large and small injuries all over his body, including wounds that poked flesh and blood. Broken bones, deep cuts all over the body that had been scratched or cut away, rolled out, red with white, like the split mouth of a baby when it is happy, laughing and laughing, and the baby screams in an infantile manner:

"You are going to die~~"

"You are going to die soon~~"

It is extremely chilling. In addition, of course, there is also the internal bleeding caused by the damage to the internal organs, as well as the injury feedback from Crimson. In short, if this is a normal person, the whole person should have collapsed long ago, falling into the demonic tide, ten There is no life in death.

But Sherlock was still rushing forward crazily, blood pouring all over his body, soaking into his hair, flying backwards with the fierce wind around him, like a ferocious mad woman.

However, there are so many demons ahead, they are almost endless, and there is only one person.

Can you really escape?

After converting some vague concepts in his mind about time, speed, spirit, life, etc., Sherlock seemed to find that the possibility of himself surviving today was not high.

Unless there is something to buy yourself some time.

One minute


Thirty seconds!

Just thirty seconds is enough.

However, in such a desperate situation, where can we get these thirty seconds?

So much for my thoughts!

sudden! !

One light

It just appeared before my eyes silently.

Not only Sherlock, but all the demons around the Gate of Hell, as well as all the humans on the airship, narrowed their eyes under the sudden golden light.

They were all stunned, completely bewildered, and their minds went blank.

This light fell from the sky and fell straight to somewhere in front of Sherlock. Immediately afterwards, a huge strong wind roared, and the earth began to vibrate, and then emitted scorching heat, which instantly evaporated all the surrounding snow!

Only then did anyone react.

This light came from outside the sky. It was so sudden without any warning. In fact, if anyone who survived the last big avalanche saw this scene, they would be surprised to find that this light is actually three people. A few months ago, the light suddenly descended on the top of the snow-capped mountain.

So what exactly is this light?

In the past three months, according to the survivors' descriptions, many institutions in the empire have been investigating the nature of this light. Even the Temple of Holy Light has read through all the records in the past three hundred years, but still no relevant information has been found. records.

At this time, Sherlock was just thinking in his mind: No matter what, as long as he could buy himself 30 seconds, that would be enough.

I don’t know if there was really some force outside that heard his request, or it was some kind of inexplicable coincidence, but a light just appeared.

It came in an instant and passed away in an instant, leaving behind only the shocking loud noise that erupted in hindsight, the violent wind and rain, the air waves in the sky, and a bottomless hole that appeared on the ground under the high temperature. The big hole, and the frozen soil with this big hole as the center, began to spread to the periphery, cracking and cracking.


The ground beneath my feet was shaking, and huge cracks spread in all directions. Many demons fell into the cracks before they could realize what was happening.

And Sherlock also didn't know what was going on. He didn't have any energy to think about anything other than escape. He was bleeding, he was almost comatose, and the wounds on his body were glowing with the crimson rush underneath him. Waves of unbearable pain.

But there's good news.

The appearance of that light did buy him a brief moment. The cracks in the earth and the huge wind pressure caused a clearly visible gap to appear in the demon group.

At this moment, there was nothing else in his eyes. All the muscles in Crimson's body suddenly stretched to the limit at this moment, like a big bow that was stretched to the limit, and the last bow string was ready to go. An arrow shot out in an instant.

He no longer adjusted his direction, and he no longer avoided the fangs and bites coming from around him. A large piece of flesh and blood was torn off his body. Regardless of how many sharp claws left horrific wounds on his body that were as deep as the bone, some sharp things penetrated his body and shattered several pieces of internal organs. However, these Nothing matters anymore, nothing matters anymore.

Sherlock just walked straight up along the divided gap - until he felt that the darkness in front of him was getting bigger and bigger, so huge that it enveloped him, and all the light around him disappeared, and there were deafening roars and roars. It seems to be getting farther and farther away from myself.

At this time, both Sherlock and Crimson's body functions have reached a limit. They have been tracking thousands of miles for three months, drinking blood in the wind and snow, descending decisively from the top of the mountain, and running for their lives in the demonic tide. , in the end, they were left with only the last monotonous thought, which prompted them to keep running forward until they lost the concept of time, until they no longer realized how far they had run, and just like that, they used up their last bit of physical strength. exhausted.

Finally, Sherlock lost consciousness.



Sherlock didn't know how long he had been in a coma. Just like in the longest dream, when his consciousness gradually returned, he felt as if he was separated from the world. He seemed to have forgotten who he was in the darkness. Just about to sleep like this forever.

But suddenly, the sound of some metal hitting each other reached his ears.

These sounds woke him up, and he regained some consciousness in the darkness, and then the sensation of his body. His fingers trembled, and then he slowly opened his eyes.

A beam of light entered his pupils for the first time, making him feel very dazzling and he had to squint his eyes again.



The sound of metal tapping sounded again, right next to him.

Immediately afterwards, a strange voice came.

"woke up?"

"Hurry up and start dinner, otherwise no one will be waiting for you when the dishes are collected later."

This was a man's voice, saying extremely impatiently. Then, Sherlock heard a sound of footsteps gradually disappearing. It seemed that the person who spoke had left.

It was only then that he finally took full control of his body and sat up with difficulty.

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