Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 407 Lies


This is certainly not self-defeating, but a more advanced way of handling things.

The fact that he can still stay in this room now can at least prove that no one wants to kill him.

So why are you so anxious?

It should be the other person who is anxious. After all, when it comes to lies, it is definitely the person who is trying to keep the lie from being exposed, who is the most nervous.

So Sherlock began to sleep, and slept soundly. He did not enter that bloody London, nor did he have the dream of being soaked in green solution. He slept until dawn like a normal person.

Of course, he didn't know if it was really dawn, because there was no window in this room to see outside.

Soon, breakfast was pushed in through the window under the door.

Bread, milk, and a sauce that Sherlock had never tasted.

The milk doesn't have the slightest fishy smell, and the wheat flour used to make the bread is ground very finely, but it's hard to tell what ingredients are used to make the sauce. Sherlock feels that the taste is too strong, and boiling it alone will definitely not achieve this level. level, it is most likely the smell of some kind of essence.

It seems that in 2037 AD, various food technologies have been quite mature. People living here no longer pursue food and clothing, but pursue the simplicity of food. In short, they deceive the instinct of eating to make it easier for them to swallow food. , nothing more.

So, people living in this era are also full of anxiety about life. Technology is obviously very advanced, but people are still unhappy. Even the most basic [eating] needs to be dealt with hastily, and the concept of time has changed. You have to be in a hurry, are you busy with work? But with such a powerful productivity and people working so hard, the resources produced must be immeasurable.

So where have all these resources gone?

In the hands of a few?

Isn't this the same as the world I live in? The people at the lower class work hard to make ends meet, and all the money they earn goes into the pockets of the people at the top. Then these people dig some out of their own leftovers and spread them to the ordinary people. That's it. It’s time to show your kindness.

It seems that no matter which world, human beings are made up of this kind of virtue.

Eating the overly delicate bread in his mouth, Sherlock finally put himself in his shoes and felt how majestic, yet extremely difficult, the so-called 'salvation' that Moriarty had been committed to was.

It’s so difficult that there seems to be no way to achieve it

Well, now is not the time to think about this. After finishing the first meal, Sherlock pushed the lunch box out and began to sit behind the door and wait. He waited until the nurse came to clean it up before he said:

"Um, please, can I read some books?"

Following this question, there was a "crash" sound, and the nurse opened a small sliding window above the door, frowned and looked into the door through the small fence:

"Reading a book?"

"Yes, I see there is a copy of Sherlock Holmes on my bedside. Does this mean that patients here can borrow books? If you lie down like this every day, you will die of boredom."

Most of the patients in the mental hospital can read, relax, and even plant some flowers. Otherwise, if they are kept in a small room all day long, normal people will become mentally ill.


"Yes." The nurse said angrily, "But others can, but you can't."

"Is it because of my paranoia?"

"Nonsense!" The nurse's voice became even more irritable: "You are too sick to read casually. What if you realize that you are a fish and drown yourself in the toilet?"

Sherlock nodded:

"But in that case, why don't you take away the book that's next to my bed?"

"Huh? The doctor didn't say to take that copy, so I didn't take it."

"Didn't the doctor say anything?" Sherlock thought thoughtfully: "Well, that's not important.

Oh, by the way, I have discovered in the past two days that you seem to be the only nurse in this ward. The time for you to pack the lunch boxes every day is so accurate. If you collect the lunch boxes from one side of the corridor, all the way to As for me, do all the previous patients finish their food on time? It seems that you have never wasted a little bit of time because of other patients. "


After hearing this question, the nurse finally fell silent for a moment and did not answer immediately.

Fortunately, he immediately put on an impatient attitude: "Why do you care so much?"

"It's nothing, it's just a sudden whim. I thought you wouldn't just deliver food to me alone, but would you be responsible for me?"

"Do you think you are good-looking? Do you need someone to take care of you?"

"That's not true, but can you tell whether the patients in the third ward in this corridor are male or female? If you answer correctly, I promise not to bother you again, but if you don't answer me, Or if the answer is wrong, then I will bang my head on the toilet until I knock myself out and my head will bleed. I will also soak the blood in the water in the toilet and smear it on the wall. I am a mentally ill person. I should be able to do this kind of thing."

The nurse probably felt that she was threatened, and her expression was very bad, but at the same time she was frightened.

After a second of hesitation.

"The patients in that ward were transferred to the collective ward last night, and an old man with cognitive impairment was admitted. He always thought he was a washing machine."

"Oh? Is that so? Then"

"Okay!" the nurse ordered to stop Sherlock from asking: "I have already answered your questions. Now be honest and don't let me go in and beat you!"

After saying that, the nurse opened the small window above the door, and then the clear sound of footsteps gradually receding came from outside the door.

Sherlock sat back on the bed. Now he was basically sure that these people were lying to him.

Yes, he was sure.

This doesn’t actually require much evidence. It’s like seeing something that looks like poop in a dark alley. It exudes a stench like poop and has a lot of flies on it. Then this thing must be a piece of poop. No need to see it pulled out of someone's ass.

And from Dr. Lilith's conversation, as well as my own detailed research during this period, the book on the bedside that was obviously placed for me to read, and the various behaviors of the nurse, it can be clearly proven that they are lying. Own.

The nurse was even thinking about how to answer her own question at the first time, instead of asking whether it was the third room from the left or the third room from the right.

He didn't rush in and tie himself up, or go to the doctor and tell him that his condition was getting worse and he should be sent to a ward without a toilet.

In short, these people have never really worked in a mental hospital, so even after training, it is impossible to fully understand the brain circuits of a mental hospital staff.

Thinking of this, Sherlock felt a lot relieved. He didn't feel scared or confused because he suddenly discovered that everything was fake. He just continued to think quietly.

In this case, there are only two most important questions left:

First: Find out why these people imprisoned themselves and what happened after crossing the gate of hell.

Second: How to escape.

Regarding the first question, Sherlock actually didn't have much hope, because he didn't think these people would tell him even a word, otherwise they wouldn't have to go to so much trouble to come up with so many things to deceive him.

As for the second question.

Escape, of course.

If you want to escape, the most convenient and effective way is of course to find your own strength.

If this is really hell, then his power is undoubtedly still there, but it has just been deprived or sealed through some method.

The sealing method is.

Sherlock thought of this, took off his clothes for a moment.

Then he started groping all over his body. This behavior seemed very consistent with that of a mentally ill person. Of course, it didn't mean that Sherlock was really ill. He was just looking for some clues in his body.

For example, pinholes, traces of surgery, whether there is some kind of machine inserted into one's body, or whether it is parasitized by some things that one has never seen before, etc.

These people deceive themselves because they definitely don’t want themselves to find out that this is hell. So if they are really just ordinary people, they don’t have to go through all the trouble to do this. They can just tie themselves up and find a small dark room. Once off, that’s it.

So what are they afraid of?

Are you afraid that you will suddenly regain your strength?

So what is the way to regain strength?

In other words, what is the method to suppress one's own power? This kind of suppression must be short-term. After all, if it can be suppressed for a long time, one's fate should still be a small black room.

Thinking of this, Sherlock suddenly thought of something.

"Although this possibility is a bit too idealistic, let's give it a try first."

He muttered to himself, and then lay down on the ground.

continue to sleep.

Originally, besides sleeping and sitting around, there was nothing else for him to do here.

Soon, it was time for the next meal.

I have to say that although the food here does not taste very good, it is served on time and as ordered every time. The difference is that this time, the nurse just stuffed the food into the trap door and left immediately. , obviously not wanting to give Sherlock a chance to talk to him.

After 20 minutes, the man came back to get the lunch box, then looked at the untouched meal in front of him and frowned.

After hesitating for a long time, the nurse finally opened the small sliding window on the door again and shouted in a very unhappy tone:

"Hey, why didn't you eat?"

Sherlock sat up from the bed in a daze: "Oh, I fell asleep."

"Then you won't eat?"

"Oh, if I say I want to eat now, will you really give me the rice and then come back to collect the lunch box later?"

The nurse outside the door seemed stunned for a moment, and then said angrily: "Eat it if you like!"

After saying that, he closed the window and left directly.

Just like that, it was time for dinner again.

This time, Sherlock still didn't eat, but when the nurse looked at the full lunch box again, his expression no longer simply frowned, but became a little nervous.

"Are you sure you don't want to eat?"

"I don't want to eat, I have no appetite."

"If you don't eat two meals, you will be hungry!"

"Yeah, I'm the one who's hungry. Why do you worry?"

Of course the nurse was worried, but in order to maintain his character, he still had to pretend to be indifferent, cursed a few times, and left.

However, as soon as he left the ward, he immediately picked up his collar and put it to his mouth. There was a very small communicator sealed inside the collar.

I saw him repeating to the communicator very anxiously:

"Report, the detection target has not eaten for 8 hours."

"It's dinner this time. If the target falls asleep right then, he won't have eaten for more than 17 hours until the next meal."

"Report completed."

After saying this, he turned around worriedly, and then swallowed as a reflex, as if something terrible was about to happen.

At the same time, outside the mental hospital building.

When Sherlock was in Lilith's office, there was no light or sound outside the window.

In fact, outside the mental hospital, the lights were brightly lit at this time, and countless people were surrounding the building. After seeing all kinds of things that Sherlock could not understand in a day or two, there were all kinds of things scattered around the whole hospital. , various pictures were constantly switching on the huge display screen, the staff were holding tablets, and countless data passed quickly, and the overall atmosphere seemed extremely tense.

What's even more surprising is that this entire mental hospital seems to be in a certain building, because as long as you raise your head, you can see the top of your head thirty or forty meters high, with a lace ceiling and huge lights pouring down. , illuminating the dense facilities and busy people below.

At this moment, Lilith was standing in front of a huge screen, and on the screen were rows of surveillance screens. In the center of the screen, Sherlock was shot from various angles. At this time, he was sleeping soundly in bed, and the lights in the ward were It's also off, but these cameras hidden in the walls obviously have night vision capabilities.

"Report completed."

In the communicator, the nurse finished her report and then hung up the phone.

Lilith was smoking a cigarette, looking through the swirling smoke in front of her, staring at Sherlock's sleeping face on the screen.

Every second that Sherlock spent sitting on the bed thinking, was actually seen by this woman.

During that period, although Sherlock didn't say a word, just from the details of his expression, Lilith had a 70% probability that this guy had discovered that he had been deceived.

"How long will the effect of the medicine last?" she asked extremely seriously.

A staff member on the side quickly traced his fingers on the tablet, and then took a deep breath, as if this was the only way to calm the panic in his heart:

"It's faster than expected. If he still doesn't eat the next meal, he won't last for less than 24 hours."

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