Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 408: Human, not the same kind


In fact, the most critical point why human society can maintain stability and develop steadily is - deceiving each other!

Although it sounds a bit absurd, the fact is that if there were no lies among humans, then this group of people who think they have supreme wisdom would have fallen apart long ago.

And now, what this entire mental hospital and all the staff outside the mental hospital are doing to Sherlock is deceiving him.

In fact, originally, these people were planning to make the other person think that they were really just a mental patient. After all, changing a person's self-perception is the best way to restrain and control them.

But it seems that this deception only lasted for three days before it was discovered.

Fortunately, the other party just discovered that he was not a madman. He had not yet realized that his power did not disappear, but was suppressed.

To be more specific, it means using a super strong mental placebo that can turn a normal human into a vegetative state, a large amount of succinylcholine-like neuromuscular blockers, and soaking it in a whole can of devil's sedative before waking it up. for half a year, in order to isolate the connection between him and the devil, plus various illusions, to deceive the man in the picture and make him think that he had lost his power.

The principle of this method is similar to that of a patient with cerebral hemorrhage. After being discharged from the hospital, he has trouble speaking, has forgotten the names of most things, does not know what the word "orange" means, and cannot accurately control his limbs. , sequelae such as trembling when walking.

However, cerebral hemorrhage is caused by necrotic lesions in the management area of ​​​​the brain, and Sherlock was forced to use drugs to induce it.

But what is worrying is that before he woke up, people conducted some experiments on his sleeping body and found that those drugs could not corrode him for a long time. It could easily turn a person into a vegetative state. The highly effective drug can only last about three days on this man's brain, so a large amount of the drug must be added to his meals, otherwise he is likely to gradually regain control of his body.

Moreover, if he realizes that his power has not disappeared, the effect of the mental placebo will decrease rapidly until it loses its effect completely.

By then, this tenant from another world will gradually regain his ability to transcend human limits.

Among the staff around the hospital, there are many young people who were just children more than 30 years ago, but they have still heard about how much chaos the former [visitor] brought to the world, and Now, no one knows whether the [Visitor No. 2] in the picture will repeat the same mistakes he made more than 30 years ago if he regains his power.

This world is already devastated and crumbling, and it really cannot withstand another setback.

"Ring ring ring——"

A cell phone rang, and Ms. Lilith took out the phone from her pocket.

Some staff members around looked cautiously, but they were certainly not surprised to see mobile phones. In this era, mobile phones have long been the most common necessities in life. Only visitors from other worlds like Sherlock would use them. Considered a magical object.

Therefore, these employees looked sideways at Dr. Lilith simply because the person who called her at this time must be a high-level person in the human government.

I don’t know what kind of order will be issued this time.

Lilith looked at the caller ID with the special logo on her phone, a look of boredom on her face, but she still picked up the phone and put it to her ear.

Immediately afterwards, a voice rang on the other end of the phone:

"Visitor No. 2 has realized that he has been cheated?"

The voice sounded like that of a man, who should be around 50 years old. His voice was very soft, but it had an extremely clear and condescending attitude.

"There should have been signs of it 8 hours ago. Although it hasn't been revealed yet, as long as we miss even the slightest detail, he will definitely find it. I said, with his ability, It's only a matter of time before he's exposed." Lilith said, and then emphasized: "Also, he has begun to refuse to eat, and it is expected that his strength will enter the recovery period in 24 hours."

"." The other end of the phone was silent for a few seconds: "Forcibly injecting muscle blockers."

"What's the use? What we want is for him to truly understand our world, and then tell the people on the other side of the space-time rift about the situation here and what they did hundreds of years ago and continue to this day.

Injecting him with muscle blockers would have no other benefit than forcibly suppressing him into an ordinary person.

This is without considering that long-term injections will gradually develop drug resistance. "

The other end of the phone fell into silence again, and I didn’t know what the person was thinking. It lasted like this for a long time:

"Abandon this plan."

Hearing this, Dr. Lilith finally frowned.

The voice on the other end of the phone continued: "Actually, I didn't really agree with your idea. That guy came from the other side of the rift in time and space.

They destroyed our world with their own hands, and then cruelly left us in this world to wait for death!

From the perspective of racial hatred alone, I simply cannot understand why you still have a benevolent attitude towards this guy? "

"Because they don't know. And they are fundamentally human beings, and I have always believed that human beings should have the most basic conscience." Lilith said, but compared to the person on the other side of the microphone, her The tone seemed so flat and weak.

"Ignorance does not mean he is innocent!" The man on the phone increased his volume, and it could be heard that he was on the verge of anger:

"And Dr. Lilith, I implore you not to think of them as humans anymore. For hundreds of years, they turned us into monsters and then slaughtered us!

We are not the same kind as them at all!

This person can pass through the gate of hell. He must be an extremely powerful figure in the world on the other side of the rift in time and space. His hands are stained with the blood of countless of our compatriots!

And your kindness to him is a betrayal of mankind! "

"Then what do you want to do?" Lilith continued calmly.

“The committee has voted that this man will be sentenced to death!

A group of professional teams have been sent to your experimental area. These people will use the most professional means to completely destroy his will.

Then, the audio and video of his execution will be uploaded.

Although those guys called servants of God on the other side of the Gate of Time and Space may not be able to quickly decipher these images and sounds, they will always see them.

They need to pay for what they have done! "

I'll update another chapter after get off work in the evening, don't worry.

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