Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 409 It’s pain, but it’s also strength

【Leave us in this world to die】

【The crimes they committed.】

[The people over there don’t deserve to be called human beings at all.]

These words are undoubtedly a severe accusation against the most vicious person. It can be heard that when the person on the phone said these words, his tone was filled with huge hatred.

But what do these words mean?

It sounds as if the people in Sherlock's original world have done something outrageous to the people on this side of the gate of hell.

But in Sherlock's senses... Well, no, it should be said that in the senses of everyone in the world he is in, it is these demons who broke into his world without authorization and then slaughtered humans everywhere, so He said that the other party was the aggressor who had committed numerous crimes.

Well, Sherlock didn't hear the call between the two people, so he didn't have to think about these issues that overturned his inherent understanding of more than 30 years of life.

He is just sleeping now.

While sleeping, the drugs in his body are also constantly attenuating. Because he has realized that everything around him is fake, the effect of the mental placebo is also constantly disappearing.

If this rate continues, it is estimated that by this time tomorrow, he will be free from the control of the drug.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Suddenly, he was awakened by a series of footsteps outside the door.

At this moment, he immediately woke up from his sleep, because although the footsteps were not very urgent, they made a heavy muffled sound every time they stepped on the ground.

Two seconds later, the door to the ward was opened. It was still the sturdy nurse, but at this time, his face no longer had the impatience he had deliberately pretended to show before. Instead, it was full of gloom. He just stood there. Outside the door, he looked at Sherlock inside the room for almost two or three seconds.

"Bring him out." The nurse said in a deep voice, and then stepped away.

Immediately afterwards, several guards in explosion-proof suits walked out quickly from the side of the door.

Sherlock had never seen this kind of explosion-proof suit. It was completely black and equipped with a strong, all-encompassing black helmet. Judging from the thickness of the suit, it should be embedded with a baffle made of hard material.

And if Sherlock can now take out a gun and shoot these guards, he will find that the defensive capabilities of this kind of baffle that can be clipped to the inner layer of clothes can actually be as thick as the steam armor. The outer layer is comparable.

Of course, no one would hand Sherlock a gun now, and no one would even tell him what was going on. The guards rushed to his bedside and roughly set it up. .

Sherlock didn't resist. In this situation, any extra struggle would only cause unnecessary damage to himself, so he just let the guards set up his way out of the ward, and passed by the sturdy nurse. When their eyes met again, Sherlock asked tentatively:

"If I ask now where this is taking me, I'm sure you won't tell me."

Sure enough, the next second.

"Shut up!"

A guard next to him shouted sternly. He actually picked up the butt of the gun in his hand and hit the back of his neck extremely cruelly.

Now Sherlock's physical fitness is just that of an ordinary person, and he fainted immediately after being hit like this.

And when he woke up again.


He hummed slightly.

"The pain in the back of the head has not subsided; the hunger in the stomach has not changed; the coma did not last long. It seems that he was not transported to a very far place, and most likely he is still in a mental hospital."

When Sherlock woke up, he thought of these questions immediately.

And after another second or two, he endured the severe pain and raised his head.

Then, he found himself tied to a chair.

This chair is obviously sturdier and more high-end than the restraint chair in Lilith's office, because it has many iron shackles on it, which binds your limbs, shoulders, waist and abdomen, in short, everything that can be restrained. They were all leaning firmly against the chairs, and there were some lines of different colors extending from the back of the chairs.

Sherlock had seen this wire before at a new energy display venue.

Now, there are some patches connected to the ends of these wires. There are about twenty of them, all of which are attached to his body, including his temples.

Looking around, there actually doesn't seem to be anything special here. It's just a small room covered with white tiles. The only thing worth taking a second look at is a large instrument placed in the corner of the room.

Of course Sherlock couldn't understand what this device was, but it was obviously related to the patches on his body. In addition, there were two people standing in the room wearing white coats and masks and hats.

Although they were wearing white coats, they were not the medical uniforms worn by Ms. Lilith. They looked more like workers doing meat quality inspection in a slaughterhouse, exuding a chilling smell of cruelty.

After spending time with Watson for a long time, Sherlock could easily taste what was about to happen next from this smell.

"Oh, it looks like I guessed it right. You all know that I guessed it right, so you don't even have to pretend, right?"

He chuckled.

These words made the two staff members or interrogators in front of them frown, but they did not speak.

Sherlock's response was just a sudden, terrifying pain!

Like the finest Ling Chi, cut into pieces with a thousand swords!

Sherlock had never experienced this kind of pain before. Without any warning, it penetrated directly into the depths of the bone marrow and passed freely between the nerves. In fact, it was not like a knife or a burning iron, because this kind of pain could not be resisted by muscles. , directly acting on the deepest part of your soul!


In addition to loneliness, the innate fear of human beings, there is no cruel torture that human technology can inflict on the body. To a certain extent, it can be said that there is no one, even if it is a tortured and crazy person. People, even if their threshold for pain has reached the extreme, even if they are paralyzed and unconscious, can feel great pain from this kind of punishment, because the electric current can directly act on every nerve protrusion, arbitrarily. It stirs the starting point of the heartbeat, making people feel the most real and irresistible torture of near-death.

Ten seconds later, the torturer pressed the button, and the man who was trembling uncontrollably in the chair finally stopped convulsing.

For a human with average physical fitness, these 10 seconds are enough to break through all the psychological defenses of the victim.

The next step was nothing more than screaming in pain, crying, begging for mercy, telling all the secrets I could tell, just asking not to press the power button again.

The two interrogators were used to this kind of situation.

But the next second.


Sherlock smiled:

"If I let my friend see this thing, he will definitely be happy to death."

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