Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 410 I feel relieved when I hear you say that.

The interrogator's brows furrowed a little tighter. He didn't care who the other party's friend was, and he wasn't too surprised by the other party's reaction.

Some people are more tolerant of criminal law than ordinary people, and people who have received professional training can indeed endure pain that ordinary people cannot bear without breaking down.

This is normal.

Moreover, the man in front of him comes from the other side of the space-time rift. Although his body is now suppressed by drugs and becomes a normal person, his tolerance for pain should still be far higher than the average human being.

Judging from the current situation, it should be three times, or even four times!

It's incredible, but it's good

Because of this, you can watch him collapse bit by bit under torture, make him forget all his good memories, and crush all his hopes until he becomes a walking zombie. At that time, drag him to the city. In the center of the square, the execution was carried out in public.

Just like what was said in the previous phone call, no one will have the slightest sympathy for the visitors on the other side of the rift in time and space, because hundreds of years of hard times and the gradual collapse of this world have given too much Too many people have brought too much sadness and anger. Under the catalysis for a long time, this hatred has risen to the absolute antagonism between species.

They call the people on the other side of the space-time rift - defectors!

Because they betrayed humanity!

So, after just briefly observing Sherlock's condition, the torturer pressed the electric shock switch again.

This time, it’s 20 seconds!

Then, it’s 30 seconds!

One minute!

Well, if someone deliberately prolongs the time of his collapse through professional training, then one minute seems to be a bit too long.

The two executioners looked at each other, and after seeing the same surprise in each other's eyes, one of them inhumanely extended the time to two minutes!

The average person, under such a long period of high-intensity electric shock, would have already experienced muscle spasms, foaming at the mouth, and incontinence, but the person in the chair still persisted.

Finally, after another two and a half minutes of terrifying electric shock that was enough to paralyze an elephant on the ground, Sherlock's clenched hands suddenly paralyzed, and his face, which had been covered with bloodshot blood from the electric shock, dropped weakly. Passed out.


One of the interrogators was silent for a moment, then stepped forward to pry open Sherlock's eyes and shine a flashlight into his pupils. After confirming that he was not faking, he turned around and nodded to another colleague.


The other interrogator seemed to be relieved and checked the other party's heart rate fluctuations and muscle tension values ​​during the entire execution on the display screen next to him:

"According to the equipment, the pain this guy has endured is enough to turn a normal person into a madman seven times. I don't understand why he can still hold on?"

"Who knows, maybe you can interview him when he wakes up later."

The interrogator on the side said in a cold tone, as if when facing a defector, he instinctively wanted to show his most cruel and ruthless side.

"Forget it. The people on the other side of the space-time rift have reproduced for so many generations. They have probably mutated their genes long ago. Although they look like humans, their brains are most likely different from ours."

The man just muttered, probably thinking of how much pain a full two and a half minutes of electrocution would bring to people. He shuddered involuntarily, then picked up a small syringe from the shelf on the side and stabbed it roughly. He entered Sherlock's neck and poured out all the medicine inside.

This is an awakening injection, which is quite common during torture in order to prevent the victim from being unconscious for too long.

The effects of medicine in this world are obviously much faster than those that Sherlock knew. In less than half a minute, the vital sign detector next to the side made a sound of "Beep~Beep~Beep~", and Sherlock also slowly Opened his eyes.

He raised his head and looked at the two torturers in front of him. There was no fear in his expression, he was still calm, and there was even a faint smile.

This attitude made the person standing in front of him instantly feel a strong anger, so he came over, leaned down, and glared at Sherlock angrily:

"You should know your current situation, so I suggest you don't try to anger me. This will not do you any good."

Sherlock raised his eyebrows with interest: "Hey, so I still have a chance to benefit?"

His voice was weak, he was already dripping with sweat, and his body had some kind of uncontrollable voluntary spasm under the stimulation of the powerful electric current. Those beating muscles would continue to cause huge pain, and it would not stop for a second. But even so, a very inappropriate frivolity could still be heard in his tone.

The interrogator endured the anger and surprise in his heart and made his voice sound slightly gentler: "Of course. Although it is impossible for you to go back alive, if you can cooperate seriously and tell some important information about your side, such as your Who is the leader, that is, the king, or the monarch? Tell me all the information you know about him. Also, tell me what the main combat power of your army is. Also, can you describe what it is like to be a [contractor]? Feelings, and whether the contractor has some hidden weaknesses

In short, if you can provide some useful information, I can at least guarantee that you will not be so painful before you die. "

Sherlock was silent thoughtfully for a while, and then suddenly smiled even brighter:

"Haha, that's great."

"very nice?"

"Yes, after hearing what you said, I feel relieved. At least I know that I am not a mental patient. It seems that I came to your world because I passed through the gate of hell.

Also, judging from what you just said, you don’t know much about the world I live in. I guess you only got some fragments of it from some way? At the same time, I can also feel that you have some huge hostility towards our world. For the time being, I can’t figure out where this hostility comes from.

In fact, according to my original temperament, I will be extremely curious about the relationship between our two worlds.


Speaking of this, Sherlock suddenly paused:

"But I don't like your hospitality. It's a little too rude."

The face of the torturer in front of him gradually turned gloomy. He pulled Sherlock's hair back hard and shouted: "Listen carefully, I don't have any patience with you, so you'd better answer my question." every question, otherwise"

"Otherwise you will continue to press that button? Haha" Sherlock interrupted with a weak smile: "I'm sorry, but I can't hold back my laughter. You don't have the ability to get anything you want out of me. information, so you get angry and press the button. From beginning to end, are you just angry, yelling at me, and pressing the button?

Then there seems to be no difference between you and a monkey who has been specially trained to press buttons, right? "

(The past two days have been a bit chaotic. I will add another chapter, but the number of words in each chapter is not many, but it will be back to the original state tomorrow. I didn’t ask for votes this month ~ I’m sorry ~)

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