Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 416 I need a guide

As I just said, working as a waiter in such a high-end restaurant actually requires a strong ability to observe words and emotions. You can tell the identity of the average customer and how much money they have in their pockets.

But the waiter really couldn't tell the difference between the man and woman in front of him.

The woman looks calm, beautiful, and dignified, with a proud yet indifferent temperament in everything she says and does.

But this man looked a little down and out, his clothes were very ordinary, and his need for food was so urgent, as if he hadn't eaten for several days, and the lady's attitude towards him was also very subtle, taking him Take a seat and order for him as if the other person is an idiot who doesn't even know a car.

How did such a man and woman hook up together?

Could it be that a certain rich lady took a fancy to this poor man with a big penis?

Well, this idea is indeed a bit abrupt, but the waiter really can't think of any other possibilities. Of course, he will not look down on a country bumpkin like Sherlock because of this. Instead, he looks at the other person with envy and looks at the simple clothes. She has a strong and extremely well-shaped body, and she can't help but secretly fantasize about how great it would be if she had such a figure.

Lilith and Sherlock didn't know that they had been painted with some lustful colors in the eyes of the waiter. Maybe they knew, but they just didn't care at all.

Soon, some large pieces of bread were served, but the layout of the restaurant made it impossible to serve the ingredients directly to the guests, so the kitchen heated the bread, cut it into slices, and served it to the guests. Served with some sauce and a bowl of broth.

Although the speed is a bit slow, it is not bad, and Sherlock needs this right now.

Lilith was sitting opposite him, looking extremely quiet and elegant. Although she seemed to have to obey the other person's instructions first no matter what she did, in this world, she was the guide to a certain extent, because if there was no Apart from stealing or robbing, she, Sherlock, might even struggle to eat a meal.

After taking off her white coat, she is now only wearing a sweater that is not too thick. The style is a bit loose. The neckline sags slightly due to the weight of the material, slightly revealing her white skin. It will naturally make people admire that body. He felt extremely infatuated, and his long hair was like a black satin, gently sticking to his cheeks. The lighting in the restaurant was very soft, and cast a soft yellowish shimmer on one side of his overly delicate skin.

She looked very similar to Miss Nightingale. When the waiter brought a piece of red shrimp, he couldn't help but look at her a few more times. When a female waiter brought the bottle worth of When the expensive red wine was served, she couldn't help but be slightly surprised to see such a woman. Lilith smiled and turned her head and said softly, "No introduction is needed. Just pour me some wine." The girl waiter actually blushed a little.

Compared to men, women prefer to admire another beautiful woman.

While pouring the wine, the girl secretly glanced at the man sitting opposite Lilith. Seeing how he was devouring his food and showing off the bread with broth in his mouth, she actually felt sorry for the extremely beautiful lady in front of her. Fight against injustice.

She really wants to ask how such a man can become your partner by stalking him.

Of course, she couldn't really ask. If she did, Lilith would tell her with a smile that it was with a gun.

Soon, the waiter left the room, and Sherlock's mouth was bulging like a hamster.

Probably noticing Lilith's gaze, he raised his head:

"Would you like some too?"

Lilith shook her head with a wry smile: "From a medical point of view, if you eat like this, it will only fill up the stomach too quickly, inhibit the secretion of gastric acid, and even cause the pylorus to contract and close. On the contrary, digestion will be slower and the stomach will be full. The feeling will be stronger."

She slowly swayed the red wine in her hand. In fact, from the perspective of a hostage, her situation was pretty good.

After all, the kidnapper was showing off the bread while he was tasting fine red wine.

Sherlock did not stop crazily stuffing the food. Instead, in order to make the bread easier to swallow, he poured some more broth into his mouth, just like flushing the sewer, with a little water as lubrication, it would always be smoother: "But from a physics point of view, there is the law of conservation of mass, so as long as I put enough food into my stomach, these nutrients will be mine sooner or later."

"Haha." Lilith said with a smile: "But you are a human, at least a primate. You are not a camel. Can your stomach handle eating so much?"

"If it weren't for the medicine you've been pouring into me these days, my stomach would definitely be stronger than a car tire, but it shouldn't be any worse now."

As he spoke, he saw an exquisite small box on the table. After opening it, he found some sugar cubes inside, presumably to flavor the guests' coffee. Without thinking, he grabbed a handful and threw them away. When he entered the soup in front of him, he didn't even have time to wait for them to melt, so he stirred them together and poured them all into his mouth in one breath.

"Do you need me to order another one for you?"

"Of course, thank you." Sherlock's tone was quite gentlemanly, but his behavior was really cruel.

Soon, more food was brought in. The expressions of the waiters entering the room became more and more different every time. They were even more frightened when they saw the guest eating.

The hot macaroni that had just come out of the pot was poured directly into his throat with the soup and noodles. Those strong seasonings were sprinkled on top as if they were free. Although it was really free, didn't he feel that Is it too spicy or pungent?

But this guest was sweating profusely and dripping with pleasure from eating. There was a rare and beautiful lady sitting across from him. He was so careless about his image that he didn't even look at her.

And the lady didn't seem to care at all about the rude behavior of the man in front of her, eating her exquisite food in small bites. In the same space, the two people seemed to be in two completely different worlds, with completely different experiences. The painting style is quiet and elegant, but the sound of the collision of knives and forks is mixed with the sound of the wind and the remaining clouds, which seems to complement each other.

Outside the window, there was not much sunlight in the jungle of reinforced concrete, struggling to find a space to invade. There was a beam that coincidentally passed through the obstruction of the building, shining into the window of the restaurant, and even passed through some halls. The tables and chairs broke into the open single room and fell on Sherlock's sweat-covered face.

Lilith's appetite seemed to be very small. She tilted her head and looked at the man in front of her with emotionless eyes. She looked at his face that was unhealthy red due to excessive spicy food and thought about the relationship between the two of them along the way. All kinds of things, I suddenly felt very interesting. Perhaps, this is the most interesting kidnapper and hostage in history.

Thinking of this, she thought of the bloody battle a few hours ago, those guns, the blood, those corpses everywhere, and that look of fearlessness and tenacity in survival.

Unexpectedly, he really escaped.

But in this huge and desolate world, how long can he survive as a defector?

"In the previous mental hospital, when you faced the third wave of siege, you used your left shoulder to block a stray bullet for me. Why?"

Lilith asked suddenly.

"Oh? Really?" Sherlock seemed to have finally finished eating, and slumped down on the chair in an indistinct manner: "You are my life-saving straw. What will I do if you really die? Even if you are not dead, I can't carry you to escape.

So rationally speaking, it is more cost-effective for me to get shot than for you to get shot. "

Lilith thought for a moment and nodded: "That's true. If I were you, I would try my best to protect the hostage. After all, if the hostage dies, my only bargaining chip will be gone. But the problem is, after that, I was obviously Give up, someone is going to blow up the whole building, my value to you should be rapidly decreasing at that moment, but you are still carrying me with you, why is this?"

"Didn't I say that I will treat you as a guide?"

"You can find anyone on the street as a guide."

"That won't work. You are a smart person. If I take you with me, you can save a lot of time talking nonsense."

"Aren't you afraid that I will run away?"

"You can try. I can't stop you from plotting, but it's best not to let me find out. I might break your legs. Now I'm pushing a disabled person wearing sunglasses and a wheelchair on the street. I should It won’t attract too much attention.”

"That makes sense." Lilith nodded again.

Over the years, she has been studying the relationship between solar radiation and mutated organisms. She cooperates well with the staff in the laboratory, but she has rarely spoken so directly and thoroughly with Sherlock.

This kind of conversation is very comfortable for a scientific researcher, although the content of the conversation is a bit too hardcore.

Thinking about the pressure from all levels over the years, the intrigues that filled the conversations, the competition for interests, the invisible bloodshed, in short, now that I have been kidnapped, I feel a little less relaxed.

Because the relationship between himself and the man in front of him is extremely simple, it is two opposing parties that are absolutely impossible to reconcile. If given the chance, he will definitely find a way to kill the other person. Of course, it would be better to capture him alive, and if the other person does not care about him If there is value in using it, then he will kill himself without mercy.

That's all.

Moreover, Lilith is also very interested in the outcome of this matter and the final fate of herself and the defector.

After bandaging, resting, and eating, Sherlock is in relatively good condition now. Although the torn muscles, deep damage caused by electric shock, unbearable pain, and the long-term negative effects of drugs are all superimposed on his body. For an ordinary person, his body would be considered a life worse than death, but compared to his previous situation, he was still doing well.

It would be better if I could find time to get some sleep.

"You must be extremely eager to find a bed and sleep for a while now." Lilith said.

"Of course, but you also know that I can't sleep."

"Yes, looking at you like this, as long as you lie down, you may not be able to get up for more than ten hours. But you can tie me up, lock me in a remote corner, and then block me My mouth prevents me from asking for help." Lilith's tone was as if this matter had nothing to do with her.

"I've thought about it too." Sherlock thought: "But it's better not to take risks. I don't know much about your technology, so I can't rule out whether you have any technology that can search for specific targets on a large scale. Or remote positioning, etc. It is even possible for you to directly observe the status of each person through walls, rocks, etc. through the heat or unique signals emitted by the human body.

What if I tied you up in some weathered ruins and your people found you with some kind of instrument while I was still asleep, that would be uncomfortable. "

Sherlock finally finished the last bit of food and licked his lips with satisfaction.

"You are the most cautious person I have ever met." Lilith said with a smile.

"Thanks for the compliment."

Sherlock said, and then took a deep breath: "So how are you eating? If you are done eating, we should go. I don't want to stay in one place for too long.

Also, I want you to tell me, what is going on in your world? "

"Okay, you will always ask this." Lilith said, knowing this.

So, the two of them got up and walked to the front desk of the restaurant. Lilith took out a card and was about to pay, but was stopped by Sherlock. Although he didn't know very well what this method of using a card for consumption meant. Mingtang, but he just felt that if the card could record a person's property, it would also record a person's whereabouts, so he asked for a cash transaction.

But at this moment, a set of news suddenly appeared on the TV next to the wall. Lilith's profile picture and Sherlock's profile picture were displayed side by side, and under the photo, "Kidnapper" and "Kidnapper" were clearly marked. 】 comments.

Sherlock looked at this device that could display images on a thin iron plate with curiosity, and then noticed the shocked expression of the cashier in front of him, looking a little embarrassed.

"Okay, now everyone knows you are a kidnapper, and I can finally swipe my card, right." Lilith said with a smile.

"Well, it does seem so." Sherlock shrugged, and then said apologetically to the cashier: "Don't worry, I won't kill you. A corpse will definitely cause more trouble, but it can Can you give me those sunglasses?"

"Oh, okay. Okay." The girl in front of her was a little confused. She couldn't believe that the man and woman in front of her were actually kidnappers and hostages?

However, how could anyone come to a place like this to eat after kidnapping someone? Also, why would a hostage take the initiative to pay for a meal?

In fact, if the girl thought about it for a few hours, she would definitely not be able to figure it out. She just picked up the sunglasses on the side and handed them to Sherlock with both hands that had the professionalism of a service staff.

"Thank you." Sherlock took the sunglasses and put them on his face.

"It suits you very well. At least it can cover some of the edges. You know, your face is a little too three-dimensional."

After a few seconds, the two left the restaurant and walked into the crowd.

Sherlock found that although the sun was not strong, there were many people wearing sunglasses on the street.

"Take me to the drug store, and on the way, tell me what's going on in the world."

"Okay." Lilith said, "The cause of everything is actually very simple. The sun exploded."

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