Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 417 Extraterrestrial Miracle

As soon as Sherlock walked out of the restaurant door, he was stunned on the spot.

Then he looked at Lilith beside him with a look that could only be described as "???".

Regarding hell, he has thought about many, many reasons, including environmental factors, virus erosion, species evolution, failure of global experiments, and so on.

But he never thought that it was the reason why "the sun exploded" was so crazy.

If the sun explodes, how can the earth still exist?

Lilith obviously guessed that Sherlock would react like this, so she signaled him not to block the door of the restaurant. After a while, the waiter inside called the police. By then, he was surrounded again, and she probably had to use herself as a victim. shield.

The two walked side by side, and passers-by passed by without paying attention to what the two people were saying.

"The explosion I'm talking about is not like a bomb that explodes with a bang. After all, to a certain extent, the sun is actually exploding all the time.

What I mean is that the never-ending nuclear fusion on the sun suddenly began to become more intense one day.

Maybe it doesn’t sound so scary, so let me rephrase it.

The sun in this world suddenly died one day, and this death process has been calculated to take about 400 million years, and this sun is very willful, preparing to use 400 million years to fuse its own fusion of more than 5 billion years. All the energy is released.

Obviously, the heat, electromagnetic radiation, and particle flow emitted during this period are enough to destroy all life on earth. "

When passing a small stall, Lilith bought a pack of cigarettes. Sherlock asked, knowing the result, if there was a brand called [Blues]? The answer was of course no, so I just asked Lilith to buy a box, and then asked for one rather embarrassedly.


The cigarette enters the lungs. Although it is not very satisfying, for an old smoker who has not smoked for a long time, this puff is still very comfortable.

Lilith beside her also lit one and continued:

"Didn't you ask before what time it is now?

At that time, in order not to make you think that the time span was too big, I said it was 2027 AD, but you should know by now that I was lying.

In fact, the current time is 2479 AD.

This is the Earth, the Antarctic continent, the last gathering place for humans. Due to the melting of permafrost, this is one of the few water storage areas on the Earth at this stage. In other places, it has long since dried up completely. "

Hearing this, Sherlock smoked a little slower. He thought of what he had seen when he was wandering around in the desolate bloody London. Sure enough, there was no water source, there was wind and sand everywhere, and there were scorching air waves. , and there is no vegetation.

"But if you go by what you said, in fact, in the first few years of the sun's life span, the earth should have been scorched, right?" Sherlock couldn't help but ask.

"It stands to reason that this is the case, but the attenuation of the sun is in a progressive manner. In the first few years, the heat and electromagnetic waves it releases do not increase significantly.

This should be considered a good phenomenon, because it avoids the tragic situation of human beings suddenly facing huge environmental changes and becoming extinct all of a sudden.

But at the same time, this phenomenon also led to our failure to recognize the terrible impact of radiation and particle flow on species and the environment on the earth at the first time.

None of the instruments detected this change.

Until those things that are wrong can be easily identified by the naked eye. For example, the glasses of domestic pet dogs start to turn green and have two pupils. They will be completely blind when they open their eyes and see the first ray of light. After that, I won’t be able to see anything for the rest of my life.

The cattle and sheep in the feedlot howled all night long, until their throats were broken, and their lungs were ulcerated and they would never stop. They tired themselves to death little by little. Flying insects from the sky began to fall, including flies, mosquitoes, and ladybugs. , moths, crackling, sometimes covering the ground in a thick layer overnight, and then birds. During that period, cases of birds killing people would appear every now and then.

At this time, people finally realized that something was wrong. Experts are still studying whether a certain link in the ecosystem has been damaged, and the surrounding things have lost their delicate balance. Then soon, it stopped raining, there were no clouds, and the sky was clear. People looked at the blue sky. Perhaps in the history of mankind, there has never been such a fear of sunny days. "

Lilith said, her tone was very calm. It may be that over the years, human beings in this world have experienced too much suffering, and even newborn children feel that this world should be like this, and only those recorded in historical documents All kinds of things can help you realize a little bit that the original world is not like this.

The woman in front of me obviously had a thorough understanding of this period of history. She wasn't actually that talkative along the way, but when she talked about this, she seemed to become a bit talkative.

But between the lines, there is a hint of unwillingness:

"Do you know what it's like for a planet's ecology to gradually die?

The cows stopped producing milk, their bodies were covered with abscesses, and all they squeezed out was blood; the soil began to turn black, then red.

There is no new growth of vegetation, and all flowers, plants, and leaves have fallen.

Everything became hopeless and lifeless.

Irreversible changes in genes and environment make the subsequent reproduction process of species unpredictable.

Earthworms came out, with barbs and sharp teeth on their tips, devouring and biting each other, until the last remaining one was also strangled to death. A fly can become as big as a leather shoe in dozens of iterations, and will also appear with wings with bone spurs, more terrifying compound eyes, and even some insects can simulate the sounds of other animals.

You know, these things were originally about the size of a fingernail.

Over the past few years, more and more vulnerable species have become extinct, such as fish, mosses, etc. Now, except for the rare embryos stored in the laboratory, wild individuals can no longer be found; at the same time, there are also More new species are beginning to appear one after another, and the theory of evolution has begun to collapse. No one knows what those creatures will look like in a few years.

Oh, I forgot to mention that the time of the sun's explosion, according to imprecise calculations, should have originally occurred 420 years ago, but it was only after bathing in the abnormal sunlight for more than ten years that we finally discovered that something was wrong. Locally, at that time, people just felt that the weather was a little hotter than in previous years. "

"Where is that person?"


"Yes, you said that the death of the sun will lead to changes in species. What will have the greatest impact on the human species?" Sherlock asked.

He just thought of this question naturally and did not realize that this question would make Lilith look a little sad.

This sadness is not because of herself, but because of her despair and helplessness as a human being about the future of her own race.

“The impact on humans is now, we can no longer reproduce.

At least, we can’t reproduce through our own bodies. "

Sherlock frowned.

Lilith walked forward, blowing smoke softly: "The human uterus or the genes it carries are completely messed up. During that time, babies will be born without legs, arms, or even eyes.

Even those who are healthy at birth and successfully grow up will develop various symptoms, such as extreme rickets, and in a few years they can only curl up into a ball and stay in bed until they die of old age; or they cannot continue to Breathing, the lungs can only relax three times a minute, and it takes decades to slowly suffocate oneself to death; some people's ribs will grow in the direction of the internal organs, and the pain will make them take the initiative to dig out their own bones, and then It was taken out and spilled on the floor along with the organs that penetrated it.

Humans finally realized that there was something wrong with the sun, but it was the sun, a celestial body. Even if humans discovered something was wrong with it, what else could they do?

As you can imagine, the mortality rate in those years reached such a terrible level that the government no longer announced the mortality rate. No one asked why. The lake began to dry up and many things washed up on the shore, including the bones of babies. , a rotting human corpse with four or five mouths, and your home is not safe. Your father's eyes may turn white the next morning, and your mother's teeth may turn into sharp blades overnight, and she may sneak into your sister's teeth. Room and ate her. Old people would sleepwalk at night. One after another, they would walk onto the road and burn their hands with fire, but the next day, they could not remember anything.

During pregnancy, the child will grow to 70 pounds in a short period of time, bursting the mother alive, or during delivery, the uterus will be covered with shocking scratches, which were scratched by the baby.

In short, childbirth has become a terrible thing, and people no longer reproduce. "

Having said this, Lilith raised her head and looked at the pedestrians around her, her eyes full of despair: "We were all born in artificial embryos.

Everyone here, young and old, all come from the reproduction factory. We will grow there until we are two years old and then give birth. If any defects or mutations are found in this process, they will be dealt with directly. Dropped, like substandard goods, in the initial experimental varieties, people would even engrave barcodes on the backs of their heads to classify them.

And you are the only real human being in this world who has ever touched amniotic fluid."

Sherlock was silent, and the frequency of his smoking became slower and slower. This huge amount of information, along with many questions being answered, would undoubtedly make him feel relaxed.

Well, under normal circumstances, of course he would feel physically and mentally happy, but at this moment, he was not happy at all because he was listening to the tragedies of countless races in the world.

In the world he used to live in, people called this place hell, but when Sherlock first came here, he found that there were still people here. He even thought about whether it was a little weird to continue to call this place hell even though there were people there. typical.

But now it sounds like this place is more desperate than hell.

And there will be barcodes engraved on the backs of the brains of the initial experimental embryos?

Sherlock had never heard of the word "barcode", but from the literal meaning, it should be some kind of code composed of lines.

This reminded him of Nightingale's summoned creatures.

Wait, don’t go off topic, first understand the general framework of this world, and then you can continue to understand the details in depth.

So, Sherlock continued to ask:

"Then how did you survive?"

"It's very complicated. In the first hundred years, humans went underground to avoid the high temperature and radiation on the surface. It was okay at first, but gradually, the high temperature effects and particle waves affected the soil structure, Changes in seawater have also caused more and more continental frameworks to turmoil, and many human settlements have begun to collapse frequently, causing the bottom layer to become uninhabitable.

Fortunately, we have not been idle during these more than a hundred years.

Humanity's desire for survival has caused our technology to show an incredible development trend during this period. Although it is incredible, we finally developed a large-scale machine that can extend the life of this planet. Well, in fact, that has already been It cannot be called a machine. It is a miraculous creation that condenses the entire human manufacturing industry and almost all financial, material, human and other resources on this planet.


Created a new sun. "


Sherlock exhaled the smoke in his mouth as slowly as possible.

He frowned slightly, then tilted his head. He is a human being. Although many people say that he has anti-human tendencies, or call him a crazy monster, he likes human beings. He can sense the greatness and tenacity of human beings. The wisdom that can be shown in the midst of hardships and the miracles that can be created.

But creating a sun? ? ?

Damn, isn’t this a bit too much!

In his original world, remote communications, radios, electricity and other new things were already high-end technologies that Sherlock knew, so Lilith couldn't understand what her words meant to the [defector] in front of her. To me, it's more or less unacceptable.

But she didn't care and just continued:

“In the past hundred years or so, we have covered approximately 160 million square kilometers of solar panels in the near-Earth region between the moon and the Earth by building space transport elevators.

It sounds like a joke, but we did it.

Moreover, the artificial sun absorbs sunlight and converts it into photothermal energy suitable for the earth's environment. This has been done for more than 300 years.

We created a miracle.

But everyone knows that the angle and shadow of the baffle cannot cover the entire earth, and the sun cannot persist forever. It is not a real sun. Under the huge energy conversion consumption, it will always have a limit.


I don’t know if you have ever heard this sentence:

Rely on genius in times of adversity.

In desperate times, rely on lunatics."

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