Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 418 Crazy

Adversity or despair, genius or madness.

Sherlock didn't care about this, he just wanted to know what these people did in the end.

And Lilith quickly solved his doubts in an understatement.

"A rift in space and time."

"." Sherlock's eyebrows had never relaxed from the beginning, and after hearing the word "Time and Space Crack", he became even more silent.

He is undoubtedly a very smart person, but when faced with such an event that exceeds his own cognition, he will definitely not show off his intelligence.

He is now a kidnapper and a listener who is absorbing knowledge with all his strength:

"The rift in time and space. If I guessed correctly, it is the Gate of Hell."

"In your world, that should be the name." Lilith said, "But if you want to explain that thing, it's actually quite difficult."

"My understanding should be enough."

Lilith nodded, and then tried her best to organize her words. After a while, she said: "I don't know if you can understand the fourth dimension with time as the coordinate. In short, three hundred years ago, there was a group of madmen who thought that the earth Their fate cannot be changed, so they try to find another way, which is to fold time and then punch a hole in it.

This side of the hole is the current timeline, and the other side of the big hole is 1431. That is your world.

Of course, this kind of random folding of time will definitely cause many negative effects, such as the instability of time and space, which causes such staggered cracks to appear from time to time, making it chaotic. Moreover, because of various paradoxes, such as 䱱Go back in time and kill your biological father, etc. In short, after crossing the rift in time and space, you are no longer you, and any living thing will undergo completely unpredictable mutations.

You should have guessed by now that this kind of mutated life is called [Devil] by you. "

Sherlock struggled to accept these unbelievable things. He didn't know whether Lilith was telling everything, but now he could only choose to believe it. After all, he had no basis to question or refute.

Of course, he could vaguely feel that things were definitely not that simple. For example, if this world was hell, then why did he come here as soon as he slept?

Also, if the twisted celestial body in the sky is actually an artificial sun, then why can I connect with it?

What is the Holy Light?

Why did the Holy Light enter my mind?

There are still too many things that have not been clarified. Of course, this kind of thing cannot be rushed.

"Then, why do you hate us so much?" Sherlock continued to ask, continuing the topic.

“Obvious reasons, because of human greed, self-righteousness, short-sightedness, despicability, and so on.

To put it simply, after the initial void rift was opened, we developed a facility that could shield the side effects of traveling through time and space. So, our people traveled to the early 15th century with the kindness of this world, and we wanted to get rid of this desperate timeline.

Countless people have crossed the Antarctic continent in the wind and snow, and set foot on your land, wanting to use everything we can bring with us in exchange for a shelter.

Under the long-term harsh environment, people in this world have actually eliminated the barriers between each other. Although it sounds incredible, we have become accustomed to thinking about problems in terms of the collective safety of [human beings], and the time and space rift There are also humans on the other side. We subconsciously believe that you will accept us, even if it is not for the sake of race, but also for the sake of technologies that surpass the limits of your thinking.

As long as you accept us, your world will also receive an immeasurable technological leap. In the 15th century, there was no need to even consider population issues.

All in all, it’s all beneficial and harmless. We really can’t figure out why you have any reason to refuse.

And then we sadly discovered that we were wrong. "

Lilith said, taking out another cigarette and lighting it slowly. It seemed that only in this way could she recall that period of desperate history again.

“We think of everything too rationally and completely forget that humans have never been a rational race.

At least not most of the time.

In the first few months, the negotiation between the two worlds was pretty good, and even things like ballpoint pens could easily bring you huge surprises.

However, it was only the first few months. Soon, your people were no longer satisfied with exchange and giving. In just a few days, the envoys from both sides completely collapsed. Our envoy was captured and forcibly Persecution brings people from the other side into our world.

What happened then is easy to imagine.

A group of savage, strong, greedy, and fearless human beings crossed hundreds of years of time and rushed into this last gathering place of mankind.

At that time, we had just finished building the artificial sun, and the entire planet was extremely short of supplies. Food for the residents was delivered regularly and rationed, and weapons were scarce. In addition, your invasion was so sudden, so the entire city was looted. Empty.

You killed people, destroyed everything you could see, and took away everything you could take away, regardless of whether it was of use to you. You even took away the control device for the artificial sun.

The size and weight of that thing are so astonishing, and you don’t even know what that thing is. It’s just that there are too many people guarding that device, so you think it’s a good thing, and you mobilize a lot of people to destroy it. Moved back.

In the end, you almost destroyed this world. When you left, you even destroyed the shielding equipment that isolates the side effects of time and space travel, burned all the data, and trapped us here inhumanely, leaving us to fend for ourselves. "

After Lilith said these words, it took a while before Sherlock finally nodded: "It sounds like it is something that can only be done by humans. So over the years, you have continued to let people pass through the hell." Gate, attack our world?"

"As I said before, human reproduction in our world no longer relies on internal pregnancy. In the embryo factory, there are tens of thousands of fetuses waiting to emerge from their cocoons, but fetuses that can grow intact and are not eroded by mutations are still few.

How do you think we deal with those who are dysfunctional? "

Sherlock was stunned. He looked at the woman in front of him with an incredulous look, and for a moment he didn't know what to say.

Although he was a little crazy and unwilling to believe it, now he finally knew why there were more humanoid demons the closer he got to the gate of hell.

(I'll do these first, then do the second half when I wake up tomorrow morning. It's too painful to have a fever.)

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