Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 439 Declaration of War (4)

The fire and the screaming people around spread rapidly on the street

The urban security team members who were about to go out looked at the flames and deafening vehicle explosions outside the door. They looked confused and quickly closed the door. If the fire spread close to the inside of the building, it would be the end.

There are traffic jams all around. The explosion of a car, coupled with the residual fuel on the ground, can easily cause several surrounding cars to explode simultaneously, and among them, there are several hidden objects at intervals. A car loaded with bombs must have been driven here specially during the morning traffic jam.

Therefore, in just a few minutes, the streets were in a mess. If people in the public security building wanted to come out, they could only rely on helicopters to transport them out from the roof. However, helicopters can only transport three or five people at a time. This efficiency is, Almost equal to none

Flames, explosions, and panicked crowds. When the people in the building saw the first car burst into flames, their minds were basically in a state of downtime, and they have not recovered until now. Come on, I just know that all this must have been caused by that traitor.

So, what is that traitor going to do?

He wants to kill someone?

Want to blow up the entire security management force building?

Well, now it seems that he can indeed do this, but what makes people even more uneasy is that that guy doesn't seem to just want to create panic, because all this seems to be just the beginning, and there will definitely be more next There are even crazier things.

Just when this uneasiness gradually spread in my heart, suddenly, the director's phone rang.

He took out his cell phone with difficulty and found that it was the police station's internal communication number, so he answered the call.

"Report, this is the Public Security Administration of the Second City District. I am a staff member of the Statistics Section, police number...!" came an extremely panicked voice from inside.

"Stop fucking introducing yourself, what happened over there!!!" The director's heartbeat had reached a level that he could hear, and he suppressed his panic and shouted.

"The gun armory is empty!"

The man quickly reported it.

With a bang, the director felt that a car packed with explosives exploded in his head. His legs suddenly softened, he staggered, and fell to the ground, his face turned pale.

Almost at the same time, chaos broke out in the four major cities at the same time. The fire and roar made the sunlight in the sky extremely bloody. Everything seemed to be pulled into a ridiculous panic.

The underground fuel pipeline was ignited by a small flame, and the ground began to crack. The concrete roads seemed to be torn apart by the claws of invisible demons. There were many cracks, then they bulged, and then they were blown up to the sky. Every urban area The General Public Security Bureau of the People's Republic of China fell into complete paralysis due to various reasons. In short, it was out of control. In comparison, the traffic jams in the morning, the factory firefights, the street fights, and the shooting cases in the alleys were all... It's as unworthy of mention as a child playing house.

Of course, that's not all, because this bad day has just begun.

Just as panic slowly swept across the city, at the intersection of the four major urban areas, on the huge square named Hope, a man's face suddenly appeared on the huge square, which played on a loop all day long. Chicken Soup for the Soul on the TV screen.

At the same time, in the most crowded commercial areas, in the windows selling televisions, in the huge display screens overhead in residential areas, beside the bar counters of bars, in the rooms of underground brothels, and in the TVs in every household.

The screens that were originally playing advertisements, movie scenes, and playing music to cover up the moans all switched instantly at almost the same moment. Almost everyone in the city saw this strange man.

He had an unkempt beard, which looked like it had not been groomed for a long time. He wore a deerstalker hat that had not been washed for a long time. His thin figure was hidden by seams. He looked healthy, but his cheeks were sunken and the edges were very unflattering. The type that people like.

But it doesn't matter. In this period of chaos spreading crazily, no one will appreciate whether he looks good or not.

At this moment, this man seemed to be sitting in a studio without any image. This place was familiar to all the people, because the "Official News Broadcast of the Survivors Alliance" at six o'clock every day was broadcast in this studio. It is screened in real time in the hall.

I saw him smoking a cigarette without any taste and yawning at the same time. I don't know if he was sleepy or just bored.

As if being reminded by the cameraman, the man finally focused his attention on the screen.

"Oh? Has it started?"

He asked, then nodded belatedly:

"Oh, sorry, I'm still wondering whether to start with 'Hello everyone' or 'Ladies and gentlemen'. But now that it's started, hello, ladies and gentlemen. You should all know me , but few people have seen it, traitor. That’s what you call me.”

The man smiled and took his feet off the announce table, then took off his hat and rubbed his messy hair: "I'm sorry to disturb everyone's interest in watching the TV series, but I think everyone must be aware of what is happening everywhere in the city now. Chaos is very interesting, right? In fact, everything is just as you think, I did all this."

A simple sentence pushed the chaos of the entire city to a peak!

"Damn it, how did this guy do it! Why does he appear on TV!"

"Asshole, it turns out he is the traitor!"

"Call the TV station quickly and ask them to cut off the signal."

"What? The TV station's phone number can't be reached?"

The above words rang out at almost the same time in various police stations, public security management buildings, or some police officers blocking the road in various districts throughout the city. However, it was obvious that this man had occupied the urban TV station, so No matter how much they yell, no one can make this traitor shut up now.

Just on the side of a small road in a residential area, in a very inconspicuous detective agency, a child less than ten years old looked at the person on the TV. His mouth opened in shock. He wanted to quickly remove the picture on the screen. He told his sister, but when he turned around, he saw the same shocked look on his sister's face.

Although she couldn't see it, the voice on the screen was so familiar. In the past six months, she had squeezed a lot of the other person's salary.

Sherlock's words continued:

"In order to make everyone more aware of the current situation, I can responsibly inform everyone that the public security bureaus in the four major cities have been paralyzed, and the remaining police stations believe me, they cannot protect themselves.

If you have friends who work in hospitals, you might as well call them and ask them if the current hospitals are overcrowded with injured police officers?

I'm sorry, these police have been arresting me for almost a year. I really can't deal with them lightly.

In short, this is the situation now, so what will all this lead to? "

As Sherlock spoke, he really looked like he was thinking hard, and after a few seconds: "If you guessed it correctly, the most direct consequence is that the security of the entire city has become unmanageable, right? "

His tone was very relaxed, but the mood of the people in the entire city suddenly fell to the bottom at this moment.

"Everyone must be in a bad mood after hearing this." As if he had expected this, Sherlock said lightly, "Then, I might as well say some more things that will make everyone feel even worse. Bar.

The first one: At this moment, I have installed bombs in the underground parking lots of 36 large hospitals in this city. Please believe me, the locations of these bombs are very critical. As long as they are detonated, the entire hospital will be destroyed. Collapse instantly. "

As he said that, the man on the TV started to rummage around on his body: "Huh? Where did you put me?"

After a few seconds: "Oh, I found it!" He took out what looked like a detonator from the lining of his windbreaker.

"Now, the people under my command are staring at those hospitals. From now on, whenever I see a policeman walking out of the hospital, I will press this button. At that time, all the bombs will explode together. As for the consequences , I think it’s obvious.”

These speeches undoubtedly brought chaos to the entire city to a point where it was impossible to pull it back.

The architectural style of this last human city has been mentioned before. In order to accommodate enough surviving humans in a limited space, the buildings here are extremely tall, and the several large hospitals are even more so. Both patients and medical staff are calculated in units of tens of thousands.

To blow up such a building, the amount of explosion required is extremely staggering, so part of the reason for the chaos throughout the day was to provide cover for the transportation of these explosives.

And if such a place really collapses, the consequences will be unacceptable to both the people and the government!

On the outskirts of the city, the troops of the Survivor Alliance have been assembled. Originally, these mighty soldiers had been stationed on the outskirts of the city because they wanted to defend the city from the invasion of mutated creatures, but now the security forces in the city have been reduced within one day. Paralyzed, the military had to rush back all the way.

The military could naturally receive the signals from the TV stations inside the city. Some combat commanders looked at the man's face on the screen and listened to what he said. Cold sweat broke out on their backs.

He just wanted to apply for a mecha fighter jet to fly over the city to survey the situation inside. After listening to Sherlock's warning, he quickly canceled the plan. What the hell, what if a plane flew over and offended this madman? I was so happy that if I really pressed the button in my hand, wouldn't I be carrying tens of thousands of lives on my hands all of a sudden?

Just when the city was under peace and order and the troops outside the city couldn't figure out how to enter the city, Sherlock spoke again leisurely:

"Oh, now that we've talked about the first point, let's talk about the second point.

The government banks in our four major cities are all located on that street. Everyone must know that, right?

If you don’t know, you can check now to see if it is very close to your home. If it is really close, then you should listen carefully, because in just an hour, the doors of these banks will be blocked. Open it, and on the counter closest to the door you can find the key and password to the vault.

There is no need to doubt the authenticity of this matter, because this was told to me personally by a friend of mine. "

As he spoke, Sherlock pointed in the direction of the camera, and then the camera quickly deflected and focused on a man standing in the corner.

The man was wearing an expensive suit and looked to be in his forties. But at this moment, he was huddled in the corner of the studio, with bruises on his face and obvious blood stains on the collar of his white shirt. When he saw the light pointing toward He looked at himself and quickly covered his eyes.

However, people can still recognize that this guy is the president of Alliance Bank who often appears on TV.

The camera turned to the direction of the traitor again, and the man smiled and said: "Look, this morning, I chatted with this friend for a few words, and he enthusiastically told me the top-secret account that only he knew. "

Outside the screen, you can faintly hear the miserable wailing of the bank president.

Chaos will breed more chaos, just like the plague. The riots on the street seem to have a vague flavor. Some people are hiding by the wall, looking at the pictures played on the big screen on the wall of the shopping mall across the road, confused. He looked around, and among the roars and smoke that had not subsided, something seemed to flash through his eyes, and then he stood up suddenly and ran in a certain direction.

In this world, almost all fun comes from the release of emotions, people are always going to die, the concept of family has become very thin, and people’s attitude towards their loved ones is mostly due to the government’s embryo breeding system, so in despair , living in extravagance and extravagance seems to be everyone’s ultimate desire.

In fact, no matter which world we live in, money has a fatal attraction for most people, and this world is certainly not immune.

Of course, fear, chaos, explosions, smoke, money, desire, and a city without law, these things seem not enough, and Sherlock is still not satisfied.

So, just when some people were still hesitating whether to brave the smoke filling the street outside and rush into the street like everyone else.

In the sky, the roar of some helicopters came.

The dense crowd looked overhead, watching helplessly as some packages wrapped in shock-absorbing plastic were thrown down.

The crowd below dispersed in panic, and the package fell to the ground. Due to the attachment of the shock-absorbing material, it only bounced slightly and lay quietly on the ground.

Some people hesitantly approached and then bravely opened the package.

Then, to his horror, he discovered that there was bread there.

It's a shotgun!

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