Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 440 Declaration of War (5)

a gun

Usually it doesn't cause much commotion.

But now the police are trapped and can't do anything. The panic in the city has reached its peak. Public security has completely collapsed. The door of the bank vault is open, and the real banknotes are placed in front of people's eyes like a stripped girl. when.

A gun fell from the sky.

Then things are different!

The citizen was dumbfounded. He held the gun tremblingly in his hand. Even a stupid person should know that as long as he pulls the trigger now, a large amount of bullets will spray out from the muzzle of the gun.

At the same time, on the other side not far away, dozens more packages were thrown down.

In other areas of the city, there were other helicopters dropping weapons.

On those roads that are not too congested, some police cars slowly drive into the crowd. If you look in through the car windows, you will find that the people driving these vehicles are not police officers at all, but some workers wearing work clothes, or some menacing-looking people. Guys, they casually threw pistols out of the car window, scattered magazines and boxed bullets, and let them fall to the feet of citizens. Even some seemingly inconspicuous citizens would randomly He put the grenades directly into the hands of some confused citizens.

"These weapons belong to you now. Of course, I won't deduct your principal tax like your company does and ask you to pay a deposit for prohibiting damage. I just put them on the ground and you can go up. Pick it up, or of course you can turn a blind eye to it. Don’t worry, the quantity is not small, so you don’t need to grab it.”

As he spoke, Sherlock raised his hand again and pretended to look at the non-existent watch on his wrist.

"Oh, by the way, the time for the bank door to open is coming soon. There are still ten seconds left. Nine. Eight."

He began to count down lightly, and counting down always has a wonderful magic. It can give people a sense of tension for no reason, just like the countdown before a game, or your mother starting to count in front of you. At this time, people's psychology will become more or less panicked.

So, with the 10-second countdown, the whole city finally fell into the most terrifying chaos.

A man picked up the gun on the ground.

Then the second, and the third. As more and more people picked up guns, those without weapons seemed to be panicked. Many people poured into the streets and began to stop the cars, wanting to ask for money. Some weapons, of course, more people, all holding these weapons, rushed to the banks that had opened their doors.

The situation has reached a point where it is impossible to control it. Just like the old man once said, the string holding the kite finally broke.

People living in despair seem to have found an outlet to vent. No one among them is trying to figure out why the traitor did what he did and why he put money naked in front of everyone. No one feels that they Is it dangerous if I pick up a gun? Is it possible that I have violated any laws by taking the money in the bank?

Now that things have reached this point, who will care about the so-called laws?

In fact, to put it more cruelly, people in this world hope to have such a channel to vent their madness and depression all their lives. Even if someone shouts at them with a loudspeaker to keep them rational, it will be useless.

Even if they think it is dangerous to pick up the gun, or even if they have never fired a gun, they will pick up the gun without hesitation. After all, everyone else has taken it, and they have to take it.

Even if it's illegal to steal money from a bank, it doesn't matter, everyone is robbing it.

Even if I don't break the law, I will just work, get sick, and finally die doing nothing or being sick. In this way, if I can go crazy, I will be shot. At least I will have such a wonderful life in this life.

In short, ten thousand people have ten thousand reasons to excuse themselves. Once this thing of reason is thrown into the whirlpool of madness, it will be stripped away in just a few seconds.

There was a "bang" sound.

The TV station's studio door was knocked open, and several soldiers with shields and submachine guns rushed in. They were now dressed in plain clothes, with their weapons hidden under their windbreakers, and rushed here against the chaotic crowd.

"Don't move!"

"Put your hands up!"

These people shouted angrily.

However, there was no response.

The soldiers looked at the empty studio. Although they didn't want to believe it, they still took out their communicators and reported anxiously:

"Captain, we were fooled"

At this time, a large number of urban residents are armed with firearms, so violence and desire have naturally become the main theme of the city. The army can no longer stand by and watch. If this situation continues, in a few hours, even those The trapped police officers were able to rush out, but they were completely unable to restore law and order.

Everyone knows that the foundation of police law enforcement is actually violence. Although it sounds embarrassing, the only way to prevent violence is another wave of violence. And now, the police do not have as many guns as citizens, so what can they show? The deterrent effect is minimal.

Therefore, the troops stationed outside the city had to enter the city to clear out the crazy residents bit by bit. However, they did not dare to make too much of a fuss, for fear that the traitor would trigger the detonator, so they could only disguise themselves as civilians and quietly touch them. Come in.

The slow clean-up operation and the increasingly chaotic city gave rise to a visceral sense of powerlessness. Large-scale military weapons were unable to enter the city, resulting in extremely low efficiency of the operation. In the end, it was helpless that the person in charge of the operation requested additional troops. However, faced with the invasion of mutated creatures, it is difficult for the army to send more manpower.

This leads to a helpless contradiction.

Mutated creatures do need to be dealt with, but the purpose of resisting mutated creatures is to prevent them from invading the city, and now the city is in chaos and cannot survive. If we do not send more troops and wait for the mutated creatures to take action, humans themselves will be overwhelmed by chaos. Devoured.

Oh, right.

In fact, the initiator of all this, the traitor, was not at the TV station at all. After the military entered the studio, they only saw an announcer with bombs wrapped around his body. He cried and told the disguised soldiers that there was The individual asked him to play these videos at a fixed time point, otherwise, he would be blown to pieces.

Well, it seemed that that man had been hiding behind the scenes all along and had mixed everything up into a mess. When the soldiers in action told all this to the person in charge outside the city, the commander just felt his head was buzzing. What frightened him even more was that until now, he didn't even know where the traitor was.

It was at this moment that he finally thought of Senator Lilith's angry voice on the phone:

"That traitor, what's scary about him is not just his lethality."

Of course, the scary thing about Sherlock is not his force, but he still has extremely terrifying lethality. Especially after staying in that underground factory for two full months, his combat strength has returned to its peak.

Also, after coming into contact with the old man who was called the breeder, the two people would naturally talk about mutant creatures. After all, Sherlock was a contractor, and the old man had basically been dealing with mutant creatures his whole life.

From these chats, Sherlock seems to have discovered that in his own world, the most likely reason why humans have such a strange phenomenon as [Awakening Dreams] is that it comes from human genetic fragments. .

To put it more clearly, it is the small part of one's own life coordinates that can still remain intact after nearly a thousand years.

Of course, after such a long time, there are too few cases where the descendants of some people still exist and have continued to reproduce until 2579. But there will still be some after all, and after these embryos are conceived, they actually Most of them were sent to the other side of the space-time rift because they were unqualified.

No one can explain time clearly. Anyway, after the cracks in time and space were opened, the two worlds intersected, and people's consciousness seemed to have some kind of connection through the time gap of hundreds of years. .

To make it clearer, more cruel, and more careless about human ethics, it is actually the third-level humanoid demons controlled by all third-level contractors, who are actually their descendants 800 years later.

In the bodies of those demons, there are the same genetic fragments as those of their contractors.

As for those contractors who did not control humanoid demons, but controlled insects, corrosive dogs, or other strange demons, it is actually easy to explain, because their genetic fragments are no longer complete, and their descendants have long been extinct. , after their death, the corpses rotted, were absorbed by the soil, or were devoured by wild beasts. Some extremely broken life coordinates became nourishment for unknown creatures during hundreds of years of continuous transformation. Anyway, they were very lucky remnants. There are some sporadic things, and when the cracks in time and space are opening, the lives of the two time and space have a little intersection.

This is probably the truth behind the awakening dream.

A water supply port at the outermost edge of the city.

The sun's explosion lasted for too long. The high temperature melted the ice, and most of the coastal land was submerged. More of the planet's surface turned into a weathered and barren area, where only mutated creatures eroded by radiation struggled to survive. .

In this last human city, all water sources come from underground rivers and stratigraphic areas where ancient ice melts.

Huge water pumps are working day and night, and countless transportation pipelines are supplying these sources of life to the interior of the city. Countless huge water transport trucks are loading and unloading here, and then go to different areas.

There are a total of 11 such water supply ports around the city, each responsible for the water supply in their respective areas. Although in order to capture traitors, most of the traffic leading outside the city has been blocked.

However, water transportation cannot be blocked no matter what.

At this moment, Supply Station No. 7 was undergoing an unexpected raid.

The raiders couldn't tell what kind of organization it was. There were desperadoes, drug addicts, gangsters, and workers. In short, a bunch of people came together. They had very good weapons and equipment, and they also had very powerful combat commanders. , just don’t know what their purpose is.

The water pump power supply area of ​​a building is full of debris and smoke. The shrill bullets have not stopped for half an hour, penetrating the black smoke and hitting those expensive transformers. I don’t know where the thick protective layer is. Sometimes it won't be able to support it, and the circuit board inside will explode into a pile of scrap metal.

The troops stationed nearby have rushed over as quickly as possible. Soldiers with professional military equipment are still better than those desperate gangs, but no one dares to use missiles or explosive weapons at such water supply stations. Once the transportation pipeline is blown up and tens of thousands of tons of water rush out, coupled with the high-voltage electricity in the water pump, the entire supply station will instantly become a natural death zone where who comes and who dies.

During this long battle, some people were shot and some died. The smell of gunpowder smoke was almost blocked by the brain, and the whizzing sound of bullets seemed to be almost numb, but there was no sign of the end.

The location here is already on the edge of the city. The huge sky above the head seems to be somewhat weak in protecting the place. The sun's radiation shines on the barren ground, and the temperature is higher than in the city.

On a cliff not far away, Sherlock was holding a cigarette and slowly breathing out the hot gas. Next to him, standing over two meters tall, was a slender man who looked like he was suffering from radiation sickness. weird man.

He was silent, and then made some sign language to Sherlock.

【how long will it take? 】

This man with his eyes close to his temples was picked up by the old man 13 years ago. At that time, he was huddled underground in a bridge tunnel. His whole body was severely dehydrated and malnourished. If no one rescued him, he would not have survived for the second time. sky.

From the moment the old man decided to guard the industrial area and asked him to follow Sherlock, this guy, who was not very bright, but was absolutely loyal, stood beside Sherlock, always ready to give his life for him. .

[About an hour. 】

Sherlock also made a gesture. After staying in the factory for two months, he had naturally learned how to communicate with the other party.

Then he slowly turned around and looked behind him.

Although there was nothing in sight, he could sense that countless demons were roaring along an abandoned underground railway, rushing towards Sherlock's location like a tide.

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