Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 461 Confession Room

Sherlock got into serious trouble more than once.

But due to various reasons, he is still alive and continues to get into trouble, getting bigger and bigger.

Over a long period of time in the past, compared with the disasters he caused and the miracles he created, there has been a faint trend of balance. This is the reason why he is still alive, and it is also the reason why he is still just an ordinary citizen of the empire. The reason is that, in fact, if it weren't for the heinous crimes he committed, he would have become a legend in the Imperial Police Department, or been invited to serve in the tribunal.

This time, he rescued Nightingale, fell into the gate of hell, and then miraculously survived. It was an amazing feat comparable to that accomplished by Dante 30 years ago. When the old man gradually aged over the years, , when the empire needed to erect a statue for a hero, Sherlock became the best candidate.

However, just a few days later, he caused another shocking disaster.

Breaking into the Temple of Holy Light alone and kicking down the door of the temple, this kind of thing can no longer be weighed by merits and demerits. Offending the Holy Light is offending all mankind. If he really offends the Holy Light and leads to the third demon invasion, then no matter what Sherlock has done, he will be a sinner of all mankind.

Mrs. Hudson and Moran anxiously walked up the steps. At the door of the temple, they saw a servant of God who fainted on the steps.

Neither of them dared to think too much, but their hearts began to feel cold.

Entering the main hall, I saw the servants of God lying on the ground wailing, and the horror in my heart was even more indescribable. Two guys, Sherlock and Watson, one killed the servants of God, and the other smashed the temple. In fact, Moran has already I have the mentality of 'go back quickly and tell the master about this, so that he can quickly clear up the relationship with these two lunatics'.

If Her Majesty the Saint hadn't been walking in anxiously, she would probably have turned around and left now.

In the empty hall, some servants of the gods were kneeling sporadically. Some of them were spread out on the ground, and some raised their hands high, chanting complex scriptures. Under the huge sunflower at the end of the hall, the old god envoy looked at him. Looking in a certain direction, as if he had just been frightened out of fear, his whole body curled up into a ball that fell to the ground, but he kept mumbling in his mouth, as if he was begging the Holy Light for forgiveness.

Mrs. Hudson did not dare to hesitate at all. She knew that nothing she could do now could save her. However, this small London landlady who was forced to become a saint had never accepted her noble status.

To this day, she still thinks that she is just an ordinary woman who failed a still unknown detective in the Lower City one night many years ago.

It was useless to do anything, which did not mean that she could do nothing. She knelt down on the ground and made the most pious etiquette to the rickety body: "Old God Envoy, the Vatican Saint Letitia Hudson pays my respects, I know this offense is irreparable, but I still want to ask, how can I calm down the wrath of the Holy Light?"

Of course, Moran also needed to kneel down when meeting the old divine envoy, so she immediately followed Her Majesty the Saint to kneel to the ground.

The old man in front of me seemed to be shocked by the voice, trembling all over, and said in a trembling voice: "Yes, this offense is irreparable.

It’s irreversible! ! ! "

That weak voice was full of remorse and sadness, and it sounded as if he had made some mistake himself.

Well, as the most devout believer in the entire empire, he actually allowed people to act recklessly in the Temple of Holy Light. The old God Envoy probably took the blame for this on himself.

Sherlock, Sherlock, you are so presumptuous!

Just as I was thinking of this, suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps beside me.

Hudson and Moran looked in the direction of the sound.

Then, he saw Sherlock coming out.

It's the same messy hair and the same nonchalant expression. This bastard is always like this and has no idea how much trouble he has caused.

And as he gradually walked up the steps, what was even more frightening was that he was actually holding a person in his hand.

The man was wearing the robe of a servant of God, and his entire jaw was dislocated and twisted miserably to one side. It was precisely because of this that he could only let out more miserable wails in his throat.

Sherlock's fingers were all dug into the man's flesh and blood, and he just held his ribs and dragged him up.

Behind him, the pale Watson also appeared. Of course he was wearing clothes now, but there were obviously large blood stains on the lining of the white suit, which looked shocking.


Hudson exclaimed!

At this time, her mood was very complicated, and she wanted to rush over and hug him, but he had committed such a serious crime again, and she was still praying to the divine messenger, but the divine messenger did not respond to her.

Therefore, she could only continue to kneel, hoping for some way to make Sherlock survive.

"Hey? Why are you here?"

Sherlock saw the two people kneeling in the distance and asked with some confusion.


The divine servant in his hand shook his chin and continued to moan miserably. Sherlock slapped him again in annoyance and slapped him unconscious.

This scene fell in everyone's eyes, and their hearts suddenly twitched.

When the servants of the gods and the old envoys saw it, they had not yet adapted to the scene of someone daring to slap the people in the temple. However, thinking of what had just happened, they did not dare to say anything more. They could only be shocked and used various complicated words. He looked at his companion with an expression on his face and saw that the other side of his face was beaten to a bloody pulp, but he didn't dare to step forward to stop him.

Hudson was ready to cry, thinking uncontrollably: "It's over, it's over, no matter how you plead for mercy, it's useless, just wait to die."


Moran grew up next to Moriarty, and he has long been accustomed to the lofty position of the servants of God. When she saw Sherlock treating the servants of God so roughly, she quickly stood up and rushed over to stop him.

Of course, in fact, she didn't feel sorry for the servant of God, she just felt that if this continued, Sherlock might really push himself into an unforgivable abyss.

But just a few steps later, another divine servant walked out from behind Sherlock and Watson, shivering with his head lowered and his waist bent, as if he didn't dare to raise his eyes to look at the two people in front of him.

He could only squint his eyes anxiously, looking at the miserable servant of God who was missing an arm in Sherlock's hand, and his whole body was trembling.

Sherlock seemed to find it difficult to carry such a thing, so he threw the unconscious servant of the god at the feet of the man behind him.

"This guy is too noisy, so I won't take him away. Please clean him up, don't let him die, and then send him there."

The servant of God nodded: "I will obey the will."

What else could he say?

But just these few words fell into Mo Lan's ears. She was stunned for a moment, and her body that was about to rush over was froze in place.

"Excuse me, Mr. Sherlock, are you satisfied now?"

The hoarse voice of the old god envoy sounded from under the golden robe. He did not dare to raise his head at this moment. He just pressed his forehead to the floor and asked humbly.

"Well, I'm quite satisfied."

Sherlock nodded and shook the blood off his hands.

Hudson was also confused.

She looked blankly at the old angel in front of her, and then at Sherlock blankly, feeling that the questions and answers she heard were so absurd and weird.

She is a saint of the Holy See, but she has never been to the Temple of Holy Light. This is the first time she has stepped into the most sacred place in the empire. She can be shocked by the magnificent palace in front of her, but Sherlock just makes herself feel that she has never been to the Temple of Holy Light. The teachings I heard online and the awe of the Holy Light I felt among the people in Jerusalem were all just kidding me.

"But Mr. Sherlock, you haven't said where you want to send this person."

The servant behind him asked timidly.

"Huh?" Sherlock scratched his head. He still didn't know where Watson was going. He had returned to the front line to continue working as Nightingale's medic, but he was tired of the life there and was ready to return to the hinterland of the empire.


"I haven't thought about it yet. I'll let you know when the time comes."

This simple response made everyone around him feel a tremor in their hearts. Except for Moran and Mrs. Hudson, everyone knew who the 'it' he was talking about was, so they all were humbled. head, praying silently in my heart.

"What? What's wrong?" Mrs. Hudson asked in surprise.

No one responded to her.

"How is this going?"

She asked again subconsciously, because in her mind, she could not understand the scene in front of her at all.

Of course, no one responded to her, because Sherlock just said that this matter should not be made public.

Then it is impossible for anyone to dare to reveal the slightest bit of information.

Sherlock walked towards Moran with a smile, and then waved as if nothing happened: "Hi, long time no see."

Then he awkwardly reminded the completely confused landlord: "Don't kneel down, the floor is cold here." His tone was as if his home didn't have heating, which made him a little embarrassed.

Silence just wandered in the empty temple. In this situation, no one knew what to say.

fair enough

"Then you guys find a place to rest for a while. It's my first time here, so I can take a walk and we'll go together later."

Sherlock said, and then he really wandered around minding his own business.

When passing by the surrounding servants of God, they all knelt on the ground and did not dare to raise their heads.

Soon, Sherlock discovered a small confessional made of wooden boards in the corner of the temple. He felt that this thing was a bit inconsistent with the decoration style of the entire Holy Light Temple, so he asked a servant next to him. .

"Hey, what is this for?"

The servant of God trembled and quickly replied: "It is the place where believers listen to divine revelation when the holy light shines."

"Oh, it turns out there really is a divine revelation." Sherlock nodded thoughtfully and walked towards the confession room.

The hearts of the people around me were jumping into their throats. This confessional was the closest place to the Holy Light. Who would dare to walk in there casually?

Even if the person who enters does not act according to the rules and makes mistakes, or even one more person enters and takes one more look, he will die without a chance to die.

But they watched Sherlock pull open the wooden door of the confessional, but none of them dared to step forward to stop him.

Sherlock opened the door to the confessional and took a look inside.

It was okay not to look at it, but when he looked at it, he couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

Because there is a chair in the confessional, and above the chair, there is a huge radiation release device, which is upside down on the ceiling of the confessional.

This radiation release device is like a big bowl. In the world 800 years later, he has seen this kind of facility outside the city. It is usually used to discharge the radiation that is not covered by the sky into the wilderness outside the city.

But there, what Sherlock saw were styles that had been updated and iterated several times. The one on top of his head now should be a very old version.

"Uh, do you usually use this kind of thing to communicate with people?" He muttered.

And soon, a string of characters appeared in front of me: "Of course I can also use other ways to communicate with people, but my operation will produce huge radiation, and these radiations will produce a lot of heat and radiation waste. If If it is not discharged in time, it will affect my operation.

One of my core tasks is to try to see how radiation changes humans, and whether this change can be directed in a good direction.

So every once in a while, I'll pour a lot of radiation directly into a human individual to record their changes. "


Sherlock had never been to the Temple of Holy Light before, nor had he been to the other side of the space-time rift, so he couldn't ask this kind of question, and he couldn't understand the answer.

But now, after hearing Holy Light's answer, his whole expression was twisted.

He frowned awkwardly for a while.

"Um, so, the 'divine revelation' that these servants of God talk about all day long is actually an experiment conducted by you, using them as guinea pigs?"

"Of course not. This is a long-term and arduous data collection for the sake of human existence. Those people cannot be called guinea pigs. They are warriors who have dedicated their health to the future of mankind."

Sherlock rubbed his brows and smiled bitterly: "I have thought about many, many questions about you. I didn't expect that it would unfold like this. I don't know what the expressions of the servants of God outside will be like if I tell them the truth."

"I have done simulation inferences. Based on their trust in the so-called 'Holy Light', if I tell them that they are about to sacrifice themselves for my experiment, there is a 99.5% chance that the devotees will be extremely excited, and even in the future, This kind of devotion can take on the form of fanatical self-dedication.

I can't understand why human beliefs can make this race show a self-destructive tendency that goes against reproduction.

But I still recommend not to publish the facts.

This affects the balance of human existence on World 12. "

Sherlock hesitated.

"Um, what does World No. 12 mean?"

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