Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 462 Sherlock is not Lord Dante after all

"What World No. 12?" the voice in Sherlock's head responded.

"You're talking about World No. 12."

"Huh? I didn't say it. Did you hear it wrong?"

"You heard me wrong!" Sherlock scolded: "How can you behave like that crimson? If you want to reveal some secrets to me, just say so clearly. If you don't want me to know, don't talk. Tell half of it.”

Sherlock stared blankly, as if a parent was educating a naughty child, except that Sherlock was educating an omniscient and omnipotent naughty child.

And precisely because he is omniscient and omnipotent, he certainly does not believe that the Holy Light will say the wrong thing.

He was even more sure that he heard correctly.

"From a certain point of view, Crimson and I are the same existence. At that time, you went deep into the center of the Antarctic continent and were in a state of death. There were no signal relay stations around. In desperation, I could only put the computing signal into the nearest one to you. above the individual life, so I am Crimson, and Crimson is me.

But Crimson has independent nerves, so its thinking ability is also subtly affecting my algorithm.

This makes our expressions different, and I attribute this to the independent consciousness of life.”

"What we are discussing now is not about self-awareness." Sherlock interrupted the chatter of the voice in his head.

"I didn't say anything about world numbers, and if I had, I wouldn't admit it."

"Look, you said the word [world number] again."

"I don't."

"I heard it with my own ears."

"There is a loophole in the core algorithm. I need some time to fix it and apply for this connection interruption. Goodbye."

This ridiculous conversation flashed through Sherlock's mind at an extremely fast speed, and then stopped abruptly.


Sherlock tried to wake it up again, but there was no response in his mind.

"Holy Light?"

"The Palace of Thoughts?"

“Clue Vault???”

"Oh shit!"

No matter how hard he tried, there was no response in his mind. Sherlock cursed angrily, and then slammed the wooden door of the confessional room angrily.

A lot of dust fell.

The servants of God around him were so frightened that they fell to the ground one by one, not even daring to raise their heads.

Everything that happened next seemed so incredible.

Sherlock returned to the hall, said hello to the old envoy, and then left.

Watson, Moran, and Mrs. Hudson followed, and the four of them walked out of the temple in a grand manner.

No one stopped me along the way, only some people were lying on the ground, not even making a sound.

It wasn't until they walked out of the temple that the sunlight on the snow-capped mountains shone on the smooth mirror-like snow, making it blinding to the reflection. A cold wind blew by, and Hudson and the others finally recovered.

They looked blankly at the kicked-open door, then looked at Sherlock, and after a long while they said, "Are you okay?"

"What's the matter?" Sherlock was a little confused.

"It's just... uh... you kicked down the door of the Holy Light Temple."

Sherlock turned back, looked at the door, and nodded: "Yes, but this door is too old. The Holy See should come over and repair it when you find time. Look at the door axis, it creaks."

"Oh" Mrs. Hudson responded blankly: "It's really time to fix it."

Of course, Her Highness the Saint is not asking about the door, but she doesn't know what to ask now. At this moment, she feels as if she suddenly heard Moriarty begging for help on the Day of Holy Love. Sherlock's ridiculous enthusiasm when he helped.

If you want to explain this absurdity, you must need many, many other things to pave the way. In this process, your own knowledge will be baptized no matter how many times.

So, as before, Mrs. Hudson smiled helplessly and chose to accept the scene in front of her.

Watson was rescued.

Shylock was not cursed by countless servants of God and died tragically on the streets.

This is undoubtedly the best ending.

As for what happened during this period, she was no longer so curious.

So, a few people boarded the airship, leaving behind a messy temple and the trembling God's Servant Gate, which disappeared into the dazzling sunlight.

[I have never met Mr. Sherlock, but I have known him a long time ago.

A few years ago, just after Professor Darwin died in the experiment, I learned something about the hired detective.

Professor Charles Darwin's experiment will lead mankind to the next stage, and change is always two-sided. Some people are looking forward to change, while others are afraid of change.

That's why Mr. Darwin was murdered.

Mr. Sherlock was the one who revealed the truth. At the same time, he also cooperated with Professor Darwin's students to carry out the experiment to the end.

We don’t know how much pressure these people experienced and how many risks they took during this period, but for the empire to be what it is today, I believe that this detective, who was still unknown at the time, also contributed a lot. 】

————"Frontier Science Evening News"

[As the era of the great human expedition is in full swing, and today as mankind launches a general attack on hell, reports of victory continue to bloom in the ice and snow under the guidance of the holy light.

Victory is hard won.

But it came naturally.

However, that man's feat of coming back undoubtedly injected the most powerful stimulant into the tens of millions of expeditionary soldiers on the front line. Hell is not invincible. Lord Dante bravely entered hell back then, and now Mr. Sherlock Holmes has returned with force. I believe that in the future, more and more warriors will pierce through the black curtain and level the gates of hell. Humanity will eventually win. "

——————"Frontline War Message"

Of course, people could not know that this hero who had returned from hell rushed into the Temple of Holy Light and smashed the faces of several servants of God not long after his return.

They were still immersed in the joy after the birth of another hero.

As the most authoritative newspaper in the empire's public opinion circles, the Holy Journal will lead the direction of public opinion in the entire empire.

So overnight, almost 90% of newspapers were describing how many unknown but thrilling feats this man who had come back from the dead had done.

The remaining 10%, staring at the huge risks, began to uncover the little scandals between Sherlock and Nightingale.

I don’t know where these tabloids got the information, saying that Nightingale had appeared in an apartment on Baker Street in London two years ago.

And there is Mr. Sherlock's home.

Others say that Nightingale and Mr. Shylock met at night more than once.

That report was written in such vivid detail that it was difficult to tell whether it was true or just fabricated.

But readers never care whether the gossip is true or false. The hero falls into a desperate situation after saving the beauty, and many years later breaks through the darkness and returns to the world. If this kind of plot is not matched with the element of love that vows to each other, it will always feel like there is something missing.

Especially someone of Nightingale's caliber.

Even if she is a figure that everyone admires, even if she is a beautiful woman that millions of men in the empire fantasize about, she is still a human being after all. She must grow up and mature. The great Lord Nightingale will one day fall in love and choose a relationship. , or a lifelong partner.

Then this person must be an existence at the level of 'unparalleled hero, with feet on seven-colored clouds'.

In the past countless years, throughout the entire empire, there seemed to be no such person who could convince the citizens of the empire.

And now, a man has appeared in the public eye following the path that Lord Dante once walked. If he is not qualified, will Miss Nightingale be left alone for the rest of her life?

In the ancient Roman city of France, a broadcast was being recorded, and the person sitting in front of the microphone was none other than the current emperor, Mr. Franklin.

The somewhat bald emperor of the empire had never been a good speaker. At this time, he looked at the manuscript in his hand with a somewhat embarrassed look on his face.

"This is a very ordinary resident of Lower London. I don't know what kind of life experience he has, and I don't know what kind of persistence he has in his heart. But I know that he never seems to be obsessed with power and money. Temptation will not be shaken by power or oppression. What he always insists on is the light in his heart and the justice he pursues."

“Rights are the most terrifying thing in the world, because rights can make people compromise, and after compromise, people have no persistence and their bottom line has been shaken.

The Empire is no longer the Empire it once was, and the wars that have oppressed us for centuries are coming to an end.

Although as the emperor of the empire, I should not say such conclusive words in advance.

But I still have to say it.

Humanity's victory is already close at hand, and the suffering of the past is finally coming to an end. At this moment, the entire empire shows unprecedented unity.

Then there are some things that don’t have to remain dusty. "

Having said this, Franklin took a deep breath, as if suppressing his inner anxiety.

"Once again, I want to thank Sherlock Holmes for everything he has done for the Empire.

At the same time, I also want to accuse the previous emperor, Augustine the Great, of deliberately murdering Professor Charles Darwin, the dean of the Academy of Life Sciences, maliciously terminating the wild demon control plan, forcibly delaying the start of the human expedition, establishing a private political system at the center of the imperial power, and persecuting the government. Officials, privately misappropriating imperial financial resources and conducting experiments with obvious selfish biases."

Crime after crime was recited from the mouth of the emperor of the empire.

Each statement is like a bomb. I don’t know what a huge shock it will cause in the empire after the recording of this statement is completed.

"I am here to thank Emperor Augustine for everything he did for the Empire.

However, crimes need to be stopped after all, otherwise, human society will never be able to move forward.

Therefore, I would like to express my most sincere gratitude to a friend of mine for the future of the entire empire, for the opening of the Hell's Gate Crusade, and for the flames of war that have been extinguished for centuries.

Mr. Sherlock Holmes.

It was in the late autumn of the year 289 of the Holy Calendar.

The assassination of Augustine the Great in the ancient Roman city of France ended his once glorious and glorious life, but in his final years he fell into the abyss of sin. "

After reciting this sentence, the king of the empire slowly exhaled, and then felt a sense of relief all over his body.

He had kept this secret for almost three years.

Finally, today, he wants to make this secret public.

Carrying the dark side of the greatest emperor in holy history on his shoulders, of course he would feel relaxed the moment the burden was lifted, but what made him feel even more relaxed was that he finally completed what he once told the detective commitment between.

Maybe even Mr. Franklin himself didn't realize that he was also afraid in his heart that if he could never fulfill this promise, one day, that crazy guy would step into the ancient Roman city again and stage a lone murder. Jun's drama.

In the society built by human beings, no matter how powerful the individual's power is, it is impossible to shake the structure of the entire group.

Because humans have governments and empires have the Holy Light.

Thinking of this, Franklin smiled and felt that Shylock's desperate assassination scene should not be possible again, because what Emperor Augustine did did indeed threaten the survival process of mankind, so Shylock could be in the Holy Light. Completed the regicide under the watchful eye.

As for me, as long as I don't do anything that violates or blasphemes the Holy Light, it's impossible for that guy Sherlock to kill me one day.

A teacher must be famous, and no one can disobey the Holy Light.

As a result, Franklin felt a little more at ease and listened to the recording twice more before handing the disc to the staff.

It's really hard to imagine how much peace of mind he would have left if he had discovered that Sherlock had just kicked open the door of the Holy Light Temple a few hours ago and came out intact.

In London, in an alley somewhere in the upper town, there is an inconspicuous small bar without any signboard.

Only some nobles or high-ranking officials with upper-class status would know that this small bar has an incredible reputation in certain circles.

At this time, in a private room in the bar, Ms. Irene Adler was holding several newspapers and reading the reports above with relish.

In fact, there is no need to guess what she is reading, because these days, no matter what newspaper it is, it is inseparable from the name that brought the dead back to life.

Reading those words about Sherlock's boastful words, this woman who was so rich that she didn't even know how much money she had would have a smile on her lips from time to time.

But after putting down the newspaper, her smile became a little bitter.

Miss Irene is a businessman, so he is well aware of the most greedy and fickle part of the human heart.

Shylock returns from the gates of hell, this scene is so similar to Dante 30 years ago.

Logically speaking, his future should not be much worse than that of Lord Dante.

But there is one thing very different between Sherlock and Lord Dante.

After the old man accomplished his astonishing feat, he chose to retire to the small town and no longer interfered with anything in the empire.

That's why he became the great Lord Dante.

But what about Sherlock?

This guy never seems to know what stopping is.

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