Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 505 Pretending to be stupid

After crossing the Redeker Strait, it’s the battlefield.

It is indeed difficult for people who have never been here to adapt to such a cold area. The electric revolution that has been implemented for three years in the hinterland of the empire does not seem to have had much impact on the other side of the strait. The urban areas along the coast still use old steam systems, because What is most needed here is not fast and convenient productivity, but temperature.

The hot air escaping from the huge underground steam pipe pours out from the sewer, condenses when encountering the freezing temperature, and even turns into ice crystals before falling rapidly. However, where the heat is concentrated, it will appear as a hazy feeling like thick fog. , it sounds very out of place, but in this coastal city closest to the blood of life and death, there is actually a dreamlike beauty.

A group of military vehicles were marching on the wet streets. The cold wind was swayed by the humidity and passed through the gaps in some old buildings. Sometimes it was separated from the temperature of the steam and condensed, cutting the faces of the marching team and then hitting the glass. On the ground, it slipped and fell into pieces of ice.

Erin opened the glass shield of the armored vehicle and looked at the deserted streets around her. Within a few seconds, some hoarfrost hung on her slender eyelashes.

As the largest investor in the soul visualization device, this businesswoman can be said to have deepened her economic skills into the empire's army over the years. Compared with her, ordinary arms manufacturers are simply like Just like a group of vendors selling slingshots on the street.

It has to be said that from the initial investment in Franklin's research, to later funding of the Darwin Recovery Plan, it contracted the construction of more than 50 Imperial power generation base stations, and finally obtained the right to supply materials for the production of soul visualization devices in the Academy of Life Sciences.

A series of investments are highly adventurous and beyond ordinary people's vision, and the returns obtained are also extremely amazing.

Now, Miss Irene Adler wants to come to the front line to see her machines, and she must have commander-level military protection along the way.

After lowering the car window, Irene rubbed her fingers that were slightly red from the cold, and complained depressedly about the weird temperature alternating between hot and cold.

The tall man sitting opposite her remained silent.

Although Godfrey has always been taciturn, it can be seen that he is more silent or anxious than usual at this time.

"Is there anything you want to say?" Eileen seemed to be in a good mood, and she asked in a rare initiative.

Godfrey was silent for a long time, and finally said slowly: "Miss, is it inappropriate to come to the front line at this time?"

I have to say that when Irene smiles, she really has a different kind of charm that is not inferior to Nightingale. This charm comes from a woman's wandering and moving among all walks of life, and from her understanding of people's hearts. The mastery comes from the experience, intuition, vision, and mood of a businessman, and his eyes and smiles are so charming.

So she knew very well what Godfrey meant.

"You want to say, at this time, it is a bit risky to help Sherlock." Irene said quietly: "Haha, you may have misunderstood me. I do think Sherlock is a very good person." Man, but don’t forget at the same time, I am a businessman.

My overtures to Shylock have so far paid off immeasurably.

Even though he was already a wanted criminal, helping him was risky.

But there is no businessman who does not take risks. "

Hearing this, Godfrey's eyebrows became even more gloomy. He thought about it again and again, and finally said again: "But Miss, the previous investment in Sherlock was at least based on the fact that he was still a normal citizen of the empire.

When we make money, we make money from the empire. I really can’t imagine what kind of reward I can get by continuing to help a fugitive at this time. "

"Of course there are rewards." Irene said: "Businessmen don't distinguish between high and low, as long as they make money.

It doesn't matter if it's the empire's money or not.

Listen to Sherlock, there are humans on the other side of the gate of hell.

Of course they also want to make money. "

Godfrey opened his mouth slightly.

Of course he knew that his young lady was a person with absolute business acumen and a pure businessman's gambling spirit. Otherwise, she would not have paid such an astonishing price to redeem herself after seeing him when she was passing by the execution ground.

Afterwards, Godfrey asked Irene why she was willing to buy only her own life with so much money, enough to support an army.

Eileen's answer at that time was unforgettable to him.

She said that she likes to be quiet and can't really have so many people around her.

Moreover, she spent so much money to buy a bodyguard. In other words, she bought her own life.

In her eyes, this is quite profitable.

Well, maybe the businessman's thinking is so out-of-the-box that even his own life has a price that can be compared.

But going to the other side of the gates of hell to make money?

Godfrey took a deep breath and felt inexplicably that being the lady's bodyguard was really an extremely honorable thing.

Of course, he also knows clearly that businessmen are the best at making up lies.

So at this point, he still couldn't be sure whether the lady really wanted to engage in the biggest business in the history of Saints, or whether she couldn't let the guy named Sherlock die.

Businessmen and women are the most unpredictable animals.

Long before Irene arrived at the Redeker Strait, a Crusader airship had already landed in the ice and snow. Nearly a thousand soldiers stepped out of the airship and got into the army transport vehicle. They would have to pass through for several more days. After several nights of trekking, we finally entered the Great Expedition route.

As for the airship, it needs a night of fuel replenishment before it can return to its route.

At night, on the outskirts of a military base, there were suddenly some strange noises in the airship storage warehouse.

In the cargo stash that was supposed to be unloaded, in a small corner that was not easily noticeable, a piece of steel was suddenly removed as a baffle, and a huge figure crawled out from behind the baffle.

The six or seven-meter-tall figure was quiet, as if it was trying its best to curl up its body smaller. It crawled out of the warehouse in a half-crouch, leaned against the wall again, bent its waist, and tapped its toes on the ground. Move forward, afraid of making the slightest noise.

But at this moment, there was a "click", and on a pile of goods shelves not far away, someone lit a cigarette and took a puff. Before the lighter went out, it just illuminated the [Prohibited] picture on the wall. Smoking] slogan.

It also illuminated Sherlock's embarrassed face.

"I said, do you know how big you are? You are still here looking like a petty thief." He muttered to Crimson angrily.

Crimson looked around anxiously and found that it seemed to be safe. Then he straightened his crouched back and complained in his mind: "You have no conscience, I'm not afraid of being discovered and letting you be hunted down again." ?”

"As long as you don't run directly into the camp and smash the wall with your teeth and claws, no one will notice you." Sherlock smiled, looking at the crimson look just now, he unconsciously thought of an elephant trying so hard to It's ridiculous to use the grass to cover your body.

"Hey, we're still conscious. Don't think about those weird pictures in your mind." Crimson said angrily.

Soon, Sherlock opened the door to the warehouse.

This is the front line. The human coalition will definitely not think that demons will sneak into the warehouse and drive away the airship in the middle of the night, so there are not many people patrolling around. The two figures, one big and one small, quickly sneaked into the night. middle.

After more than half a year, Sherlock returned to this battlefield between humans and demons, but he was still a hero when he left. Now, he has become the most hated fugitive in the empire known as the Demon. No matter what No matter how you think about it, it is embarrassing.

"Actually, I have been thinking, if I ask you to directly turn off all the Holy Light in the entire empire, will it directly lead to the third demon invasion." Sherlock suddenly asked in the snowy night.

"." Crimson was silent for a while, looking at Sherlock with a look that looked like a madman: "First of all, I really didn't expect that you could be so heartbroken and crazy.

Although you now feel that the entire empire is sorry for you, you have already made the empire a mess. Do you want to drag all humans with you? "

Speaking of this, Crimson changed her tone helplessly:

"Also, I have to tell you that my body is the console of an artificial sun. You should know that the original intention of making me is to protect mankind.

As for humans in World No. 11 800 years later, or humans in World No. 12 now, it makes no difference to me. The hatred between you is just the negative emotions that time has given you.

It is impossible for me to initiate a genocide plan.

Even if I wanted to, it wouldn't be possible. "

Sherlock narrowed his eyes, and he heard the strange name [World No. 12] again.

Of course, he also knew that if he asked about this kind of thing now, he would definitely encounter Crimson's pretending to be stupid again.

Crimson seemed to be aware of this, so he changed the topic very directly: "So, what should we do now? We won't go all the way to the gate of hell."

The words have not yet fallen

In the distant wind and snow, a piece of white light comes closer and closer.

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