Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 506 Return to Hell (Part 1)

It was the high beam of an armored fighting vehicle that was common among frontline troops. It passed through the wind and snow calmly, making Sherlock, Crimson, and the snow around them even more pale.

But this man didn't panic at all, he just waited quietly for the car to get closer from a distance, and then stopped in front of him.

The door opened naturally. Godfrey turned his head in the cab and looked at Sherlock and the giant man next to him, trying hard to keep his expression calm.

As a powerful assassin who could assassinate dozens of second-level contractors and even third-level contractors as a mortal, he felt that he had done many shocking things in his life, but when it came to this guy Sherlock, In front of him, he felt that all the things he had done were like playing house.

"Quite on time." Sherlock smiled and waved to him.

"I'm never late." Godfrey put on a cold expression, but in fact he was already so nervous that he couldn't even breathe. The guy in front of me is now the most wanted criminal in the entire empire, but I want to help him on the front line, or help him go to the gate of hell.

Well, if one day I can have a son and a half, I can brag to them with great pride. The man who turned the entire empire upside down back then will have to ask me for help.

Nowadays, Shylock's reputation in the empire is indeed not very good. All the previous glory has been smeared with a layer of conspiracy. Many big figures and government agencies have even begun to stand up and admit their mistakes, saying that it was the negligence of their own departments. , and almost allowed this anti-humanity element to succeed in his conspiracy. Fortunately, now that he has understood his true purpose, it is not too late.

However, so far, there has not been a clear official statement about what these so-called "conspiracies" and "real purpose" are.

It's just that in the increasingly intense pre-war atmosphere, it is constantly stated that the empire is still strong and will become stronger in the future. A new era of mankind is coming. As for the man named Sherlock, after all, he is just a man on the eve of a big era. Interlude, he is about to be submerged under the tide of history.

This kind of media propaganda slogan has appeared in front of the people of the empire with great frequency in the past month. Even negative reports about Shylock can be used as counter examples to inspire people's enthusiasm.

The reason is that the final operational base on the front line has finally been established and completed.

At this point, the most majestic war fortress in the entire holy history, and even in the entire human history, stands in front of the gate of hell. It is not only majestic, but can even be expressed with words like majestic, vast, etc. to describe mountains and seas. Impressions of this war fortress.

Even with the mighty demon swarm on the other side of the canyon in the distance, and the huge black crack reaching into the sky, as long as you are in this fortress, you can feel a sense of security from the bottom of your heart.

The citizens of the empire have not been comfortable in the past few months. The number of parades has not decreased, and some political districts have even become numb, and they can only let these people continue to stand on the streets to vent their anger.

It's just that most of the striking workers returned to their respective posts, because the emperor with a background in scientific research was really able to say something that people wanted to hear, and there was also a large amount of allocations after opening up the national treasury savings.

Of course, the most important thing is that anger is also rational. The bad habits of human society that continue to this day will not be eliminated because of continuous demonstrations, but those demons can be things that can be truly eliminated.

When foreign enemies are placed in front of us, human beings can finally unite rationally, or in other words, temporarily put aside their internal conflicts.

The final phase of the expedition begins.

The lost tax revenue is slightly less significant than closing the gates of hell.

And while the hymns of humanity were being preached everywhere in the hinterland of the empire, Ms. Eileen Adele's journey to the front line was also steadily progressing towards the end of the expedition.

Since the final battle is imminent, the human coalition has an extremely huge demand for soul visualization devices. As the largest manufacturer of this project, Irene naturally has an unimpeded journey and is received by the head of the military department wherever she goes.

"The ultimate basis of war is money."

This sentence is true no matter in any era.

Of course, no one would know that in Irene's convoy, the fugitive wanted by the entire empire and his demon had been hiding in a certain carriage of the transport vehicle, and were heading towards the gate of hell little by little. approaching.

Early this morning.

In the heart of the Antarctic continent, the severe winter that has lasted for millions of years has made the ecology here close to nothing. No vegetation or living creatures can survive here. Only demons from hell will appear here.

In the howling wind and snow, a high wall suddenly appeared, just like the ocean currents at sea level hitting the highest edge of the continental shelf. The high wall stopped all the cold winds.

【Alighier Fortress】

Perhaps it was some hometown custom of the military leaders. In order to gain a good chance of victory, this fortress was named after Lord Dante's rare surname.

When Eileen and her convoy slowly drove into the fortress, even though she was well-informed, it was hard to imagine that such a huge city could be built in such an environment only for war.

All the war forces of the entire empire are gathered here. The airships and frontline trains used to transport troops and war armor every day are like turbulent traffic in the city.

The accompanying military leaders proudly introduced the greatness of this fortress to Irene, letting her see the endless war weapons and tens of thousands of demon storage warehouses with her own eyes, and told her passionately about the hell. After the door is closed, how much support will be received from the military for today's amount can be exchanged for how many years of wealth in the future.

Eileen smiled and listened to the enthusiastic chatter in her ears. In fact, she had foreseen what the so-called war finance colonel said a few years ago. At that time, in order to put the soul visual device into the battlefield, Eileen She did not hesitate to unite with the Holy Son of the Holy See, stand on the opposite side of Emperor Augustine, and support a scientific researcher to come to power. This shows how long she has been waiting for this day.

But at this moment, Erin suddenly realized that she didn't care much about this investment.

She was just thinking about whether Sherlock had slipped out of the transport carriage, whether he had found a suitable airship as he wished, and whether he would have been discovered by the military on the way.

Just when she was feeling a little uneasy, a staff member in the aviation deployment tower suddenly frowned. He looked at an airship in the sky in confusion, then lowered his head and quickly looked through today's ups and downs. Voyage table.

"Hey, why are the number of takeoffs wrong? There seems to be one more plane."

He asked the busy colleague next to him.

"Ah, the people in the previous class haven't slept a wink for two days and two nights. It's normal to make small mistakes!"

"But." The man hesitated again: "But how can there be an airship flying towards the gate of hell?"


I won’t update much today. I was too busy a while ago, which caused me to be ill (woo woo woo).

After returning to hell, there are still two major plots to keep you excited.

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