Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 516 The Great Plunder (4)

In times of war, the military can give people a great sense of security.

But because of the existence of demons, after the unification of mankind, people gradually forgot that armies had been killing each other throughout history.

So when peace came like this, the army began to inexplicably give humans some inner uneasiness.

We are such weird creatures, we fear the powerful but also resist the powerful.

Before the start of the Holy Calendar, there was an era named after [AD]. During that period, the president, prime minister, and emperor of the country, before they took office, the first thing they had to grasp was military power. It seems that many people in the empire do not know this very well. Only those scholars who are familiar with history, especially the history before the Holy Calendar, will know this.

This inheritance hall lasted for four months due to the influence of the new succession model, but when King Moriarty officially ascended the throne, in just three days, the entire empire was back on track. , as if the entire succession ceremony was a vigorous dream, and even the closing of the door to hell was not worth leaving some residual warmth of joy.

The soldiers of the advance team of the expeditionary force were the last batch to return home. They had been fighting in front of the gate of hell for a whole year. They had experienced the bloodiest battles and lost their closest comrades. Regardless of the gunpowder smoke and scars on their bodies, In any era, it is enough to give them the highest level of honor. On the way back to their hometown town, whether it is the government, the parish, or even the gentry and mayor of the town, they have to put down their knives and forks in person and come to the middle of the road to greet them.

However, these imaginary scenes rarely appear. In the first week after the new king Moriarty came to power, it seemed that the entire empire magically fell into a kind of cold silence. People went to get off work on time and watched. Newspapers and radio broadcasts that no longer preached the victory of the war have resumed the programs that they had long been tired of listening to.

This kind of calmness easily allowed the people of the empire to return to their original lives, until one day after dinner, a child suddenly took out two demon dolls and collided with each other on the bed, simulating the scene when the contractor and the demon were fighting on the battlefield. The family suddenly remembered, yes, the war is over, and there seems to be no change in the new era.

The ancient Roman city of France, the political center of the empire, has been immersed in a cold and solemn atmosphere for centuries. However, in the past few months after the succession ceremony, the city seems to have become more impersonal. I didn't know why, but there was a hard feeling of steel everywhere in the air. When colleagues met on the street, they just nodded slightly and didn't even bother to say anything.

Because they are too tired.

I still don’t know how to complain, because in the entire French city, the more powerful the people, the more tired they are. The leaders of all departments are so busy that they are like dogs. And the king named Moriarty is like a robot. He can last for several days. Several nights without rest. He is not a tyrant, but he is definitely an emperor who does not know how to be considerate of his subordinates. As soon as he took office, he started a series of very inhumane overtime work. The workload of government personnel in the entire city increased sharply, as if he wanted to It is necessary to understand all the operating methods of all departments of the empire for centuries, and then carry out a terrifying major reform.

However, the current operation of the empire is based on a mutually coordinated system formed by Emperor Augustine after 60 years of training. A single move affects the whole body. How can it be possible to carry out reforms just because of a young king.

In the imperial palace, a maid has memorized all the areas in the entire building, and ruthlessly changed all the lounges, guest rooms, flower gardens, concert halls and other facilities into documents. repository. Like an evil housekeeper who has no mercy for her master, she tells all the servants in the mansion that the new King Moriarty does not need a piano, flowers, music, food, or meditation. He needs tea, fine wine, and he doesn't even pursue the taste of the food, he just wants it to be healthy and easy to carry, preferably biscuits or bread, so that he can eat in his office and doesn't need to worry about the soup spilling on his documents. .

Of course, the servants were a little incredulous about such a request. The people working in this mansion were all elites in various service industries of the empire. They felt that how could a person living in this kind of life be an imperial king? He was clearly a slave.

Moran was silent for a moment, as if she could see some people's thoughts. Instead of getting angry, she smiled happily.

"Yes, the master said that the king is always the slave of the people."

Among the piles of documents, the sound of pens scratching paper could be heard from time to time. It was hard to imagine that a man who had just become the emperor could be so busy.

As the top executive editor of the Holy Journal and the owner of the entire newspaper, Ms. Milhouse conducted an exclusive interview with the last emperor when he came to the throne. Four years later, she was sitting in the same office. Waiting for a completely different person to finish what they are doing.

It was like this for a long time. The sales man in front of him finally raised his head. He was wearing a somewhat loose plain robe without any gorgeous embellishments. He had heavy dark circles under his eyes. Rather than an emperor, he was more like a man with a black heart. The downtrodden clerk in the workshop is more suitable.

He looked at Ms. Milhouse, who was wearing the most appropriate attire in front of him, and smiled gently. In an instant, the fatigue around him seemed to disappear in an instant. His body was only slightly straightened, but it was extremely natural to show some kind of power that had been standing for a long time. The subtle aura that only those at the top possess, just like being able to sit in front of him at this time, is a kind of God-given favor.

The administrative editor of the most authoritative newspaper in the empire could not resist this sudden change. His expression was slightly startled, and he suddenly realized again that the thin man in front of him was already the most powerful person in the entire holy history, and none of them.

"I've kept you waiting for a long time, but my time is limited. Please keep your interview time within 10 minutes, okay?"

It seemed to be a suggestion or even a request, but Ms. Milhouse, who was always known for her sharp words, could not even think of violating it at all.

She took a deep breath. It was not that she had never met Mr. Moriarty before. At the beginning of the year when she became the Pope, she also conducted a face-to-face interview with the person in front of her. But at this moment, the person in front of her She is more tired and thinner than then, but also sharper at the same time. It is as if all the efforts she has devoted in this life have bloomed at a certain moment, and she no longer needs any restraint. The ordinary robe shines through the window. Under the sun, it looks slightly dazzling.

"Okay, Your Highness the Emperor, then we can skip some of the red tape and go straight to the point. In fact, you also know that many people now don't understand why, in today's environment, the empire's military expenditures have risen instead of falling. consideration?”

"Well, of course the military exists for war."

Ms. Milhouse frowned slightly: "But the threat of demons no longer exists."

"Of course, this is a good thing, and at the same time, it can also answer the question [why military expenditures increased instead of falling]."

"Please forgive me, I didn't understand what you meant."

"Haha, it's not your fault." Moriarty always had a gentle smile: "The emergence of the devil focused all the contradictions on a race that should not have appeared. For centuries, this kind of The added suffering from the outside has made people forget that all the most difficult difficulties actually occur within the human race.”

"I still don't understand."

"Okay, ma'am, to sum it up in some words, it's: secession, rebellion, civil war."

When he said these words again, Moriarty still looked gentle and elegant. Milhouse suddenly found that he couldn't seem to determine whether the smile came from the heart or whether it was a mask, and he couldn't help but see something leaking from behind. Some cold sweats.

"But Your Majesty the Emperor, the empire is improving at this stage. Are your worries too much?"

"It may be a bit alarmist, but fortunately I am the emperor of the empire. I finally have the right to do some things without letting people believe that the future I say will definitely happen."

This was a difficult statement to make, so Ms. Milhouse frowned.

At the same time, on the highest peak of the Elbes Mountains, above the palace beyond the clouds, a scene that was not easy to understand appeared without warning.

A dark, small crack suddenly appeared.

Then the second one, the third one

The tenth, the hundredth.

The thousandth, ten thousand!

The servants of God in the temple ran out and saw countless dense black holes above their heads covering the sky. They were all unable to stand and fell to the ground one after another.

And these black holes are stacked on top of each other and intertwined, forming a large and growing large black hole that continues to spread outward.

It's like it's trying to swallow up the entire temple or even the entire mountain!

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