Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 517 The Great Plunder (End)

The Empire has never known what the Void Crack is.

However, in centuries of war, people have finally obtained some rules. Some demonology researchers have been able to determine that void cracks can exhibit a certain superposition state. To put it bluntly, two void cracks collide. When they come together, they will merge into a larger one.

On the battlefield, there will also be situations where many void cracks suddenly appear in the same place, and then more and more, eventually forming a [Devil Tide].

However, all void cracks are centered on the Gate of Hell. The closer they are to it, the greater the chance of appearing, and the further away from it, the smaller the chance of appearing.

In the hinterland of the empire, it is rare for multiple void cracks to overlap, let alone in the Elbes Mountains and the Temple of Holy Light, which are closest to the Holy Light.

The servants of the gods looked at the dark sky.

In fact, the sky is now covered by a huge crack in the void. People can only see countless flying snow rushing into the black space crazily. Its expansion speed is even faster than the speed of people's sight, just like the endless sky. The huge mouth of light slowly opened from the sky and sank.

The servants of the gods knelt on the ground, sweating profusely from fear, and quickly condensed into white frost under the low temperature. They held the sunflower pendants that symbolized piety in their hands, praying for the Holy Light to come quickly. The point came and dispelled this unknown darkness.

Unfortunately, the prayers of the servants of God did not show any effect. In the huge darkness above their heads, a small demon suddenly fell down.

Damn it~~ it fell on the steps of the Holy Light Temple, and its horns were knocked off. It jumped up and shook its head in annoyance.

And this demon is like a key stone blocking the outlet of the waterfall. The next second it fell to the ground, countless demons literally flooded the cracks in the void, smashing into it overwhelmingly. down.

It's hard to imagine what kind of quantitative level can be described as "overwhelming". In short, the sound of the demons hitting the ground has become a terrifying buzz in an instant. The demons below have just fallen, and they haven't had time yet. After standing up, he was hit by the next wave of demons and fell to the ground again. They were piled one on top of another, so that the demon at the bottom had been crushed to death. The bones and flesh were crushed flat, and the blood seeped into the snow. , roars, crashes, wailing, all kinds of sounds are mixed together in an incredible way.

This is just the part that fell on the top of the mountain. More demons were not so lucky. They fell directly on the outside of the mountain, and then fell miserably all the way. They smashed into meat pies on the rocks and then rolled down. , forming a landslide snow mass.

Anyway, just like this, a rain of demons fell from the sky, pouring around the Holy Light Temple, pouring over the huge mountains, expanding and expanding.

The voices of the servants of God began to tremble when they recited prayers. They opened their eyes and looked at the pile of demon corpses that had piled up in a few seconds in horror. Their companions were buried under the flesh and blood. They retreated into the temple in panic. But the temple is also crumbling under the constant impact of demons.

But these are not the most terrifying things. The most terrifying thing is that the darkness above the head has gradually spread over the dome of the temple. The surrounding light has been swallowed up, and people find themselves enveloped in this huge void crack.

In this world, very few people or only two people have experienced what it feels like to enter a crack in the void, an absolute lightless state, but they can clearly see countless demons crawling out around them. They are like It is twisting in the air as if it has lost gravity. The straight road is suddenly captured by the laws of physics, and then falls in a certain direction. The floor of the temple gives people a weak sense of space, but at the same time, everything around it seems to be different from the original world. Isolated.

The roaring demon was right in front of us, but the roar came from afar. The entire temple seemed to be turning around crazily. The dizziness caused the servants to vomit. Some people opened their eyes, and then their eyeballs seemed to be vacuumed. It looked like it was being sucked out, and the nerves attached to the back were detached from the eye socket, and some exploded directly.

Some demons collided with the servants of gods, and they opened their sharp fangs. The gods' servants' minds were disturbed by something unknown, and they actually bitten together with the demons. Their teeth were broken, and their flesh and blood were torn apart. Countless tiny threads were drilled out of those torn wounds, entangling them together and penetrating each other's hearts, but they were still alive, as if they were going to endure cruel pain forever, until they fell. into a more miserable life.

All this happened so suddenly. The people in the temple experienced an experience that could not be described in words. Their spirits and bodies continued to collapse in the dark void, but in fact only about 5 minutes passed.

In these five minutes, tens of millions of void cracks have superimposed to an incredible size, covering the entire temple, the peaks below the temple, and part of the mountain itself. It is so blunt and unreasonable. Drag everything covered to the other end of the void crack!

At the same time, in a small seaside town, several old fishermen were enjoying the gentle sea breeze. They closed their eyes and crossed their legs, not caring that the fishing nets were turned over by the sea water and the fish inside had already escaped. Several.

Not far from these fishermen, there was an old man with a slightly stooped figure and gray hair, but his hair was as straight as pine needles. He could only be tied tightly with a straw rope to prevent it from exploding. He was more powerful than the others. Everyone has to concentrate. He fiddled with the fishing net at his feet, trying to tighten the net mouth as much as possible. At the same time, he also paid attention to the trembling of the fishing rod, for fear of wasting the bait accidentally.

He had no wife and naturally no descendants. He lived alone in this small town for decades.

But at this time, he felt more relaxed, just like an old man who had retired, his children had all started families, and he was finally free from worries. All his energy was devoted to the few fish in front of him, and he was so relaxed that even tomorrow morning Even if you die, you will still smile.

It seems that this is what happens when people get old, and time does not allow them to fight hard anymore, so as long as they see their children and family happy, there will be no hardships in the future, and everything is moving in a good direction, then they will retire and die. And no regrets.

The sun was slightly tilted, leaving a warm touch on the old man's wrinkles. He turned his head, looked at the other old fishermen who were leisurely preparing to close the nets, and said with a smile: "Want to have a drink this afternoon? I'll treat you."

The fishermen were slightly startled, and surprise flashed through their eyes, because they knew that this old friend only drank tea and never drank alcohol.

The reason may be that he doesn't like to drink, but in fact everyone knows that the old man is afraid that alcohol will stimulate his brain. At this age, symptoms such as crooked mouth, slanted eyes, trembling hands and confusion are all related to alcohol.

The old man has something he wants to protect, so he doesn't want to become like that.

But now, it seems that everything has been arranged, and a man who has worked hard all his life can finally drink a few glasses of wine without any worries at this moment, and tell everyone with a smile that I have been craving this drink for half my life.

However, the moment he finished speaking.

The smile on the old man's face suddenly froze. At that moment, he didn't know what kind of power escaped, causing the fish in the fishing net that wanted to break free to freeze subconsciously for a moment. The people around him laughed and chatted with each other. , the snoring stopped suddenly.

They looked at the old man nervously, and the old man turned his head and looked at the sky in a certain direction.

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