Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 518 The beginning of a new era

Darkness engulfs the high peaks of the Elbes Mountains!

The old man, thousands of miles away, cast his sights towards the distant sky.

The old Dante cannot see that far, but maybe it is because he has really protected this world for his whole life. He regards this world as his own responsibility, his own obligations, and his own children.

So, just as people grow old and the next generation grows up, at a certain moment, thousands of miles apart, but the child who has devoted infinite care is suddenly injured, and the old man will feel inexplicably nervous.

In short, at this moment, Dante felt very clearly that a huge crisis had suddenly arrived at the place beyond the end of his sight.

At the same moment, everyone around them held their breath unconsciously. Of course they didn't know what happened, but they all clearly felt that the air became thicker instantly, and the restless fish were going crazy in the water. He opened and closed his mouth and twisted his body uneasily. People watched in horror as the old man stood up.

The head of white hair suddenly exploded without anyone being able to see clearly. The hair tie during the restraint period was torn directly by the thin hair that stood upright like pine needles. The dense silvery white hair seemed to be here. The swelling surged for a moment, spreading along the spine towards the back.

Dante had never seen what it was like when the Gate of Hell came to the world, but he knew that in the distance, a new door of darkness was opening!

He needs to get there! Go see it, do something.

But he did not notify the nearest Holy See, nor did he ask for help to get a car quickly, or simply send an airship to the town. The crisis in the distance appeared too suddenly, and the above things were too slow. .

Anyway, at this moment, the old man, who usually took ten minutes to walk from the hut to the beach, slowly arched his body, and then

Just in an instant! Disappeared! !

A second after it disappeared, a shocking thunder exploded from the ground. The entire river bank suddenly raised smoke and dust more than ten meters high. The ground collapsed, and the repaired cracks began to appear slowly. It creaked like broken bones, centering on where the old man was standing just now, cracking and spreading in all directions!

The old man started running to the edge of the sea. His body ran straight through the town, and a huge gap was opened between a row of low houses. All the buildings on the path were crushed in an instant, and those bombing The shattered gravel didn't even have time to reflect. Just as the strong wind came from behind, it flew wildly towards the distance along the exploding figure. People were blown away by this huge force. Before they landed, they heard the extremely loud sound again. Continuous explosions came from the far direction, but there was no impact. It was just that some kind of barrier in the air was broken. The vacuum and the strong wind produced a deafening explosion in the moment of suction. Just like this, a stick The deep groove on the surface suddenly appeared, getting faster and faster, heading towards the Elbes Mountains in a terrifying way.

A giant python, or a wild dragon. People on the ground can't see what it is that tears everything apart. Only by looking down from the sky can they vaguely catch a glimpse of the terrifying figure amidst the wind, sand and explosions. .

The cracked ravine behind him was formed by the huge impact. At the bottom of the ravine, there was a large exploding crater that would appear hundreds of meters away, like a huge boulder falling from the sky and smashed out of the ground. It was a terrifying force that penetrated into the ground every time the old man stepped on the ground.

This force also pushed the old man's body forward at an incredible speed. He did not dodge or dodge, crushing everything along the way. He plowed through the forest, and all the trees turned into sawdust. When he crossed the mountain, the mountain was trampled hard. The river collapsed and disintegrated, and the river was separated by the waves swept by a strong wind. The exploded river water poured back into the sky, revealing the river bed below for a moment.

People in this world respect this old man because he once saved the world by himself.

The people in the world on the other side of the gate of hell have great fear and hatred for this old man, because this old man has pushed the whole world into an abyss without any hope.

But whether it is respect or fear, few people actually know how powerful this old man is, because all this happened nearly 30 years ago. During the war, few soldiers could survive such a long time. In that bloody hell, the average life span of human beings is only a miserable 40 years.

Therefore, all the existing descriptions of Lord Dante have no pictures, photos, and no videos. They are all passed down by word of mouth. There are still many people wondering why someone who does not understand politics well and does not have military power. The old man was highly respected by the government and the Holy See in this era. His every word and every action was treated with caution, and he even said that he did not dare to disobey.

He is just a paranoid old man who has no power. No matter how powerful he is, how powerful he can be. He is a hero, but in the face of power, a hero can only be a tool. He has the value of force, but in front of the army, force is just a tool. It's just a counting tool that can withstand bullets.

Just like the imperial fugitive named Sherlock a few years ago, he was not chased all over the empire, but on the other side of the Gate of Hell, in front of modern weapons, that guy even hid for more than a year without even daring to Outcrop.

Individual force cannot have much impact on a society.

These are the true thoughts hidden in the hearts of today's high-level circles in society, but no one says them out.

But if there are any old veterans who are still alive, or people who have really seen Lord Dante's battle scenes, I know that some people still have such ideas about individual force.

Then they will definitely smile helplessly, feeling that part of the happiness of today's young people is indeed based on ignorance.

Starting from the explosion on the edge of the coast, a wild dragon passed by, crossing mountains and rivers, and even changed the landscape slightly in one run. Two hours later, this tumbling ravine crossed a third of the continent. , came to the edge of the sea, on top of the cliff, then jumped more than a thousand meters, and then hit the bottom of the sea like a meteor from the sky.

The huge waves set off, and the terrifying seawater surged in all directions, pushing out tsunamis that were enough to surge up the cliff. Because of the full swing of the old man's arms, the center of the ocean current formed a horizontal twisting seabed due to the collision of seawater. In the big whirlpool, the skinny body suddenly rushed up into the sky, almost flying, and crashed into the vast blue ocean in the distance again, just like the gods who disturbed the ocean in ancient mythology.

And just half an hour after the old man felt that darkness was coming again, the door of the emperor's residence in the ancient Roman French city was pushed open. Moran walked in anxiously, and then said to the young emperor behind the desk:

"Master, there is a huge void crack appearing in the sky above the Elbes Mountains, and it seems that it has reached the Shengguan Temple."

Moran spoke very quickly. Even though she had seen many big scenes with Moriarty, she still couldn't control her inner nervousness at this time.

But as she spoke, she seemed to notice her master's expression. The emperor in front of her calmly signed a document, and then raised his head:

"Did Lord Dante leave the town?"

"." Moran tried to calm down his panic and nodded. Lord Dante's whereabouts have always been the subject of close attention by the empire. Of course, someone has sent a report about his departure.

Moriarty smiled.

This smile was just like usual, just the most ordinary faint smile, but at this moment it looked so weird.

"I still remember you said on the Day of Holy Love that you would always stand by my side, right?"

Moran was stunned for a moment. She didn't understand why her master would suddenly bring up the problem that happened many years ago at this moment. But as a maid, of course she will always stand on her master's side.

So she nodded.

"Even if one day, I will be hated by everyone, slandered and slandered, regarded as a heinous criminal who pushed the empire to the abyss, and will be nailed to the pillar of shame in history forever."

Moriarty's tone was so calm. A man who had just become the Emperor of the Empire, the Pope who was also the Pope of the Holy See, the next hero of mankind, who held all the glory in his chest.

Why would you say such a thing?

But Moran didn't hesitate and nodded again.

"Thank you." Moriarty smiled. He had just turned thirty, but he was serious but seemed to have experienced all the vicissitudes of life. Then he spoke slowly: "Issuing an absolute order to all regional armies, all Crusaders, and all government armed forces. Force, you are not allowed to leave your post without my permission, any violation will be regarded as betraying the empire."

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