Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 534 Resurrection (Part 2)

Time does not end when anyone leaves.

A lot happened this year.

Watson used Jasmine's private money to open a small clinic and perform some simple surgeries. With his skills, he soon gained some fame.

After that, the two couples wondered whether they should have a baby, but the current empire was really in chaos, and it was not necessarily a good thing to have a baby born at this time, so they kept putting it off.

Shylock's body was placed in the back room on the second floor. Logically speaking, if a body had been left there for a year, it would have rotted to the bones. However, with Nightingale's ability, this soulless body was still preserved. It was intact, even no longer cold due to the surrounding temperature, and the skin became soft. From a distance, it looked like a sleeping person.

As for the war between the Imperials, well, in fact no one knows what the real cause of this war is, but gradually, people have a direction to target.

That is the current Emperor of the Empire and Pope of the Holy See——Lord Moriarty.

An authoritarian extreme rightist, a person who tries to take everything into his own hands.

The Holy Light Temple has disappeared for more than a year now, disappearing into the newly opened Hell Gate, and the Holy Light seems to have no longer favored this world. Fortunately, those who fell from the Hell Gate before The demons are all concentrated in the Erbes Mountains, and the complex mountains make it difficult for them to break out easily.

The frequency of the appearance of third-order great demons is not very frequent. Most of them are concentrated near the Gate of Hell. The old-school soldiers of the empire have established a defensive battle formation. For the time being, these guys will not threaten the hinterland of the empire.

Now, the greatest threat to the empire is the empire itself.

Since Lord Moriarty came to power, the empire's economy has come close to stagnating. Words such as "New Era" and "Beautiful Future of Humanity" previously promoted in the late period of the Great Crusade have never appeared again. The Holy Journal has announced that it will permanently cease publication, with more than 60% of the press was expropriated by the imperial government.

To put it bluntly, ordinary people now have no way of knowing what the world has become.

But it can be seen from the increasingly meager wages that the current empire must be very bad. Demonstrations have become the norm in various cities, and there are even blatant anti-government organizations. The previously separated armies are gradually integrating. We were together, and from time to time we would fight with the Imperial Army outside the city.

Because the Holy See has lost the support of believers in the Holy Light, it has now completely become a military factory. The combat troops composed of Contractors and Crusaders are fully subordinate to the emperor. The Council of Elders has been abolished. Prices have risen, and the right to purchase houses has been increased. Three days have changed, and the amount of military expenditures continues to increase. The churches that were previously erected in various cities have now become choirs singing the praises of the Emperor's great achievements. Those who join can also distribute food.

With the reduction of social welfare, local governments are also suffering. Facing the parades holding slogans, they can only helplessly shout empty comforts and promises that can never be realized. The owner of the bakery stares cautiously across the street. A ragged street child, the old man thought about his grandson who was seriously ill at home, gritted his teeth, bought a fresh apple, and carefully put it into his arms.

This is a true portrayal of the hinterland of the empire today.

There is an old saying in the empire: Only when you have eaten and drank enough will you fantasize about frivolous and frivolous things.

In fact, this sentence is somewhat absolute, because people in suffering will often fantasize about beautiful things.

To put it bluntly, it’s daydreaming.

In these nihilistic daydreams, people think of the empire a few years ago. Although there were constant wars at that time, people's lives were still manageable. Lord Dante was still alive at that time, and occasionally one or two people would appear in the empire. The heroes who lead mankind towards a bright future have new hope every day.

Oh, by the way, speaking of heroes, it seems that there once was an imperial hero who was actually a wanted criminal.

That guy's name is Sherlock.

The reason why that guy became a wanted criminal seems to be because he once assassinated the emperor of the empire.

During that period, the assassination of the emperor must have been a matter of outrage for both humans and gods. No one in the empire could accept that such a murderer was still alive in the world, so naturally a wanted man was launched.

But now, most people seem to think that it would be great if that person could appear again and assassinate the current Lord Moriarty.

The original wanted criminal has inexplicably become the protagonist of people's daydreams in their miserable lives. This kind of thing sounds awkward, but if you think carefully about the evolution of the empire over the years, it seems that all the chaos can be solved. Conspiracy theories are covered.

Moriarty, the most powerful man in the world, seems to be the mastermind behind all this.

Starting from a big accident in London many years ago, this terrible conspirator has been slowly weaving his sinful web, using the beautiful disguise of a person who is harmless to both humans and animals, and even regards the future destiny of mankind as his lifelong pursuit. show it to the world;

He gradually became the Pope, and then transformed the entire Holy See into a private army under his command. He planned a lie about the Great Crusade, just to remove the Holy Light from the world, trick Sherlock into assassinating the Emperor, or He simply framed the incident on the other party. After Lord Dante recognized Shylock as a human hero, he designed the two men to kill each other. In the end, he succeeded in sitting on the throne of the emperor and became a well-deserved leader of the empire. King of.

Looking at it this way, all the previous absurdities and doubts seemed to be solved.

Moriarty turns out to be the criminal who committed unforgivable crimes against mankind.

People were thinking and speculating like this, as if suddenly everyone in the empire had become detectives, and the more they thought about it, the more they felt that this was the truth.

But even so, people can only stay at the level of thinking, because in addition to their daily work, most of the time people need to work hard to recite the hymn about Lord Moriarty. The patrolling stop guards will stop pedestrians on the street and conduct spot checks. If there are any mistakes in reciting, they will be severely punished.

There is no ban on marches or petitions. It is said that this is a manifestation of people's freedom in the new era, but it requires people to recite some unquestionable documents and poems repeatedly. In fact, this high-pressure method of mental control is worse than fighting with the people. Head-on conflict is more vicious and more effective.

Everything seems to be continuing slowly at this pace. Maybe in ten years, or even five years, the entire empire will become a mindless machine controlled by individuals.

And on this day.

In an apartment on Baker Street, Miss Nightingale, who had not appeared in public for almost three years, had just tried to cook a pot of tomato soup. She had been practicing her cooking skills for a long time, but if there was no one to taste it for her, She herself didn't know if her soup-making skills had improved, but judging from the color, it seemed to look better than in the past few months.

She completely ignored the scorching heat of the soup pot and walked out of the kitchen holding it with her bare hands, wanting to put the bowl of soup on the table.

But suddenly, she saw the door of the bedroom with her peripheral vision.

Subconsciously, she raised her head.

Then he just froze on the spot.


The soup pot fell to the ground and shattered into bright red colors.

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