Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 535 Moriarty’s Watch

At this moment, on the first floor of 221B Baker Street.

"Old sir, believe me, as long as you take this pill at night, you will definitely have a good sleep and your illness will get better soon."

At this time, the living room has been converted into a small clinic area. In fact, it does not require much expensive decoration. It only needs a table that looks like this, a stack of medical books, and a hanger to hang white coats. can.

Watson can rely on his face most of the time to win the favor of others. As long as he sits behind the doctor's desk, he seems to be the most reassuring doctor.

"Really!" The old man in front of him was trembling as he spoke, and his hands were shaking slightly. This was a manifestation of long-term stress after the war: "This disease has tortured me for 20 years. Other doctors said there is no cure. If it hadn't been for the recent severe It hurt more and more, and I really decided to hold on until I died."

Watson smiled and pushed a box of medicine to the patient: "Medicine is constantly improving. Some diseases that were once difficult to cure now have specific medicines."

"Thank you! Thank you!" The old man tremblingly put the medicine bottle into his pocket and carefully zipped it up. This process took him almost two minutes.

Finally, he seemed to have forgotten that he had already said thank you, and solemnly said thank you several times before walking out of the clinic.

Hearing the footsteps leaving, Jasmine from the back room came out, stood behind Watson and squeezed his shoulders.

"My dear, you are so good. Oh, I mean your medical skills. Will that old man really be cured?"

Watson leaned back in his chair comfortably: "Of course not, I just gave him a box of the cheapest hallucinogens."

"Ah?!" Jasmine was stunned.

"His illness is hopeless. In fact, he probably won't survive this autumn. It's better to let him get high for a while every night and then fall asleep exhausted. This is better than enduring the pain every day and waiting for death. Be more kind."

Jasmine's hand pressing her shoulder stiffened slightly. She was not a doctor, so when she heard such words, she would subconsciously feel extremely ruthless. However, from a doctor's point of view, letting a person die is sometimes the right choice.

Death will cause sadness, and sadness will amplify negative emotions. Subconsciously, Jasmine thought of the depressed streets outside her door, the mess after the parade, and what the empire looked like today.

She shook her head and decided to change the unpleasant topic:

"Dear, did you hear it? There was a sound of something breaking upstairs just now."

"Yeah, maybe Miss Nightingale broke something again." Watson said with a bitter smile.

In fact, no matter how great a person is, as long as you have been in contact with him for a long time, you will feel that it is just that.

Take Miss Nightingale for example. In fact, after this year, Jasmine discovered that she was just a clumsy young woman in many aspects. She also liked to be lazy when doing housework and didn't like to get up every day. Especially when cooking, she almost gave up the kitchen. Clicked.

I looked at the time and found that it seemed to be dinner time:

Jasmine frowned worriedly: "Otherwise, let's go up and have a look at her. If she makes some weird food again, the smell will spread here and affect the patients."

This is not an alarmist, because last month a patient had aggravated gastrointestinal reactions after seeing a doctor, and the cause was that Nightingale was trying to cook peppers with goat milk. She said that the white soup was embellished with red, which made it look like Very bright.

Watson's eyebrows twitched slightly and he immediately stood up: "You're right, let's take a look."

With that said, the two people quickly walked out of the clinic and came to the second floor.

After knocking on the door and finding no one answered, Watson turned the doorknob and pushed the door open.

The smell of inexplicable ingredients hit his face, and it seemed that Nightingale was really cooking, but it didn't matter, because he and Jasmine just stood at the door blankly, looking at the familiar but already somewhat unfamiliar figure. figure.

I just wonder if the food this time has the effect of making people hallucinate.

Otherwise, why would the body that had been dead for almost two years sit at the table and say hello to him?

"The empire lives on!"

"The King of Men shall live forever in glory!"

"Respect and worship are the obligations of the people!"

"The future of mankind is written by King Moriarty!"


Screams resounded throughout the ancient Roman city. The player placed on the top of the tall building would recite a hymn about Moriarty at a fixed time every day.

This kind of mechanical loyalty indoctrination will be disgusted by everyone in the early stage, but people are always submissive. Over time, it is like the bell ringing every morning when they wake up. Just hearing it will subconsciously arouse fear in people's hearts, but No matter how reluctant you are, you will still insist on opening your eyes.

As a pope, he is already familiar with this simple method that has been overused in religion.

"My king will live forever, the empire will live forever, and humanity will live forever!!!"

The sound passed through the streets and alleys of the city, and through the glass, echoing gently into the emperor's palace.

The corridors here are very luxurious, with expensive murals hanging on the walls, but it is also very deserted. More than a year ago, the last batch of servants were expelled from the palace. Now, there is only one maid in the entire palace to take care of the empire. The life of an emperor.

That's good, because it's been like this for the past 30 years.

As usual, Moran placed a cup of coffee on Moriarty's desk and reported the progress of the march in the past few days.

"At three o'clock this morning, a marching team from Comiaso Administrative State, which had traveled more than 100 kilometers, arrived at the ancient Roman city. In the confrontation with the city guards, they threw incendiary bombs, and the guards opened fire, causing 15 marchers to be injured and two dead."

Simple report, but it has clearly shown that the people of the empire now dare to gather together and directly launch a protest against the capital of the empire.

Throughout history, this phenomenon only occurs when a dynasty is on the verge of collapse.

Moriarty stood in front of the window, looking at the deserted imperial capital outside the window, and seemed to smell the smell of coffee. He turned around and picked up the cup on the table.

Then, he saw Moran who had not left the door, and smiled gently:

"Are you worried about me?"

"No, just."

"Don't lie to me, you have been by my side for so many years, you know me, and I naturally know you."

Moran lowered his head and was silent.

Moriarty took a sip of coffee, and the familiar taste made him feel at ease: "Although you never ask, you must be very confused as to why I have turned the empire into this state two years after taking office."

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