Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 536 Then, I’ll do it.

A powerful empire that could stand for centuries under the invasion of demons turned into a piece of loose sand on the verge of collapse in the hands of a small man in less than two years.

This also seems to be printed from the side. Perhaps the empire itself has irreversible problems.

"An empire is just a social ecology formed by the gathering of ethnic groups. There have been countless powerful countries in history, although today's empire is the largest and most powerful among them, and even the entire race is included.

But the empire will eventually go to destruction like all other dynasties in history.

And it is precisely because the empire is so big that it encompasses the entire human race, so the destruction of the empire will inevitably drag humanity to destruction. "

Moriarty said lightly.

However, Moran at the door still did not respond, because this kind of rhetoric seemed unable to convince her, let alone dissipate the worries in her heart.

“Actually, it doesn’t take much experience to figure this out, but the size of the empire makes people reluctant to believe it.

For example, if people before the Holy Calendar were allowed to believe that one day the entire human race could unite to form a huge social whole that spans the entire planet, huh, I am afraid only a fool would believe it.

In fact, we all know that the only factor that can unite mankind is the gate of hell!

Only when the entire race is facing catastrophe, will people put aside their selfishness, prejudices, and estrangements, and temporarily rely on each other, because if they don't, they will die! "

What Moriarty said is actually tantamount to naked contempt for human beings, equivalent to waving a flag and accusing human beings of the evil nature that can never be eliminated.

A person is abusing and despising the entire group. This kind of behavior will definitely be met with endless hostility by any person. However, this person is Moriarty, the king of mankind.

“However, the gate to hell cannot exist forever.

The war between demons and humans cannot go on forever.

The resources of this planet are declining at an uncontrollable rate. In fact, if it were not for the advent of electric energy, in a few decades, we ourselves would have hollowed out the living environment and dug our own graves unstoppably. "

"But Master, the gate to hell can be closed. The expedition plan has been successful once, and we will definitely succeed a second time. Human beings can defeat demons."

Moran clasped his hands tightly and tremblingly questioned his master's words for the first time.

This is disrespectful!

A maid was actually refuting her master, a pope, and the emperor of the empire!

But Moriarty's gentle smile remained unchanged, and he just shook his head:

"Nothing can end, because what we are fighting is ourselves."

Moran was stunned and stared at the other party blankly, speechless.

Moriarty continued:

"The origin of the Holy Light has actually been recorded in the Creation of the Holy See. After all, it was the pioneers of the Holy See who brought the Holy Light into the world and established the Holy Light Temple and all belief systems.

From the day I became the Holy Son of the Holy See, from the moment I read the source of the Holy Light, I actually knew that there is no end to the war between humans and demons.

Because the enemy of mankind is mankind itself.

I know clearly the selfishness and greed of human beings, as well as the tenacious vitality of this ethnic group. Even in the most desperate times, when all possibilities have disappeared, human beings will grit their teeth and carve out an unprecedented path. No matter how arrogant, bloody, or inhumane a road is, humans can do it as long as it is for the continuation of the race.

We are like this, otherwise we would not be able to establish an empire, let alone survive the desperate situation of the second demonic invasion.

Then the same goes for humans in another world, otherwise they would not be able to come up with such a crazy method of 'invading the past timeline'.

Then, the collision between two identical races that are equally unlikely to give up can only lead to destruction for both parties.

Not to mention that a system like the Empire, which itself is unreasonable, would actually hand over the supreme power of the entire race to a single individual.

Emperor haha, I even suspect that the first emperor was chosen by people to take the blame.

There is also this ridiculous belief in the Holy Light.

Do you know what is the biggest difference between the Holy Light and other faiths? "

Moriarty asked suddenly. In fact, the words he said before seemed not to be explained to Moran, but more like talking to himself. This sudden question made Moran tremble all over. Subconsciously responded: "No, I don't know."

Yes, who dares to comment on Holy Light.

Only Moriarty said easily:

"The biggest difference is that the Holy Light is real.

Hahaha, so ridiculous. "

He sneered mockingly:

“Let’s ask how a belief can be a real thing.

Belief must be false, a non-existent perfect thing constructed by hope. Belief must be in line with human desires and greed, and provide a tolerant place for these bad emotions and demands.

This is true of all religious beliefs throughout the ages, because otherwise, the faith cannot be accepted, cannot be recited, and cannot exist.

But look at what the Holy Light is?

Holy light is a real thing. It has its own logic. It can really bring blessings to people. It is not dependent on human beings. It is a terrible thing that is really related to human survival.

Do humans want to place their faith on something they did not create?

If faith is uncontrollable, then isn’t the fate of human beings just a plaything of a machine?

This won't work!

The future of mankind must be in our own hands!

Therefore, the Empire cannot exist, the Holy Light cannot exist, and the war between humans and hell must have a result. These three are indispensable conditions for humans to escape destruction. "

As he spoke, Moriarty took a deep breath and looked out the window at the depressed imperial capital, as determined as a moth ready to die.

"Now, both the Empire and the Holy Light are on the road to being ruined by me.

There is only hell left.

It is impossible for people in this world to accept hell, it is impossible for humans and demons to bury the hatchet, and it is impossible for humans in the two timelines to live in peace.

Otherwise, the persistence of the entire society for centuries will become a joke, the empire's faith will collapse, and the anger of the people of the empire will destroy all voices trying to accept hell.

This is a betrayal of all mankind!

Anyone who dares to make this decision and put it into action will bear the counterattack of the belief that has lasted for centuries. He will be nailed to the pillar of shame forever and be cast aside by all generations.

That being the case


I come"

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