Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 537 The World After Death

Hell and the human world, this is an irreconcilable paradox. Because humans are greedy and don't know how to let go. If two groups of humans fight, what will happen in the end? They will inevitably fight until the end of time, until everything is exhausted, until all possibilities are completely destroyed, and finally they will drag each other to death before they stop. There is only one way to resolve the war between two humans. That is to make both sides accept each other. But as I said just now, this is impossible. Regardless of the grievances over the centuries, the education people have received since birth, or the cognition they have constructed, no matter how they think about it, the two groups of people will never lay down their weapons and live in peace. Let's take a step back. Even if the high-level controllers of the two worlds really want to let go of the barriers, who will come first? Let the government of the human survivors in hell announce that we have given up the attack? Forget all the past hatred and tell the people that even if the bastards on the other side of the time and space rift destroyed our world, and burned, killed, looted and other things, we will not hold grudges. Now we just wait and give our lives to them to see if they are willing to accept us, a group of desperate stray dogs?

Once this attitude is expressed, the whole hell will immediately fall into chaos.

Then what about the empire? Let the people of the empire accept those demons?

Those monsters that trampled on this world, ate people everywhere, and destroyed villages and cities? Let the corpses of hundreds of millions of imperial soldiers who died over the centuries all become a pile of rotten jokes? Open the gates of hell and let the demons invade this world in large numbers?

If anyone dares to have this idea, then this person's end must be extremely miserable, and the structure of the empire will also fall apart.

Moriarty is not a fool.

Although he is the most powerful person in the entire empire, he can't really push the current empire to destruction for the so-called "future of mankind". Moreover, although he holds military power, soldiers are human beings after all. The crusaders in the church have been indoctrinated with doctrines for a long time and may obey the orders of the Pope without hesitation. However, the purpose of the government army is not only to obey orders, but also to protect the empire.

When the orders of His Majesty the Emperor conflict with the safety of the empire, no one can guarantee whether they will turn against him.

In fact, one-third of the government army has already refused to obey.

The empire still needs a certain degree of stability, otherwise the people of the empire will start fighting before the people of the two worlds merge.

This is another paradox.

So Moran still didn't leave. She really couldn't figure out how to break this deadlock.

Moriarty sipped the coffee in the cup in small sips. He knew what his maid was thinking.

So he said softly:

"It's actually very simple. Don't forget that humans are greedy and selfish. In all the history of the past, no one has ever imagined that the entire human race can abandon the distinction between countries and races and unite into a single powerful force.

But the empire was actually born."

"That's because of the existence of demons. If humans from different countries don't unite together, they can't fight against demons." Moran said softly.

"Very correct. It is because of demons that humans formed an empire." Moriarty seemed very happy, like a teacher, watching his most proud student getting closer to the answer to a difficult question:

"It's not that humans can't accept each other, but they have no reason to do so. A few centuries ago, the demon gate came into the world. Before that, the countries between humans also hated each other, wars, killings, massacres, genocide plans, and people of different skin colors did not even regard each other as the same species, and abused, insulted, and enslaved them at will.

But in front of the powerful demons, they also put aside their prejudices against each other.

So, if you want humans to unite, what you need most is not mutual understanding and communication.

But you need a powerful enemy.

An enemy so powerful that hell and the world have to unite to fight against it!"

"But how could there be such an enemy." Moran questioned. In fact, she didn't finish her words. She was still worried. If there really was such an enemy, wouldn't humans be more dangerous than they are now?

This time, Moriarty did not answer the maid's question, but looked out the window calmly, muttering in his heart: "And this enemy. He once promised me that he would not die. Such an interesting thing, he has not yet completed it, how can he bear to die." Promised someone that he would not die, so he would not die. This is not a good quality of keeping promises, but the most naked arrogance. Can life and death be guaranteed? And generally speaking, people who say such things will die soon. Even Sherlock is the same. Under the pursuit of Lord Dante, he really died in the mountains. But because of the indescribable relationship between the human soul and the body, because of Ms. Nightingale's inexplicable magical ability, Sherlock's brain beyond ordinary people, and the fresh corpse that has not decayed for more than a year after death, and other elements combined together, that morning, in an old house on Baker Street. A corpse opened his glasses. "So, you really came back to life?"

This was already the third day after Nightingale and the others saw Sherlock awake, but they still couldn't believe that the corpse in front of them was actually sitting and talking to them, so while talking, they pinched the other's face and found that it was really hot.

"Well, in fact, the concept of 'death' is really hard to explain clearly." Compared with pinching Sherlock's face, Watson seemed to be more concerned about the fact that this guy was actually alive. He was now flipping through a medical book:

"You see, a vegetative person has no brain activity, which is actually not much different from being dead. To determine whether a person is really dead, it depends on whether his body still needs blood supply. In other words, it actually depends on whether there is necrosis of brain tissue and body.

And because of Ms. Nightingale's ability, Sherlock, you have actually been very healthy for more than a year, except that your heart doesn't beat and your mind doesn't exist."

It's hard to imagine how to use the word healthy to describe a corpse, but everything seems to be really like what Watson said, Sherlock was in a very healthy state when he died.

In this way, his [resurrection] seems more like a kind of [awakening of a vegetative person].

Compared to Watson, Nightingale, the instigator of all this, seemed much calmer. She didn't cheer or scream. In fact, except for the soup pot she broke at the beginning, she just smiled and looked at Sherlock's face. She looked at him for a long time, but still didn't want to look away. At this time, "Do you want to talk about the world after death?" Jasmine asked curiously.

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