Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 538 Immigration Plan

"The world after death?"

Sherlock seemed to hesitate.

In fact, everyone knows what kind of character Sherlock has. He is an extremely conceited guy who will never let go of an opportunity to show off his farts.

What the world after death is like, maybe only he in the entire empire can know.

This is an experience that is unique among hundreds of millions of people. According to his past personality, he would probably have been unable to stop talking about it in a pretentious manner.

But what was surprising was that this time, Sherlock just smiled shyly, and then shook his head: "There's nothing to say, it's just like, um, I took a nap."

"???" Jasmine was stunned for a moment.

Watson put down the book in his hand and looked at him with confusion.

"Huh? Is it that simple?"

"Yeah, otherwise."

Watson looked at the other party more and more suspiciously: "Come on, you are a person who has died. Even if it really seems like you slept, you will describe this sleep as thrilling and thrilling with a proud look on your face. ”

The other two people also nodded, because Sherlock was indeed a man of such virtue.

However, as the person involved, he just shrugged casually, with an attitude of 'think whatever you want'.

There was no way, he didn't want to say it, and no one could do anything. After all, except for him, there seemed to be no one who had come back from the dead in this world.

What surprised Watson and others even more was that Sherlock seemed to be extremely "well-behaved" after his resurrection.

Well, this word appeared on him, and it was a bit incongruous no matter how you thought about it.

None of the things Sherlock has done in his life are easy to worry about. It has turned the two worlds upside down. It can even be said that the empire has become what it is today, except for Moriarty's unparalleled actions after he was elected emperor. Apart from the operation, the rest is all thanks to Sherlock.

Including the opening of a new gate to hell, it is all inseparable from him.

But after he was resurrected, he did not continue to commit suicide, nor did he continue to resist the imperial government. He did not even seek revenge on the imperial army that had been chasing him all over the world.

Instead, he sat on his shabby sofa chair and read the newspaper every day.

At first, Watson and others thought this was a sequelae after his resurrection from the dead, because people have to rest for a period of time after recovering from a serious illness, let alone people who have died.

But as time went by, a feeling of uneasiness gradually filled this small apartment on Baker Street.

A month has passed.

Three months have passed.

Under the influence of Nightingale, no matter how weak the body was, it was definitely restored to its peak state during this period of time.

But Sherlock still didn't go out of the house very often, only occasionally looking out the window at the deserted streets outside.

It felt like the silence before some kind of great storm.

Another half year has passed.

During this period of time, Moriarty's regime has been stabilized by his bloody methods. The Crusaders and the forces under the Holy See gradually broke away from the original religious system and vaguely became Moriarty's personal strength.

With the abolition of the Council of Elders, the official body in the empire that had been able to check and balance the emperor also disappeared.

As he once said, the existence of the empire itself is absurd. If a race concentrates nearly 70% of its power on the imperial power, then a single individual has the ability to subvert everything.

What's even more frightening is that Moriarty is extremely familiar with the exclusive methods of the former Emperor Augustine. In all walks of life, the imperial power that had been infiltrated was actually picked up again by him.

It seems that in the past three years, the empire has gradually turned into a big web, and in the center of the big web, a terrifying spider named Moriarty is controlling everything with silk threads.

The increase in agricultural taxes has reduced the empire's food production to the level of subsistence and clothing, and the bloodline of the nobles has suffered a devastating blow. If even the emperor does not recognize these so-called 'noble people', then the people will be even more dissatisfied. Will be afraid of it.

In just a few months, the property of the nobles was confiscated and transferred to the treasury. The upper echelons of the empire complained, but no one paid any attention to it.

Thick smoke from the factory once again filled the sky over the empire. The government issued production quotas for steel and military weapons. Regional leaders who failed to meet the targets would be pulled to the streets, stripped naked and whipped in public, until their skins were bruised.

The number of conscription orders has doubled from when he first took office, and it is mandatory. All adult men in every household, including women who meet the physical fitness standards, are required to undergo military training.

No one knows what this tyrant wants to do. The newly opened gate to hell does not require so many troops to maintain. In fact, except for the first batch of demons that fell from the sky, there are not many demons in the entire Elbes Mountains. Changes, it seems that the other side of hell has also delayed the offensive in the past few centuries because of certain things.

Hymns of imperial power resounded in the streets day and night.

In the school, there are at least two hours of classes every day to explain to students the necessity and rationality of the empire's current policies.

Photos of Moriarty were hung on the walls of the tallest buildings in the city. Next to the statue of Lord Dante, statues of imperial kings gradually appeared, and they were even built even grander than the statue of Dante.

Humanity's submissiveness gradually revealed itself in these days, and the former resistance organizations were no longer as active as usual. It seemed that everything was going to continue inexplicably.

Until this day, at the top of the Elbes Mountains, in the dark gate of hell.

A small white dot suddenly appeared.

This white dot was so small that the soldiers stationed below the mountains could not see it when they looked up.

So this white dot fell quickly from the darkness without anyone noticing, and then suddenly rose up when it was about to touch the top of the mountain, and quickly passed along the rugged and steep ice cliffs, bringing out a gust of wind.

It sometimes rose and sometimes rotated. In fact, if someone could take a close look at it, they would be extremely surprised.

Because the imperial people had never seen such a thing.

It looks like a bird.

A bird made of steel, with fire spitting from its butt. This bird is flying freely in the sky at a speed dozens of times faster than an airship. If someone can observe it more closely, they will be surprised to find that there is a glass cover on the "head" of the bird, and the cover looks like a cockpit with a person sitting inside.

At this moment, the man didn't know why his eyes were red, and the muscles under the mask were twitching slightly because of extreme excitement.

Through the glass of the cockpit, he looked excitedly at the mountains below, the sky in the distance, the fields, and even the lush forests and plants in the distance. The colors that represent vitality made him breathe unsmoothly.

After a long while, he seemed to finally get out of his excitement, calmed down, and pressed a button in the cockpit.

"Otherworld Explorer No. 3, real-time recording."

"I have successfully crossed the space-time crack. No signs of mutation have been found at this stage, and my vital signs are normal."

"Preliminary estimates show that the impact of the space-time crack has been eliminated, and the test is successful."

After he finished talking to himself, the man drove his aircraft and slowly landed on the top of a mountain. He opened the cockpit and got off the plane.

The trembling body drove the protective suit and walked among the white snow. He took off his oxygen mask and felt the coolness from nature for the first time in his life. He leaned down and grabbed a handful of snow. Looking at this thing that only existed in historical documents, he excitedly took a big bite, letting the cold melt between his lips and teeth, and two lines of tears unconsciously flowed out.

At the same time, he also took out the recorder in his hand and continued to complete his mission.

"Otherworld Explorer No. 3."

"I have left the warehouse and feel good."

"The environment is suitable for survival."

"Suggestion. Approve the immigration plan."

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