Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 539 History and the War Maniac Waiting to Die

Two and a half years ago, the second gate of hell opened at the top of the Elbes Mountains.

Countless demons fell from the sky, and the empire fell into chaos again.

However, after that, people gradually discovered that the second gate of hell did not seem to be scary. It was not like the first gate of hell that spewed out demons. It only appeared from time to time. Even in more than two years, there was not even a demon tide.

So, people's attention gradually turned to the internal war of the empire.

But no one expected that the opening of the second gate of hell would usher in a great invasion that no one could imagine on this day.

In the historical records of later generations, it was recorded that it was on a certain day at the end of the holy calendar.

Suddenly, countless terrible machines appeared from the dark sky, densely poured out of the gate of hell, and spread out on the towering mountains.

Countless birds made of steel flew quickly towards the far end of the sky, and a huge flying object hung with a movable military base made of shiny materials, and landed abruptly on the top of the snow-capped mountain.

Some missiles that the people of the empire could not even imagine exploded between the mountains. The flames were not afraid of the low temperature and burst between the rocks. In just a few hours, a huge gap in the mountains was dug out. The cold wind that had been blocked for tens of millions of years rushed out of the artificial canyon and rushed through the expanding valley.

In the era of the Great Expedition, the entire empire spent a huge amount of money to successfully build a military base in a few months.

This is undoubtedly a feat.

But in people's cognition, how could a military base be like a big box, directly airdropped to the ground, and then scattered like building blocks, countless engineering vehicles automatically began to build without driving, and when the sun fell on the ground the next day, a high-tech military base that surpassed the empire by hundreds of years was completed.

This is just one.

In fact, if you look down from a high altitude, you can find that almost the entire mountain range below the Gate of Hell has been razed to the ground, countless military bases have been built, and there are even giant elevators that people can't understand directly rushing into the sky, inserted into the darkness of the Gate of Hell, and constantly transporting various materials.

It was at that moment that people really began to understand.

It turns out that the demons before were so amiable, but the terrible species that flew down from hell now are the ones that can truly bring disaster to this world.

Oh, by the way, what makes the people of the empire even more incomprehensible is that in this sudden and imminent war, the invaders who appeared from the other side of the gate of hell seem to be different from the demons they knew before and all the creatures described in the records of the Church.

Because those guys are clearly people!

The entire empire was stunned and dumbfounded, and felt that their understanding of this world had completely collapsed.

Why did humans emerge from hell? Why did humans start a war with the empire? There was not even any negotiation, just as if the two sides had a hatred that had been condensed for centuries and could not be reconciled, and they would start slaughtering when they met.

But the people of the empire were completely confused.

What are those flying things, why are they so fast, and what are those guns that shoot shining lights, why are they so powerful that they can even penetrate steel?

Forget it, since this inexplicable war has begun, it cannot be ended.

The establishment of the empire was due to war, and the entire history of the Holy Land was actually a history of war. The empire was not afraid of war from the beginning to the end, because they had never experienced what a time without war was like.

Just like that.

A great war between humans began.

At this point, people seemed to suddenly understand why Emperor Moriarty had been increasing taxes and maintaining conscription with bloody means for two years since he took office, why he was still strengthening the empire's military power like overdrafting when there were no enemies, and why he used religious brainwashing to conduct loyalty tests throughout the empire.

Until this day, when the entire empire entered an unprecedented war trend, in just half a month, it was incredible that under a short decree from Emperor Moriarty, the whole nation was in a state of soldiers.

The history of war is the bloodiest and cruelest history of mankind.

However, in historical records, it is always mentioned in a few words. It seems that all historians prefer to use space to record the splendor of those prosperous times, while blood and gunpowder are like pictures that they can't bear to look back on.

One month after the war began

The entire Elbes Mountains had become a bloody dividing line.

The technological gap of eight hundred years was fully demonstrated here. The Hell Legion easily tore apart the Empire's troops. The dead Empire soldiers did not even have time to make their last cry. There was only continuous bombing and the roar of powerful ammunition. It was definitely not one after another, because there was no break at all.

Six months after the war began.

The Elbes Mountains, which stretched for more than 2,000 kilometers, could hardly be seen in their original appearance. The gap was filled with blood and steel, and countless mushroom clouds rose into the sky. But surprisingly, this front line still did not retreat a bit.

It seems that as Moriarty predicted from the beginning, human beings, no matter which side of the human race, are like the most paranoid lunatics in the face of life and death.

One year after the war began.

The Hell Alliance's offensive began to weaken.

The Imperials didn't know why, but Moriarty knew, he had known it for a long time.

According to the initial records of the Holy See, hell is a desolate place without any resources. To put it bluntly, war is still a war between resources. As long as they are ruled by Moriarty's bloody wrists, the people of the empire can do whatever it takes. After surviving the first and most brutal period, it was impossible for the people on the other side of hell to defeat the Empire in terms of resources.

Therefore, a year and a half after the start of this unprecedented and tragic war, the Hell Alliance seemed to be aware of the crisis and began to retreat into Hell in an orderly manner.

Once again the Imperials were victorious.

Compared with the wars of previous centuries, this war lasted less than two years.

However, the casualty rate increased 400 times compared with before.

At this time, the military strength of the entire empire has been reduced to a precarious situation.

However, what makes everyone feel a little impulsive, a little ridiculous, and a little hard to accept. For more than a year, Emperor Moriarty, who had used tactics like "filling the pit with flesh and blood" to repel the enemy with his own life, actually issued another extremely bloody order.

That is. The war is far from over.

They want to fight back!

All Imperial Troops!

Counterattack to hell!

It's like a fight between stubborn children. If you push me, I will push you too. This is only reasonable. And if you come to my world to start a war, then I will also go to your world to start a war.

Completely ignoring what such behavior would cause, human lives, resources, broken families, and an empire that had just experienced war and was already covered in wounds.

The Imperial people are not afraid of war. As I said before, this is a country that emerged from the war. Every Imperial person, even the barmaid who picks up customers in the alleys on the streets, will take out their pockets during the Great Expedition to pay for the war. Imperial soldiers donated military expenses.

This is because everyone is looking forward to the end of the war.

But after the Great Crusade, the second opening of the Gates of Hell, and another victory, people discovered that they would continue to fight.

War, war, war.

This human empire, which has never been afraid of war, and even associates war with glory, seems to feel that war is so disgusting for the first time.

If the war will never end, then why continue the war?

One day, a lean old man took a gorgeous palace train and arrived at the capital of the empire.

He was wearing a tattered military robe, his face was covered with frostbite scars formed over time, and his eyes were filled with fatigue from endless wars.

General Patton, after the second Hell's Gate began, he once again served as the commander-in-chief of the front line as he should have, and he also perfectly completed the war results given by Emperor Moriarty.


Although a soldier's bounden duty is to obey, General Patton's decades of military career also perfectly upheld the duties of an imperial soldier.

But today, he dragged his tired body to the ancient Roman city of France, and there was only one thing he wanted to do.

Just pray to the Emperor of the Empire.

"Stop fighting, the war is over."

In fact, when a person born for war says such words, it proves that in the hearts of the people of the Empire, war is no longer related to glory.

And early the next morning.

General Patton was shot in Victory Square.

The reason is [Anyone who defected before the war was shot immediately. 】

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