206. Unexpected visitors

Seeing off the last guest, Shiraki closed the door and returned to the hotel where he was resting.

Today's first day of business, the restaurant's revenue has exceeded 20 million, minus the insignificant raw material costs and the part of the system advance, the remaining net profit is still more than 20 million, although it is RI yuan, converted into Huaxia yuan about 1.31 million, but just by receiving seven or eight guests can have this kind of income, I have to say that the world's catering industry is really profitable.

No, maybe it's just the high-end catering industry that makes huge profits, after all, the pricing of these dishes is simply outrageously high for an almost unknown chef, and the ordinary dishes in Yuanyue Ligong don't have such a high unit price, only real top-notch dishes... In other words, those SSS or even higher dishes can be sold for more than one million dollars, and they are not eaten with money.

This point, Bai Mu almost knew when he first came to this world, this world is very different from his original world, food occupies almost all aspects of people's lives, the most popular in the auction is often not diamond jewelry, classical calligraphy and painting, but those extremely rare ingredients, the most common topic of conversation is not hobbies, but to discuss cooking, even the cram schools all over the streets, have been cooking classrooms.

Now it seems that his restaurant is undoubtedly famous, although I don't know why the original 'so-and-so restaurant' inexplicably became 'X restaurant', but the name of the restaurant is not important at all in Shiraki's eyes, what matters is what the main dishes served in the restaurant are.

With a profit of 20 million, Bai Mu can already buy more ingredients with confidence and boldness, including spiritual food, natural treasures, and strange ingredients that belong to other worlds, although the price is cheap, but it can be used as a specialty dish in the restaurant.

Open the system panel,Bai Mu first selected the origin of the ingredients to the captive world of food,A cursory look at the price,The cheap ones cost 200 yen per 100 grams,The expensive ones cost 1,000,000 yen per 100 grams,The price of special ingredients has to be calculated separately,Bai Mu manually filtered out those ingredients that tasted good,Began to look for those things that can't be eaten at all。

Trumpet lion, catch grade 4, the meat is very hard and worthless, and the cabbage costs 100 yen per kilogram?

Cocoa koala, catch grade 3, the meat is hard to eat and has no value, and the price of cabbage is 90 yen per kilogram?

Giant grasshopper, catch level 3, firm flesh but with a strange smell, 500 yen per kilogram?

Silver back, catch level 10, a lot of meat tendons, no value, 200 yen per kilogram?

Tiger puffer fish poisonous mushroom, catch level 1, has the poison of tiger pufferfish, it will be life-threatening if you don't use it, 9000 yen a buy!

Several ingredients were purchased one after another, either poisonous or unpalatable, completely worthless, so after selecting a large number of ingredients, Bai Mu actually found that his profit had not decreased much.

Originally, the sponge egg hair on the head of the trumpet lion was sold for 10,000 yen, and the rest of its body was too hard to have any other value, so the price looked like white, and Shiraki always chose those ingredients that no one would buy at all, and the price was naturally about the same as cabbage.

With these things, the next ones are also well formulated.

What a trumpeted lion's head, cocoa koala pancakes, pan-fried grasshoppers, charcoal-grilled silver back, puffer fish mushroom soup... If he didn't use the Poison Dragon Knife, Bai Mu estimated that these dishes should be at the M level at most, and they wouldn't be enough to send people directly to the hospital.

After formulating the menu and preparing the ingredients, I saw that it was already dark outside, so I chose to sleep directly.

The next day.

At 8 a.m., Shiraki opened the door to the restaurant.

Because there is a sign at the door of the reservation restaurant, there are not many passers-by who choose to come in, and occasionally passers-by enter the door and choose to leave after seeing the "sky-high" dishes on the menu.

Although the prices of those 'special dishes' added later are only the same as those SSS-level dishes in the 'Far Moon Palace', this price can still make people's eyelids jump.

Dishes No. 1 and No. 2, which don't even know what they are, are sold for more than 500,000 yen, and other dishes with strange names such as 'Trumpet Lion's Head' and Coco Koala Pancakes are sold for more than 500,000 yen, so it is naturally impossible for ordinary people to come in and consume them, after all, this is not a famous restaurant.

In fact, although the price of these dishes is the same as the SSS-level dishes of the Far Moon Palace, it is only the same as those SSS-level ordinary high-end dishes, and there is still a lot of difference compared with those 'nirvana dishes' that often cost millions, but the level of these dishes, if calculated from the positive direction, each dish is close to the existence of the SSSSS level, and the cost performance is completely killed by the Far Moon Palace.

Unfortunately, these things can only be known after actually tasting them.

Shiraki didn't care about the guests who came in and left, and he was preparing in the restaurant until 11 o'clock, and the first guest of the day finally arrived at Donkey.

"Dojima-senpai knew.

A rare smile appeared on Dojima Gin's face, "I happened to be discussing cooperation with Mr. Sticky Ze, but I didn't expect Mr. Sticky Sawa to make an appointment for this restaurant, this is really an unexpected joy, Shiraki, I heard about the field training, your situation is the first case in the history of Yuanyue Academy, but it is precisely because of your ability that the commander-in-chief will make this kind of arrangement." "

"Mr. Dojima, I said you wouldn't be disappointed today. The middle-aged man opposite Dojima Silver smiled, and then followed Bai Mu to the pre-booked box, opened the menu on the table, from his body, Bai Mu felt a temperament similar to those judges, it seems that this is also a diner who is keen to taste all kinds of food, when he saw the puzzling No. 1 and No. 2 dishes on the menu, the other party's face did not appear at all puzzled, but looked a little surprised.

"Trumpet lion's head, cocoa koala pancakes, pan-fried grasshoppers, charcoal-grilled silver back, puffer fish mushroom soup... It's all the names of the dishes I've never seen before, so it's really exciting. "Dojima Silver is also amazed, I don't feel like I treat Bai Mu as a junior, but (Zhao Nuo's) is a feeling that a primary school student enters a long-awaited restaurant and can't wait to order food, although the etiquette on the table is the same, but compared with him who usually doesn't calm down anger, the difference is so big that it can be seen at a glance.

In the end, the two of them chose to serve two portions of each dish, the other dishes No. 1 and No. 2, and because Shiraki told them that the dish named after the Nth dish was only available for takeaway, they both chose to let Shiraki serve it at the end of their meal.

This kind of rule is naturally Bai Mu didn't want every guest to be carried out of the restaurant sideways, anyway, it doesn't matter how they want to eat when they get out of the restaurant, this kind of food will only get more and more Yin, after all, the food that touches the limit of the body or even the soul level, this world simply doesn't have it, as long as you try that feeling once, you will be completely addicted to it, at least Bai Mu has not seen anyone who can resist this feeling as if the whole body is delicious to melt. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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