Shinigami: Inventory Of The Top Ten Strongest Combat Power!

Chapter 63 Carpet Ichigo? My Precious Son!


"I'm not dreaming, am I? My future self actually counterattacked?"

Looking at the one in the video, he is both a gentleman and at the same time exudes the aura of a domineering president, and he has the aura of Vasto Lorde.

Grimmjow clenched his hands excitedly, and the corners of his eyes were even slightly moist.

Thank goodness!

Finally waited for this moment!

I didn't expect my future self to evolve into Vasto Lorde!

Even if you see it with your own eyes.

Grimmjow still felt unreal, almost dreamy.

well known.

Menos Grande is divided into three different life levels.

They are Gillian, Adjuchas, and Vasto Lorde.

Not to mention the ubiquitous Gillian.

In Hueco Mundo, there are not many Adjuchas, especially after completing Arrancarization, they all become Espadas without exception!


Adjuchas this level of life.

Almost ninety-nine percent of Menos Grande, the evolution of a lifetime is over!

As for wanting to evolve into Vasto Lorde?

This probability.

Even less hopeful than Arrancar's Legion taking over the Soul Society.

Almost infinitely close to "0"!

Otherwise, there wouldn't be only four Vasto Lordes alive in the long history of Hueco Mundo!

"Vasto Lorde..."

"Grimmjow actually evolved into Vasto Lorde in the future? How is that possible!!!" Nnoitra's eyes were red, and his voice even broke due to strong jealousy.

A sixth child!

Originally ranked lower than me!

Actually overtaking in the future corner?


The more Nnoitra thought about it, the angrier he became, his one-eyed eyes were full of resentment.

The backlog of anger when I watched "I was violently killed by Zaraki Kenpachi" before, all broke out at this moment!

"Are you excited? What a clown!" On the high platform, Baraggan glanced indifferently, and sneered disapprovingly of Nnoitra's ugliness.


The evolution of Grimmjow is indeed unexpected.

But what if it evolves into Vasto Lorde?


Vasto Lorde's power is simply not enough to watch once he gets into the fight between the Shinigami and the purebred Quincy! 797

This point, after so many roulette checks, the Skeleton Emperor has already seen through it!

Not far away, sweeping away the previous haze, Starrk smiled empathetically and said, "I didn't expect Grimmjow to be the one with the most potential among the Adjuchas. I'm really happy for him!"

Uncle Wolf didn't think too much about it.

He only knows that his companions will become stronger and he will be farther away from loneliness, which is enough.

As for the others.

Either silent, envious, or as red-eyed as Nnoitra, almost no one is happy for Grimmjow.

And just when the Arrancars had their own ghosts.

The lens of the inventory video also quietly switched to another perspective!

in the screen.

It's not just Grimmjow alone, there's another fleeing figure!

"Hey, hey, hey... Arrancar, you wouldn't kill me if I stopped running, right!" With curly bangs fluttering in front of his forehead, Askin Nacroval fled while He turned back in a begging tone.

And his behavior.

Immediately aroused heated discussion!


"Didn't this guy just enter the Soul King Palace? It stands to reason that he should be one of the strongest members of the Star Cross Knights, right? Why is he being chased away by Grimmjow alone now!"

Seeing the figure of "Deadly Man" Askin Nacroval fleeing in embarrassment, Szayel Aporro frowned in wonder.

He's a bit confused...

Is Grimmjow too strong?

Or is this purebred Quincy too weak?

If it is the latter, then why is he qualified to go to the Lingwang Palace?

It doesn't make sense at all!

"By the way, is there a possibility that that guy is deliberately showing weakness?" One of the subordinate officers whispered.

"Huh? Deliberately showing weakness? Yes!"

Everyone suddenly realized.

I remembered the prefix name when the few lines of subtitles appeared just now——pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger!

it seems that

It really is!

The purebred Quincy appears to be on the run (ahdi), but is actually trying to set some kind of trap!

"Calling... trying to seduce me? Let's save it!" After a brief ecstasy, Grimmjow regained his confidence and showed his arrogant face again.

Even if Askin Nacroval is really showing weakness on purpose. But fleeing in front of the Leopard King is an extremely stupid thing!

Grimmjow confident,

Once my future self gets tired of this chasing game, he will immediately kill this clown-like purebred Quincy as a prey!


The idea just came up.

In the video, the future Grimmjow, as if hearing his own voice, leaned forward and prostrated ferociously on the ground, baring his teeth and roaring:

"Run away, just run away!"

"Laozi will catch up to you in no time and bite every bone in your body!"

Ten fingers bent into claws.

Grimmjow's figure flashed, relying on Vasto Lorde's powerful explosive power, he instantly shortened the distance with Askin Nacroval, and at the same time he used his sharp claws to dig into his heart!


A few seconds later, this comical purebred Quincy will soon have his heart crushed by Grimmjow and fall dead!

In the virtual night palace.

"What the hell! Is this the end? What a disappointment!"

"I was looking forward to the evolution of Grimmjow, but now it seems that I don't have this chance...

"Obviously he didn't show any strength from the beginning to the end, why is that purebred Quincy qualified to be on the list?"

The Arrancar regiment watched with cold eyes.

When he looked at Askin Nacroval again, it was as if he was looking at a cold corpse.

Died by a cheetah.

This way of dying is really useless!



without warning.

Askin Nacroval suddenly stopped, did not move, and did not run away.

Just as the claws were about to penetrate his chest,

Lethal Man turned around unhurriedly, gestured a welcome gesture with both hands, and popped out a purple poisonous ball.

At the same time, he pretended to please:

"Chasing all the way, it's hard work. As a reward for playing with me, this ball will be given to you as a souvenir!"


"Such a slow speed, who else do you want to hit..."

Ignore the rapidly enlarging poison ball in his eyes.

With a wave of sharp leopard claws, Grimmjow easily split the poisonous ball, while swiftly dodging the purple poison sprayed from it!


At the moment when he was about to complete the action of "drawing out his heart".


The extremely sharp claw blade suddenly froze in mid-air. Grimmjow's pupils dilated and his face changed and changed abruptly.



The body quickly lost its balance, and finally fell to the ground!

"what happened!"

"Obviously I split the poisonous ball at the first time, why did I still get hit?!" Seeing his future self fall to the ground, the triumphant smile on Grimmjow's face instantly froze.

Before this scene happened,

He subconsciously believed that this chase scene, like a cat and a mouse, must be to highlight his evolved strength!


It was just a face-to-face meeting, and he was lying on the ground in an instant?

The situation turned around too quickly!

"Oops! You really are pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, and now Grimmjow is in danger!"

Watching the purple venom constantly spreading on the ground.

Even if he and Grimmjow don't see eye to eye anymore.

The Arrancar Legion is also worried for him!

Just polluted the air.

Already quadriplegic.

It is not difficult to imagine that when the venom spreads to the body, Grimmjow will probably die instantly!

On the other side, Silver Frame City.

"Taking down Vasto Lorde-level Arrancar in one move?"

"Askin Nacroval! How do you feel that you have become much stronger in the future!"

"It seems that there is a reason why your majesty took you to the Lingwang Palace......"

Whispering discussions sounded.

In the scene just now, the deadly man acted too cowardly at first, so that the Knights of the Star Cross thought that he would be heartbroken to death at first.


The situation suddenly reversed.

When the identities of the hunter and the prey are reversed.

Instead, Askin Nacroval became a hunter on the sidelines!

"Ah... Well, to be honest, I don't quite understand the situation..."

Facing the appreciative gazes from all around.

Askin Nacroval scratched his hair in embarrassment, as if he wasn't used to being the center of attention.


About the label "pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger".

He himself approves.

The tricks that appear in the video are also one of his biggest hobbies now. However, Askin Nacroval had no clue as to why the ability of the holy text was strengthened.

"Should I not make up the knife right away?"

Looking at Grimmjow, who had fallen into the purple poison pool and his nerves were paralyzed, Askin Nacroval rubbed his chin thoughtfully.


At the end of the fight, it was fixed as he walked towards Grimmjow, but there was no rush to deliver the fatal blow.

The screen gradually became pitch black.

The follow-up results are unknown!

Void Night Palace.

"Damn it! The creator of this damn video! Why don't you play the final result, am I dead or alive!!!"

Grimmjow's mind exploded.

In an instant, I couldn't help breaking the defense.

The expected big show did not happen, but was easily knocked down by a small poisonous ball, and even the final fate was unclear.

If you want to know this,

Just don't show your face in the camera in the first place!

What a shame!


Baraggan's face darkened.

Grimmjow's farce once again verified his inner thoughts.


Vasto Lorde simply can't get enough of it!

No matter against Shinigami, or purebred Quincy, you can only be reduced to the background board forever!

Just then.

The disappearing screen reappeared, this time fast-forwarding to another scene!

"But... Damn it!"

"What did you just do..."

The first thing that catches the eye is a purple poison pool spreading over a large area on the ground, and a figure lying immobile in it.

Orange hair.

Black dead bully outfit.

In his right hand he holds a sharp black middle blade.

when see clearly

When the appearance of this person who has almost turned into a "carpet" shape,

On the outskirts of Karakura Town, Kurosaki Isshin in the Urahara grocery store instantly showed a terrified expression as if he had seen a ghost during the day.

“Urahara Kisuke………”

"Tessai Tsukabishi......"

"I, I... read it right? The person who fell in the poison pool seems to be... my son, Ichigo?!" After finishing these words with great difficulty, Kurosaki Isshin whole

The whole body was drenched in cold sweat.

He never imagined,

My son Ichigo actually appeared in the camera again, and he still ended up in such an embarrassing end!


Feel the anxiety inside Isshin.

Urahara Kisuke wanted to comfort him, but didn't know what to say.

The store manager understands very well——

In this world, no father can rationally control his emotions after seeing his son's life in danger.


Kurosaki Isshin's mind must have been blank.

No one wants to watch their precious son die in front of their eyes!

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