Shinigami: Inventory Of The Top Ten Strongest Combat Power!

Chapter 64 Sexy Yoruichi, Deal Online? Everyone Is A Century-Old Fan!

With the appearance of the carpet Ichigo.

The atmosphere in the grocery store quickly dropped below freezing point.

Kurosaki Isshin was at a loss and could only watch the transparent light curtain anxiously.

As for the store manager and Tsukabishi Tetsuya, they also couldn't help much from the sidelines, and the scene became very stiff for a while!


This situation only lasts for a short time.

It was soon broken by the appearance of several other figures in the video:

"Ichigo, are you okay?"

"Patience a little longer, and we will rescue you right away!"

"Must hold on!"

The camera moves slowly.

Aligned with the - exit position of one of the aisles.

It can be clearly seen that several figures are rushing towards this side - coming!

"This is..…………"

Kurosaki Isshin took a closer look.

Then he couldn't help showing a strange expression, and said in amazement: "Ah? Isn't this Ichigo's classmate... Sado Yasutora and Inoue Orihime?"

"Why are they involved in this battlefield?!"

Kurosaki Isshin people are stupid.

If Ichigo is influenced by himself, he may become a Shinigami in the future. So Sado Yasutora and Inoue Orihime are, without a doubt, two ordinary high school students!

"Damn it, it's nonsense!"

Thinking of this, Kurosaki Isshin couldn't help gritting his teeth.

What are you kidding!

This place lined with western-style buildings is the ultimate battlefield where gods fight!

Even Vasto Lorde was knocked down by one move, what are you two high school students doing to join in the fun!

"Huh? Did you hear me right? Ichigo's classmate?"

Urahara Kisuke was also stunned.

Seeing now, with his superb IQ, he can roughly judge the future situation.


The background in the video, this never-before-seen place.

Either it is the lair of purebred extermination masters, or it is inseparable from the Lingwang Palace.

On this point, during Wang Yue's round of inventory, Urahara Kisuke has been silently collecting the background features of the Lingwang Palace through the shift of the camera.


He can be sure that some of the Western-style buildings here have factors that only exist in the space of the Lingwang Palace!

That is to say,

Both are most likely in the same space!

"Mr. Isshin, you don't need to be so pessimistic. I feel that Ichigo's body is just paralyzed, and he doesn't seem to be seriously injured..."

Tsukabishi Tetsuya took a closer look.

It was suddenly discovered that the vitality of Kurosaki Ichigo was extremely strong.

Obviously, even turning into a "carpet" can only mean that his mobility is temporarily limited, and the situation is much more optimistic than that of Vasto Lorde just now!

"That's good! As a father, I'm really afraid that I will die so suddenly... Kurosaki Isshin breathed a sigh of relief.

Although on weekdays,

He often quarrels with Ichigo, and even fights with each other when it gets serious.


Kurosaki Isshin is a typical knife-mouthed bean curd heart, that's just a way for him to express his "fatherly love".

In fact, Kurosaki Isshin still loves his son very much!

And the reason for controlling Ichigo everywhere.

The ultimate goal is to not want my son to repeat his own mistakes and embark on the road of Shinigami again!

But at present, it seems that this wish is about to come to nothing.

In the future, Ichigo will inevitably become a Shinigami!

And it seems that he has surpassed himself, and is actually qualified to be among the final battlefields!

Think here.

Kurosaki Isshin couldn't help showing a relieved smile.

As long as Ichigo doesn't die, then everything is easy to say, and he is happy to be a quiet audience!


This side of the Karakura Town campus.

The situation is quite the opposite!


"My classmate Orihime and I are also on camera!"

Watch the video.

The figure of his fearless attack.

Sado Yasutora was stunned for a moment, and then exclaimed loudly in disbelief.

"Sado, your arm seems to be upgraded..." Inoue Orihime covered her mouth, her delicate body trembling with fear.

Even after watching it for so long.

Their three views and worldview have been completely refreshed.


When things really happened to them, the first reaction of Inoue Orihime and Sado Yasutora was still to feel at a loss.


At present, the ordinary and ordinary self.

Will the future be involved in this apocalyptic war of the grotesque Lu Li?

How dare we!

"Sado, Orihime, seeing you rushing to the rescue regardless of your own safety, I am honestly very touched..." Ichigo's eyes flickered violently, with complicated emotions.

at this time.

in the video.

Inoue Orihime and Sado Yasutora have rushed to their side.

They worked together to expel Askin Nacroval and ensured that there would be no further threats to his life in the future.

among other things,

Just seeing this scene.

Ichigo's eyes almost welled up with tears!

longlive friendship!

It seems that even at the end of the day,

The friendship between the three of them is still unbreakable, even beyond life and death!

Really commendable!

It's a pity that the good times didn't last long.

It didn't take too long for Ichigo to be moved.

Askin Nacroval was quick to strike back:

"Oh, the desperate rescue? I'm really touched, humans..."

Accompanied by the emphasis on yin and yang.

He repeated the trick again, throwing with both hands, one left and one right, and smashed two purple poisonous balls into the air!



At the will of Askin Nacroval,

The poison ball exploded before touching Sado Yasutora and Inoue Orihime.

Because the body is still in the process of attacking.

Affected by inertia, the two couldn't stop immediately, so they couldn't avoid the venom sprayed by the air mixed in!


"The three of us fell side by side, slowly laying down in the state of "spirit poisoning", enjoying the scenery of the real world city, isn't it beautiful?"

The corner of his mouth curled up in a playful arc.

Askin Nacroval snapped his fingers lightly.

Sudden burst of toxicity [Instantly knocks Sado Yasutora and Inoue Orihime to the ground!

And this scene happened.

It also sparked a buzz in the Shinigami world again!

Eleven team.

"It's so hot to watch!"

"As long as you get close to it, you will be poisoned. This ability is too stupid. There is nothing you can do about him!"

In the displeased video,

Askin Nacroval's arrogant face of playing with other people's lives at will.

Madarame Ikkaku clenched his fists and gritted his teeth in hatred!

The bastard!

I really want to jump into the screen and give him a knife!

"First, it is the perfect penetration of all things, and now it is the deadly poison that seems to have no weaknesses..."

"The Quincy's ability is getting weirder and weirder!"

Ayasegawa frowned.

Due to the two battles before and after, Askin Nacroval's opponents all fell to the ground instantly due to poisoning.

But that kind of purple venom can perfectly mix with the spirit particles in the air. In theory, even if you don't touch it, as long as you breathe or get close to a certain range, you will be poisoned!

Such a heaven-defying capability.

It will be really difficult to find a way to crack it for a while!

"Shout...what a fuss!"

Dissatisfied with the reaction of the two younger brothers.

Zaraki Kenpachi rolled up the cuffs on both sides, lifted the collars of the two of them like chickens, and reprimanded them heavily: "You two cowards, don't raise others' morale here and destroy your own prestige! There is no such thing as a so-called " Invulnerability"! Every ability has its weaknesses!"

"Ah... Captain Zaraki, I was wrong! If you have something to say, please put us down first..."

The neck was tightly strangled by the collar.

0......seeking flowers......

Madarame Ikkaku's eyes turned white, and he almost died, begging helplessly.


Ignore the words of the bald head.

Zaraki Kenpachi went on to say: "I think, just need to constantly adjust the state of the spirit, maybe it is possible to be immune to these strange poisons!"

As a fool.

Zaraki Kenpachi had a rare thought.

Since Askin Nacroval keeps saying:

As long as you step into the range of the poison pool, the spirit particles in your body will be instantly poisoned.

Then continuously adjust your spiritual state.

Is it okay?

When this idea just came up,

In the video, the battle situation has changed again!


"In front of the enemy, if you constantly explain your abilities, you won't be so inflated that you really think that no one can deal with you, right?"

Just as Askin Nacroval turned his back to the camera, he was eloquently preaching to Ichigo and the others.


The camera turned suddenly.

Then a Miaoman figure suddenly appeared!

black silk!

Bunny girl dress up!

Show off the wild wheat complexion! And tights that highlight the hot body!

When the camera completely locked on this Miaoman figure, the enthusiasm of the audience instantly became high!


"Ye, Master Yoruichi, she is too sexy! I didn't expect that when the battle was approaching, she would still think about dressing up carefully. It really benefits all audiences..."

Staring at the screen obsessively.

Omaeda opened her mouth happily, the corners of her mouth were streaming non-stop, her eyes almost became heart-shaped, and she almost hugged the transparent light screen and licked the screen!


Didn't expect to watch the inventory video, there are such benefits?

Yoruichi-sama's skin is simply the favorite of my otaku's dreams!

If it is not impossible to travel through time and space directly.

Omaeda can't help but turn into a century-old fan, and ask the bunny girl Yoruichi for an autographed photo!


What responded to him was Sui-Feng's furious roar:


"Quickly close your dog eyes! Don't moles Yoruichi-sama with lewd eyes! Otherwise, I'll gouge out your eyeballs!"

Sui-Feng was furious.

I can't wait to hold down Omaeda's pig's head and beat him violently.

What a sexy!

What a blessing to the audience!

Don't you dead otakus take advantage of Mr. Yoruichi here!

"Ah...but.....don't see it for nothing! Even if I close my eyes, won't other people still see it?" Omaeda plucked up the courage to argue while touching the footprints on his buttocks .

do not care!

For the black silk! For the tights! For the bunny girl!

Young Master, I completely screwed up today!

Captain Sui-Feng

You can hit or kick whatever you want, as long as it doesn't prevent me from admiring Yoruichi-sama's heroic figure!


Sui-feng's face turned green.

There is no way to completely take Omaeda.

In desperation, he could only let go of his fist and turn his gaze back to the screen.

At the same time, silently pray in my heart:

"Master Yoruichi, please promise me! No matter what, you must be safe..."

present world.

On the outskirts of Karakura Town, in the corner of a certain eaves.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

"Although I don't know why I would hang out with a group of human high school students, but this kind of tricky poisonous ability, probably only my "instantaneous opening" can crack it

No longer in black cat form.

Yoruichi, who was re-formed into a human form, straddled the edge of the eaves in a heroic manner, propping his chin with one hand, and the corner of his mouth curled up in a confident arc.

Besides being very satisfied with my sexy bunny girl outfit.

at the same time,

Yoruichi is also looking forward to the next scene where he transforms into Thor and beats up the purebred Quincy Maru!.

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