The eighth floor of the Central Underground Prison [Mujian].

The criminals sealed here are the most dangerous ones, and may even threaten the safety of Soul Society.

Because Reiatsu is too strong, even [Sōkyoku] can't destroy them.

So they can only be locked up here and accept eternal torture.

In the endless space, a pair of small single-lidded eyes slowly opened, and the man who once dispatched the Soul King Palace Zero Division was confused and shocked.

He murmured to himself in the void:

"It's not domination, absorption, or destruction, but it directly expelled my Reiatsu, and didn't leave any information. I don't even know the specific location of the other party.

How is this possible?

Yulu Takuliu, do you know what's going on?"

As the voice fell, a gorgeous woman appeared in the eyes of Zaraki Fuuya.

The woman was dressed in ancient costumes, with wide sleeves and long skirts, and her eyes were covered by black eye bands.

This is the Bankai embodiment of Zaraki Fuuya - Yulu Takuliu.

When he was in the 11th Division, he was often seen talking to himself. In fact, Zaraki Shuang was talking to the omnipresent Yu Lu Takuliu.

However, Yu Lu Takuliu did not have a good attitude towards Zaraki Futaya. Instead, he said in a mocking tone:

"Of course, that's because he is a smart person.

Look at this mysterious guy, look at Aizen, and then look at you.

As Shinigami, the gap between you is really too big.

Back then, you discovered that my ability could transform Rukongai's soul. How did you do it?"

"I reported it to the 46th room and proposed a plan to transform soldiers. They agreed."

"Then what did they do?"

"They were worried that I had absolute ownership of the transformed soldiers, so they charged me with the crime of transforming souls without authorization. Finally, the Zero Division came, and I could only surrender to [Mujian]."

"Yes, this is Shinigami! This is the noble!" Yu Lu Takuliu mocked:

"So Aizen and the mysterious person chose to hide, and you are still obsessed with it?

Give up!" Zaraki Futaya, who was tightly bound by heavy seals, shook his head:

"I am a Shinigami. I want to eradicate all the hollows in this world. This is my duty.

That guy is in the First Division, and I will find him out.

This kind of guy who hides his strength and Like Aizen, they all need to be closely watched. "…

In the room, Uehara Shiraha lay down on the bed, feeling more at ease.

It's not that he is too cautious.

It's that he has too many secrets that cannot be exposed.

Although Seireitei looks calm on the surface, there is the ambitious big boss Aizen inside, and the invisible empire outside is hiding in the shadows and watching covetously.

If you take a wrong step, you may be in danger.

And this group of Shinigami are really phantom gods in internal fighting and cowards in external fighting.

Just like the ability of this Zaraki Futaya, he is simply Seireitei's father.

As long as Seireitei is still there, this man can't die, even the captain Ryūjin Jakka can't do anything to him.

It's impossible to burn Seireitei to ashes together.

But when it comes to the Quincy who can control the spirit particles, Zaraki Futaya is at a loss.

And the "Dragon King's Son-in-law" of the Kuchiki family, Kuchiki Hibiki's "licking dog Zanpakutō", Bankai's ability is to turn others against Zanpakutō.

They don't even bother to act, they just write the word "targeting" on their faces.

Not to mention the bloody fights and dirty things between nobles and Shinigami, Shinigami and Shinigami over the years.

Even the high-ranking Zero Squad seems to be on guard against Gotei 13.

They keep all the good stuff to themselves.

Once Soul Society has a powerful guy, he will be promoted to Squad Zero immediately, so that the core technology can be firmly in their hands.

Until now, Zanpakutō forging technology is still controlled by Squad Zero.

There is no one who doesn't know about the sealed state of the entire Soul Society.

Ichibei Hyōsube, the captain of Squad Zero, is the one who named the three words 'Zanpakutō', 'Shikai', and 'Bankai'. He even knew their names the moment the sealed state was handed over to the Shinigami.

This bald Yamato Shikai can control the darkness of the world and cause great damage to black things.

And the Shinigami's death suits are all black.

Taste it, taste it carefully!

Late at night, Uehara Shiraha, wearing camouflage glasses, walked towards the direction of Sōkyokudai in a hollow state.

Outside the Squad One barracks, Uehara Shiraha also saw a familiar figure, but all the patrolling Shinigami seemed not to see it.

This person is naturally Aizen Sōsuke, the new captain of the Fifth Division who opened Kyōka Suigetsu.

Aizen is heading to the Central Underground Council Hall, where the 46th Chamber handles government affairs.

But now, the 40 sages and six judges are resting in [Pure Pagoda Forest Residence].

Aizen's goal can only be the Great Spiritual Book Corridor directly below the underground council hall.

This magical building automatically records everything about Soul Society.

There are all the important information about Soul Society since its existence, including various Forbidden Techniques, which can be called the "Soul Society Magical Index".

This place is the same as [Pure Pagoda Forest Residence], which is an absolute restricted area, and even the captain cannot enter easily.

In the entire Shinigami, only Lan Ran succeeded in stealing information from it.

Uehara Shiraha knows that Aizen learned from the Great Spiritual Book Corridor that Urahara Kisuke also made a piece of Hōgyoku.

Aizen thus inferred that the two pieces of Hōgyoku combined into one is the complete Hōgyoku.

From then on, Aizen embarked on a road of no return to fleece "Urahara A Dream".

The hidden Reiatsu cloak, Hōgyoku extraction technology, etc. developed by Urahara Kisuke all fell into Aizen's hands.

Uehara Shiraha retracted his gaze and secretly complained:

"Aizen, you have to rely on yourself to be a man, how can you just think about glimpsing?

It's not easy for Manager Urahara, he's almost fleeced by you..."

Then Uehara Shiraha Shunpo all the way and teleported in space, and soon came to Sōkyoku Terrace.

The entire Sōkyoku Terrace is forged from thick and heavy murderous stone, and is used to release [Sōkyoku] to execute Shinigami.

It is the [Sōkyoku] that is said to be more than a million Zanpakutō gathered, and then was crushed by Kurosaki Ichigo with one knife!

He sank rapidly into the ground in a hollow state.

The murderous stone that can perfectly block Reiatsu's spirits can't stop Uehara Shiraha in his hollow state.

After passing through layers of thick murderous stone, Uehara Shiraha's eyes suddenly opened up.

A brightly lit secret base appeared in front of him.

It's great to get Urahara Kisuke's secret base for free!

The surroundings are all murderous stone, and the only passage is also blocked by a door made of murderous stone.

In addition, there is a strong Kidō barrier that isolates sound and smell.

So no matter how big a commotion is here, no one will know.

In addition, Uehara Shiraha also saw a hidden secret laboratory here.

"Urahara A Dream" must have taken advantage of the Technology Development Bureau.

But now it all belongs to him, Uehara Shiraha.

After passing through a Kidō barrier, Uehara Shiraha saw a misty hot spring in front of him.

He remembered that this hot spring was a youth version of the blood pond hell of the zero squad, with a good healing effect.

Arima Talisman, Uehara Shiraha doesn't care about the healing effect.

But it's a wonderful thing to soak in a hot spring after training.

Just thinking about it, I heard the sound of running water.

In the hot spring, a black-skinned beauty with short purple hair and a strong figure stretched her body through the hot mist and sighed with satisfaction.

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