Facing Uehara Shiraha's teasing, Shihouin Yoruichi raised his eyebrows with a smug look on his face:

"Not only small fish and shrimp, but also mice hiding in hiding.

Why have you been avoiding my attacks since just now?

Your ability is so convenient, why don't you continue to use it?

The answer is obvious, you can't use that weird ability when you attack.

So, the smart little cat caught you!"

After saying that, she pulled the magic weapon "bandage" in her hand.

At this time, Uehara Shiraha found that the "bandage" on the opponent's right arm had been extended without knowing when.

This is not the key, the key is that the other end of the "bandage" will be firmly bound to his body.

An invisible force sealed his Reiatsu.

"Impossible... When exactly?" Uehara Shiraha was shocked.

Shihouin Yoruichi said coldly:

"Your ability has been sealed by me, stop it, Ōtsutsuki Naruto, you have nothing to do."

Uehara Shiraha lowered her head in frustration, her shoulders trembling slightly:

"Maybe it is true.

My eyes are blind, my princess betrayed me, and even my ability has been sealed.

Arrogance is indeed a terrible thing, especially when you are convinced of your special talents."

"Are you comforting yourself? No..."

Shihouin Yoruichi suddenly reacted, waved his right arm, and the captain-level White Hits immediately bombarded Uehara Shiraha's head.

With a "bang", Uehara Shiraha, who was bound by the magic weapon, suddenly disappeared, leaving only a pair of ordinary-looking woolen gloves.

Seeing this extremely weird scene, Shihouin Yoruichi was almost scared to scream.

She bounced several times in the air and instantly came to the vicinity of the Killing Stone, with her back against the wall, her face full of vigilance.

Seeing Shihouin Yoruichi's "furious" appearance, Uehara Shiraha secretly felt sorry.

It's a pity that there is no camera, otherwise this scene would be very memorable.

In the battle just now, Shadow Clone was fighting from the beginning of the active attack.

"Heaven-given Weaponry" plus "Doraemon", who knows what strange things Shihouin Yoruichi will take out.

So Uehara Shiraha certainly can't fight Shihouin Yoruichi in person.

Anyway, Shadow Clone is not afraid of death and can also gain combat experience.

He Uehara Shiraha has been cautious all his life!

Watch out, Aizen!

This is how to use the way of hiding, you are not good enough!

Next, Uehara Shiraha smiled evilly and looked at Shihouin Yoruichi like a poor little cat, moving slowly out step by step along the wall.

Before leaving, Shihouin Yoruichi also grabbed a big bag.

Uehara Shiraha wanted to stop him as soon as he saw it.

That's his stuff, how could he let Shihouin Yoruichi take it away?

After all, this base already belongs to him, Uehara Shiraha, and everything here belongs to him.

However, in order to play the long game, Uehara Shiraha still endured it!

After Shihouin Yoruichi fled away, Uehara Shiraha picked up the dead air gloves that fell on the ground and walked around the base.

After walking around, he said to himself:

"The remaining equipment, barriers and other facilities alone are worth more than a billion rings.

No wonder everyone wants to be the captain, it's too easy to make money.

You deserve to be robbed when you make so much money without asking me."

Uehara Shiraha picked up this base with a clear conscience.

Then after fiddling around in the space for a while, Uehara Shiraha took out a small flag and stuck it in the ground.

The flag has the same skull as the Straw Hat Pirates.

There was a line of small words under the skull:

"Ōtsutsuki family private territory, trespassers will be fined 200 million!"

After doing all this, Uehara Shiraha clapped his hands, glanced at the base he had just obtained, and nodded with satisfaction.

This night was really fruitful.

He picked up a high-level secret base for free, and also got a beautiful female sparring partner. It was a great deal!

The next day, Uehara Shiraha woke up early, looking happy.

With the secret base, it was much easier for him to move.

In addition, he also had the opportunity to contact Shihouin Yoruichi and Urahara Kisuke.

These two people have a lot of good things in their hands.

Uehara Shiraha is ready to get them all.

This day is really getting more and more promising.

He habitually opened the daily task.

[Fishing (Daily Task)]

[Today the weather is sunny and the breeze is gentle. You decide to pick up your beloved small fishing rod and go to the river pond to fish! 】

[Reward: Random attribute*2]

This mission is also considered an "old acquaintance".

Uehara Shiraha's high-end fishing gear is prepared for this mission.


Then, while other soldiers of the First Division were training hard, Uehara Shiraha wore a bamboo hat and carried a fishing rod and quietly walked towards Rukongai.

The reason why he went to Rukongai was just because the fish there were wilder, and it was definitely not for the convenience of "Kidō frying fish without anyone noticing".

This time, Uehara Shiraha went through the Kuroro Gate, which is the north gate of Seireitei.

It is also the closest gate to the First Division, and the First Division is usually responsible for suppressing it.

When passing here, Uehara Shiraha was actually a little emotional.

In more than a hundred years, Youhabach will stage a king's return and lead the Invisible Empire to invade Seireitei again.

It was at this Kuroro Gate that Chōjirō Sasakibe, "the god-level sixth", was the first to be "killed" and his Bankai was robbed.

In the thousand-year bloody battle that followed, Seireitei was like a sea of ​​hell, with lives lost and blood flowing like a river.

Thinking of the tragedy, Uehara Shiraha clenched his fists: "Old man Sasakibe is so old, it's a happy funeral when he passes away, this red-light district can't be destroyed!"

At that time, he can stage a hero saving a beauty.

As for now, he should hurry up and fish, it's too late, the fish won't come out.

Just thinking about it, two "Heng Ha Er Jiang" appeared in front of Uehara Shiraha.

The two were one tall and one short, wearing black death suits, with cold smiles on their faces.

One was more than two meters tall, carrying a long sword, a big bald head, narrow eyes, and red eye shadow;

The other was dressed like a noble young master, with some fancy little pendants hanging on the death suit, almost like "Pinru's clothes".

Uehara Shiraha recognized the two at a glance, Madarame Ikkaku and Ayasegawa Yumichika of the 11th Division.

When he saw Uehara Shiraha wearing a bamboo hat, Madarame Ikkaku's smile became even more ferocious, and his eyes flashed with excitement:

"Yumichika, I said I could catch up.

Hey, boy over there, are you Uehara Shiraha, the seventh seat of the first team?"

"Huh? How do you know that I caught a big fish weighing 30 kilograms last time?" Uehara Shiraha looked up, puzzled.

Madarame Ikkaku was stunned for a moment, looked back at Ayasegawa Yumichika, scratched his head and said: "Did I say something wrong, or is there something wrong with his ears?"

Ayasegawa Yumichika glanced at Uehara Shiraha, smiled disdainfully, and stepped forward and said:

"I am Ayasegawa Yumichika, the fifth seat of the eleventh team, and he is Madarame Ikkaku, the third seat of the eleventh team.

Uehara Shiraha, it's not beautiful to fool us like this."

"What's the matter?"

" Uehara Shiraha!"

"What's the matter?"


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