Shinigami: Zanpakutō Of The Wood System, The Spirit King's Palace Transforms Into A Buddha!

Chapter 58 The Wooden Dragon That Shakes The World! Arrancar's First Kill!

"Go to hell! Shinigami!!!"

Xiao Long Kufang's killing intent was awe-inspiring.

He jumped in front of Matsumoto Rangiku with a ringing spin.

The extremely sharp Zanpakutō in your hand!

Also within the latter's line of sight, it suddenly keeps zooming in!


In order to completely seal off Matsumoto Rangiku's escape route!

Di Roy grinned grimly too, and launched a surprise attack from the side!

a positive!

one side!

The point of Zanpakutō's knife only needs to be advanced a few points, and it will be brutally chopped down on Matsumoto Rangiku!

But at this moment...

"Shield, wooden ingot wall!!!"

without warning.

There was a sudden shout from the distant horizon.

next second......

In front of Matsumoto Rangiku.

The originally empty air.

As if performing a magic trick, a row of hard and thick circular wooden pillars unexpectedly appeared out of thin air!


"what's the situation!"

"Rows of wood? Is this the so-called "Kidō"?"

Sudden misfortune.

Suddenly Xiao Long Kufang's expression became stiff in vain!

But I haven't waited for him to react!

The wooden pillars were quickly bent and stacked, forming a huge wooden buttress!

And with incomparable precision, it covers Matsumoto Rangiku inside, providing absolute protection in all directions without dead ends!

At the same time, it instantly blocked the slashing and slashing from two different directions!


The blade of Zanpakutō, cut down fiercely!


Except for the heavy hitting sound.

It can only leave shallow white cut marks on the surface of the wooden ingot wall!

"How can this be!!!"

"In the face of my full blow, these logs are still not moving at all?"

Xiao Long Kufang's expression was extremely embarrassing.

There is no longer a little bit of calm and calm, but an unspeakable horror!

That's because 517 is...

What made him feel unacceptable was not just the failure of the slash! He was easily blocked by the wood!

but because of……….

Due to the rebound force of the wood ingot wall surface!

After the power of the slash was exhausted, Zanpakutō was bounced away by this strange force!

If it wasn't for Xiao Long Kufang's quick response.

I'm afraid that at this moment, the Zanpakutō in his hand has already been released!

"Look over there!!!"

"There is still a Shinigami who slipped through the net?"

"No...not Shinigami! This guy is wearing a white uniform!"

"But why is he holding a Zanpakutō in the shape of a thorn in his hand!"

When Xiao Long Kufang was still in a state of shock and uncertainty.

Dee Roy jerked his head away!

Look at the source of the shouting just now!

But was horrified to find——

I don't know when.

The figure of Bai Chen appeared quietly.

There was a playful smile on Jun Lang's face, as if a hunter was looking for his prey.

Eye-to-eye with Dee Roy!

"Great! It's Bai Chen!!!"

"I knew it! You will definitely stand up when you are in a desperate situation! Turn the tide by yourself!!!"

Through the wood trace gap on the surface of the wood ingot wall.

When I saw Bai Chen, whom I was thinking of, appeared in front of me again.

this moment,

Deep inside Matsumoto Rangiku!

All the negative emotions will disappear in an instant!

All that is left is the joy of the rest of my life!

And absolute trust in Bai Chen!


"Wood Style secret technique...can be cast from a long distance and in an instant!"

"Otherwise, if you come one step too late, Rangiku will be injured!"

His eyes glanced around.

After confirming the injuries on Matsumoto Rangiku's body, only minor skin trauma.

Bai Chen temporarily stopped caring about her.

And fixed his eyes on the two Arrancar subordinates respectively.

"Dee Roy..."

"Xiao Long Kufang......"

"Aren't the two of them Grimmjow's subordinate officers? How dare they invade the world rashly?"

"Couldn't it be Grimmjow who took the lead?"

Such thoughts flashed through my mind.

In order to avoid another accident.

Bai Chen was quite cautious, and deliberately carried out Reiatsu perception.

Until it is confirmed that it is within a few kilometers of the vicinity.

No longer hides the breath of other Arrancar.

The corner of the mouth raised a playful arc again!

"Since Grimmjow isn't here..."

"Then there is no doubt that Aizen is behind this sudden attack, right?"

"If I'm not mistaken, the Aizen trio at this moment..."

"Either you are secretly peeping in the fifth team!"

"Or use the black cloak to hide nearby and watch the battle!"

as a traverser.

Bai Chen still knows enough about Aizen, an old female figure.

And the two behaviors just mentioned!

It is also the most commonly used method of Aizen, and also the most likely method!


Even knowing the Aizen trio.

It is very likely that it is hidden nearby at this time.

Bai Chen didn't care, and he didn't intend to take precautions, but just ignored them as air!

at the moment!

What needs the most focus!

Just kill the two Arrancar subordinate officers in front of you!

And there are countless Menos Grande Gillian gathered around!

Only by killing them can it be regarded as a successful rescue!

Completely resolve this "Menos Grande Invasion" accident!

at the same time.

Just when Bai Chen was thinking.

Xiao Long Kufang and Di Roy looked at each other.

While quietly approaching Bai Chen!

Orderly distributed on his left and right sides!

It's still the same tactic as before! It's just that the distance is slightly longer because of Bai Chen's power!

"A flanking attack? A wise move!"

Bai Chen's eyes were calm, he looked at the two Arrancar subordinates, and instead persuaded:


"I still advise you two, return to the sword as soon as possible!"

"Otherwise......... I won't have another chance later!"

The tone couldn't be calmer.

It's like the last words of death initiated by the weak.

And Bai Chen's words are full of hatred!

At the same time, the expressions of the two Arrancar subordinate officers suddenly changed again!


"Did you hear me right just now..."

(bdch) "You even know "return to the blade"?!"

"How on earth did you pry into our Arrancar's secrets!"

Xiao Long Kufang could no longer restrain his emotions.

The face under the long hat-shaped mask showed bruises for a moment, and its expression became ferocious and terrifying.

Looking at Bai Chen's eyes, there is an endless murderous look!

Also anxious!


Xiao Long Kufang panicked!

Whether it is the wooden series Zanpakutō in Bai Chen's hand!

Or Bai Chen inadvertently revealing his in-depth understanding of Arrancar!

It made Xiao Long Kufang feel creepy!

And subconsciously suspect whether this invasion is a trap!


How to explain the series of events that happened just now!

And nothing else.

Just the white courtyard uniform on Bai Chen's body.

It already made Xiao Long Kufang feel very strange!

He wouldn't be foolish to think,

Bai Chen will be like other sixth-generation students, easily shattered at the touch of one touch!


Take the opponent's reaction to break the defense in your eyes.

Bai Chen grinned at the corner of his mouth, pretending to be regretful, and said in a cold voice:

"But just now, I have given you a chance!"

"Since you don't want to return to the blade, let's become the nourishment of the wooden dragon together with all the Gillians!"

The moment the voice fell.

"Forest! Riot!"

Following Bai Chen's thought.

That blade of thorns in your hand!

In an instant, a burst of extremely dazzling green light burst out!


The immense Reiatsu blast.

It's like a tornado naturally formed in the forest!

Carrying a terrifying and destructive power!

As the green light passes all the way, it goes towards the violent crushing around it!


When rescuing Hisagi Shuuhei just now.

What happened in that piece of land once again happened again!

"Bang bang bang bang—!!!"

Neighborhoods of Karakura Town.

After the violent shaking, countless cracks in the ground were pressured, and towering trees sprang up from them.

In an instant, a vast forest covering the sky and the sun was formed!

"This is... what ability?!"

"Tear apart the earth and create forests? What is he going to do!!!"

In order to avoid being above the branches of the big tree.

Those sticks and vines with sharp spikes to impale!

The two Arrancar subordinates frantically evaded.

Steel-skinned body.

Constantly running around in a panic!

But he still failed to escape from the coverage of this forest! He was completely lost in the towering trees!

"How about Arrancar...?"

"These green scenes have never been seen in Hueco Mundo before?"

Bai Chen raised his hand.

On the one hand, he fell the blade of thorns in front of him with one hand.


"You who are about to be turned into nutrients will be buried here forever! Reduced to the most inconspicuous soil and dust!"

this time.

Bai Chen's tone was no longer calm.

But with a strong killing intent!

He doesn't intend to waste time fighting back and forth with the Arrancars!

But as always, an instant kill!

"Take off! Wooden Dragon!!!"

Drinking sounded.

Reiatsu full release!

The earth trembled, the trees shook, and the smoke and dust swept across!


Under the dead silent eyes of the two Arrancar subordinate officers.

In the torn ground below!

During the rapid movement of the soil, huge trees gathered and formed!


It has appeared in the soul space before.

That gigantic wooden dragon that shook the sky and roared into the sky once again took off!

Come down to Karakura Town with a destructive attitude!


The wooden dragon roared.

The roar is like a mighty one.

The huge wooden body is winding and hovering above the forest!

Substantial terror oppression exudes!

In the sky of Karakura Town, all the clouds quickly receded!

It seems that it can't bear the soaring power of the wooden dragon!

"Arrancars, it's over..."

"Be swallowed by the wooden dragon and become part of the power of Zanpakutō "wooden dragon"..."

Bai Chen raised his hand.

With the blade of thorns in his hand, he pointed at the two Arrancar subordinate officers in the air!

The next moment.

By Bai Chen's order!

The huge wooden dragon, brandishing its sharp claws, roared and flew towards the two Arrancar subordinates!

It's as if they're about to devour them!

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